Prayer for New Orleans

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Moderator: scott

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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

Hey Techstuf, didn't another user here on the board have your avatar for a while before you did? Who was it again?
Scott, you might be thinking of joppa.

I think he must have quit in disgust when Techstuf stole his avatar... I miss joppa.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Jonathan »

It was joppa, but I thought he and Techstuf were the same person? If memory serves at least once someone called joppa "Mitch" like you've been doing with Techstuf.
I didn't even catch Fletcher's joke until you posted it clearly, I'm little slow sometimes :D.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

Hi Jonathan,

Yes, joppa, Techstuf and several others on the old board. No big secret by now, they're all the same person... our very own... drum roll... Mitch Robinson.

Not a bad bloke, particularly if you like extra flavour. I know I do :)
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Fletcher »

Yeah, sorry about the second post. I gotta remember a new routine & train the brain to engage b4 the hand clicks that back button - old habits die hard (puts fingers in top draw & slams shut - saves on string)

Jonathan, forgive me, thats well known in these parts since Australia had an unbeatable rugby captain called John Eals whose knick name was supposedly 'nobody' though he denied it.

FWIW I also mainly enjoy the different personalties & charactors that visit this site. Usually they are different people however - reminds me of an old Ian Hunter album called 'You're never alone with a schizophrenic'. Mitch certainly adds a dimension or two to things.

re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by coylo »

I also noticed that scott indirectly acknowledge's that we need an off topic forum since he created a thread called "shocked to the core".....way off topic!
True, I even participated in that thread. Given the situation I sympathized with Scott's reaction to it, and felt that a heartfelt reply was warranted. I don't really have a problem with off topic threads.

I regard Techstuff as a considerate fella and he means well. But the issues I have with his posts can be summarized in this:

I came to this forum to share ideas with like minded, open minded people.
I like posting here for the same reasons Fletcher does. As we all know we struggle to get our little project taken seriously.
What must people considering becoming members of the forum think when they read Techstuff's ramblings? My fear is, it is affecting the credibility of the board and they may not want to be associated with it.
At the moment I'd rather not be painted with that brush.
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re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by ovyyus »

Hi coylo,

I doubt that the credibility of our discussion board is negatively impacted by anyone's rantings, those of Techstuf included. IMO, variety is the spice of life and creative endevours such as this can only benefit from divergent points of view.

I think our common facination with Bessler's legacy, and all the accompanying weirdo baggage that goes with it, has already painted us with pink elephants by the more conservative end of town. The horse has already bolted.

I don't know about you but the last time I knocked up a conversation about overbalanced wheels with someone knowledgable in engineering I got 'the look'... you know the one... "psst, this guy's a loon, please make him go away". LOL

It's all so relative, isn't it. Everything considered, I'd take Mitch any day - medicine cabinet and all :)

re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by Sevich »

Without Techstuf's input (thread) "prayer for New Orleans" this board would have been dead in these last few least he's livened it a couple notches!! ...."We need a bit of everything" it creates interest in other fields whereby it could trigger other new ideas...who knows?

Beating the sam old PM drum over and over again on the forum is same as beating a dead horse. we can't force out new PM ideas on this forum quicker that what Nature allows....cause if we do, and only then will jibberish come forth... (talk for the sake of talk) end result!

Re: re: Prayer for New Orleans

Post by odysseyus »

yes true
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