"The War That Will Not End"

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"The War That Will Not End"

Post by Oxygon »

THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream Home URL Link

Quicktime Clip - "The War That Will Not End" - Requires Quicktime

Anyone watched this movie in full, looks interesting and concerning...
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re: "The War That Will Not End"

Post by Trev »

I went to the local film club last Thursday to see 'The End of Suburbia', one of the speakers from the film (Colin Campbel) lives around here and agreed to come along to give a talk before the film, Worth seeing.
Also I've just bought a DVD copy of '911 - In Plane Sight', If you can get to see this one it'll blow your socks off!


re: "The War That Will Not End"

Post by Guest »

Intersesting, I did a search on google for it and found alot of image controversies...

Is that the movie? Is it about the video and photgraphic evidence...

I am not knocking it, It probably is very interesting...

I still havent seen "FAHRENHEIT 911"...

I hear it is a very biased movie...

I still don't trust bush...

Want to watch it...

trust no one... ;P
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re: "The War That Will Not End"

Post by Oxygon »

Hey, that's me above...

I forgot to login...

I didnt know we allow guest posters??? !!!

Maybe its just a forgotten detail...

I would disable guest posting... imo...
"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
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