the clues that fit and the unknown.

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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

Hi silverfox,

As u say the inside of the wheel requires a structure, if one person makes a wheel it may differ in action to anothers design, but it must be the same concept.

I can see how springs can be used and bessler admitted as much, there is no absolute need for them.

Those plus your lack of regard for the need for the weights to both impinge on others and in turn be impinged upon in their travels all indicate to me that you are either suffering from a very bad case of wishfull thinking in terms of your own immnent success or else you are indeed on a most deliberate "fishing expedition" to try and remedy problems that simply should not exist if you genuinely understood what you seemingly say you do

If i had problems I would ask for help to solve them, there are none.

Nice to see u are open to discuss it, and it will be interesting in the end huh.
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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

HI ruggerodk

Hmm, i still don't see what you mean with 'the forth dimension'. Can you be more clear, please

Hard to explain its just that the wheel uses the forth dimension to make a 3D PM action. Think of virtual reality it looks real but its not really there at all, but we can still see it.
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by ruggerodk »


I really would appreciate if you could answer my other questions.

After all, wasn't that what you said in your introduction?

But perhaps you get into riddle-mode if the Q is to hot...

FYI I enclose a small Flash animation showing a lever in a circle (wheel) that DO follow a vertical straight's called a hypocycloid.
It can also do an ellipse, a triangle or....

Here are the link to more info: ... choid.html

ruggero ;-)
Just fun with hypocycloids and hypotrochoids...ruggero©2009
Just fun with hypocycloids and hypotrochoids...ruggero©2009
Just fun with hypocycloids and hypotrochoids/flash...ruggero©2009
(10.08 KiB) Downloaded 3086 times
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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

I really would appreciate if you could answer my other questions
Iam a little lost as to how. You know more about such things than me.

I will read it again and find an answer.
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by ruggerodk »


I don't know if I know more about those thing than you do....It's you that are building it and obviously you are able to expand your levers with a forth dimension.

So I believe you know how to explain how the levers are connecting, what shape they have, where they are placed in the application, where are the pivot-point both of each lever and compared to the main wheel axle...?
Are the lever-leads curved or straight?
How are the weight connected to the lever?
What makes the lever go down...and specially up? Or should I say 'what makes the movement' of the lever?

That was some more questions...;-)

look forward to read you answers.

ruggero ;-)
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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

expand your levers with a forth dimension
Yes but thats just my way of looking at it, thats how I solved the problem. I want u to see it yourself its a state of mind.
So I believe you know how to explain how the levers are connecting, what shape they have, where they are placed in the application, where are the pivot-point both of each lever and compared to the main wheel axle...?

Are the lever-leads curved or straight
both and none all at once.

How are the weight connected to the lever?
opinions will differ.

What makes the lever go down...and specially up? Or should I say 'what makes the movement' of the lever
More weight on one side than the other.If one weight is giving an upward impetus, another one, at the same time, is giving an equal downward one, as bessler said.
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by ruggerodk »


Maybe I didn't made my self clear.
So I believe you know how to explain how the levers are connecting, what shape they have, where they are placed in the application, where are the pivot-point both of each lever and compared to the main wheel axle...?

That was - as I wrote - some more question and I'm glad to hear that you find yourself able to explain....because that's what I'll ask you to.

So I take the chance to put my Questions on the board again, looking forward to hear your explanation:

- how are the levers connecting?
- what shape do they have? (curved, straight, triangle, s-shape...what?)
- where are they placed in the application?
- where are the pivot-point both of each lever and compared to the main wheel axle...?
expand your levers with a forth dimension

Yes but thats just my way of looking at it, thats how I solved the problem. I want u to see it yourself its a state of mind.
Maybe this will surprise you:
In my state of mind, I DO see. But the problem is: How do we compare our two mindset if we don't wanna explain it in simple words?
How are the weight connected to the lever?

opinions will differ.
Sorry IR, but that's not an answer....that's absolutely nonsense.
Unless - ofcourse - you apply that they are not at all connected to the lever, but only touching the lever temporarly. If that's so, please confirm.

ruggero ;-)[/quote]
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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

you apply that they are not at all connected to the lever
Now u are getting somewhere.

opinions will differ
but that's not an answer....that's absolutely nonsense
You will build yours I will build mine, there will be arguements about this one for all time.

they are enclosed in a structure or framework, and co-ordinated in such a way that not only are they prevented from attaining their desired equilibrium or 'point of rest', but they must for ever seek it, thereby developing an impressive velocity which is proportional to their mass and to the dimensions of their housing
Bessler says it himself, if u notice he does not mention size or number only that its all proportional
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Fletcher »

Hi Irish .. good luck with the Proof of Principle [POP] build - correct me if I'm off track here but I thought there were 3 dimensions of space [the x,y & z planes] & the 4th was time, but I don't think time is what you are meaning ?
Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

Hi fletcher
correct me if I'm off track here but I thought there were 3 dimensions of space [the x,y & z planes] & the 4th was time, but I don't think time is what you are meaning

Yes u are correct but the 4th is not always time. Mainly I am trying to make a person think outside the 3D plane, example a 3D film is not in the real 3D world we only see it that way.
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by ruggerodk »



Lets draw a real world object on a paper:

The drawing on paper is flat - a 2D plane.
The lines on the paper are connected in a way that seems to visualize a 3D perspektive of a cube or a drum.
But it's an illusion: In real life, the object is not a cube or a drum...and it's not connected in the way we imagine.
The trick even works if you animate it: Both movement, dimension and distances are illusive.

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are joined in triple-trick...

A shadowboxer is not mirroring the movement but a reflection of it.
From one perspective the weights are swing...from another, they a revolving...and from yet another, they a completely steady and fixed in their attitude.
Archimedes should have turned his head a bit....

ruggero ;-)
Last edited by ruggerodk on Wed Jul 08, 2009 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Irish Oracle
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by Irish Oracle »

Lets draw a real world object on a paper:

The drawing on paper is flat - a 2D plane.
The lines on the paper are connected in a way that seems to visualize a 3D perspektive of a cube or a drum.
But it's an illusion: In real life, the object is not a cube or a drum...and it's not connected in the way we imagine.
The trick even works if you animate it: Both movement, dimension and distances are illusive.

Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are joined in triple-trick...
Yes Yes Yes, now u are on it.

So yes the lever is not there, its the illusion of a lever, so the wheel turns using a lever principle, but there is'nt one.
thereby developing an impressive velocity which is proportional to their mass and to the dimensions of their housing
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by ruggerodk »

HAH...when Archimedes said that he could turn the Universe...he didn't know how close he was to declare this principle!

yes, we see a lever in there but not lifting it's not a lever anyway.

So – how do you describe your power axle? That is, the one that you can draw power from...

Another thing IR:
I was thinking that this principle implies that to make a planet rotate there must be a counterforce or drag in the universe that we are not even looking for...and in what direction should we possible look?

ruggero ;-)
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re: the clues that fit and the unknown.

Post by martin »

Hi Irish Oracle,

man I really do hope you found it, I really do and for now am going to be positively charged you are on the right track. I would really love to see finaly some progess even if it would not lead to working wheel right now, but maybe will open some other "out of box" theories.

It seems you are looking at the wheel from the point of view which wasnt discussed here too much. The next dimension sounds promising maybe its soemthink like stereoscopic 3d film so it move in such way it gives illusion of double movment wich fake the eye somethin similiar as ruggero inclined?

If we get to the clues I myslef think about one clue more recently as really most important. Could you please give some insight view on this one?

But I would just like to add this friendly little note of caution:- A
great craftsman would be that man who can "lightly" cause a
heavy weight to fly upwards! Who can make a pound-weight rise
as 4 ounces fall, or 4 pounds rise as 16 ounces fall. If he can sort
that out, the motion will perpetuate itself. But if he can't, then his
hard work shall be all in vain.


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Post by Stewart »

Hi Martin

Did you see my reply to your first post about that clue? The translation you're quoting is not correct.... ... 9906#59906

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