some strange SQL request:

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some strange SQL request:

Post by path_finder »

Dear Scott,
message received the aug 8th 2009 at 11:22 local time (Paris, France) after click on the 'Submit' button:

Critical Error!
message_die() was called multiple times.
Error #1
Could not obtain common word list

Line : 307
File : /home/srellis/public_html/forum/includes/functions_search.php
SQL : SELECT m.word_id FROM phpbb_search_wordmatch m, phpbb_search_wordlist w WHERE w.word_text IN ('agree', 'angels', 'another', 'assumption', 'attempts', 'basic', 'bessler', 'botafumeiro', 'centrifugal', 'church', 'clear', 'click', 'coming', 'compostel', 'controversial', 'cord', 'dear', 'discover', 'discuss', 'discussion', 'dress', 'drive', 'easy', 'euler', 'example', 'exchange', 'explained', 'first', 'force', 'full', 'hand', 'highest', 'holly', 'horizontal', 'induce', 'inside', 'instead', 'issued', 'jack', 'macquan1', 'make', 'momentum', 'motion', 'mr', 'newton', 'note', 'oclock', 'parametric', 'pendulum', 'per', 'plane', 'position', 'possible', 'post', 'practise', 'process', 'pull', 'reason', 'remark', 'riortie', 'rod', 'rope', 'sex', 'shorten', 'signature', 'simplest', 'single', 'six', 'step', 'totally', 'turn', 'understand', 'unit', 'unsuccessful', 'vertical', 'verticalis', 'vorticis', 'wheel', 'wheels', 'works', 'würtz') AND m.word_id = w.word_id GROUP BY m.word_id HAVING COUNT(m.word_id) > 24390
Error #2
Could not get contacts list:buddy

Line : 120
File : /home/srellis/public_html/forum/mods/contact/class_contact.php
SQL : SELECT c.user_id, c.contact_id, c.alert, c.alert_status, c.display_name, u.username FROM phpbb_contact_list c, phpbb_users u WHERE u.user_id = c.contact_id AND c.user_id = 1323 AND c.disallow = 0 AND c.user_ignore = 0 ORDER BY u.username ASC
Please, contact the webmaster. Thank you.

How do you can explain that?
Thanks in advance.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: some strange SQL request:

Post by murilo »

Wow, Finder!!!
What an accident!
Your machine crossed to MIBs center and found, as a good finder, to their key words list!
Of sure a technical hacker mess happen there! :)
Note that rlortie is the list.
Of sure, rlortie is a MIB and they want to check how is going his work inside PM forums. :\
Take care!
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re: some strange SQL request:

Post by path_finder »

Dear murilo,
I think riortie has nothing to do with this accident.
If you look at the keywords of the SQL request, you can observe it's content is made with the most important words of my message.
This message starts with 'dear riortie,' and this is the reason why you can find 'dear' and 'riortie' in the keywords list.
On my opinion (but perhaps Scott will enlight us about), each time a message is created, a data base is updated with the most significant words.
Usually this is made in view to optimize the 'search' function.
But I have two remaining questions:
1. Apart the suggested function, is this feature used for some other purposes, and wich one?
2. Why this accident occurred?
On my opinion they are certainly some hackers trying to enter in the computer of the most interesting members, but not so many and not much more than elsewhere.
And the best way is not to pass through the Web side.
Anyway the most clever of these members are running under Linux and are well protected in addition by many appropriated means (at the minimum with some routers including a strong firewall).
They never consult this forum from any place (like cybercafe or public library) using a keylogger (note for the newbies: a keylogger is a specific software, loaded without your permission and working in background, recording any depressed key of your keyboard and storing the result in an hiden file wich can be extracted remotely when reconnected to Internet)
The attacked members should change their operating system and any doubt that any suspicion should disappear.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by scott »

Sorry that happened Path_Finder. It looks like a typical database hiccup to me and many other posts since then have gone through fine.
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re: some strange SQL request:

Post by rlortie »


I am not a MIB, nor am I computer literate. I definitely do not have the experience to hack anything. In fact I cannot figure out how to clean up my files in "MS Office Outlook"... Having change IP servers three times over the years I now have three sets of duplicate files. my folder list is over two pages long and I never know where a draft or 'sent item' is going to end up at.

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re: some strange SQL request:

Post by murilo »

Rlortie, you said:

''De Vos architecten, altijd een oplossing''.

Ok... ok... I agree... you are not a MIB... sorry... ;]

You are innocent, my unrest and afflict little dude!

Regs. Muliro
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