Advertising in signatures

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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by beapilot »

That photo was 4 years ago. Do you understand people have a different behavior after the years? Also, that photo was a joke and I am curious where you got it. I graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and not near anything right now that I taken in that school (Culinary Management) since I graduated and moving onto a different career path which is Mechanical Engineering. Also, you judge me by my photo and schooling, how would you feel I say to you "Go back to the north pole Santa! Your not suppose to be talking to anyone until the hours of Christmas!"

I looked at the link provided. I made that profile for a scholarship only. The profile is 4 years old that I even forgot my password and recovery answer.

I always wanted to be a pilot to fly air plains for people as a career. I am not allowed because I do not meet the qualifications which is having a certain good hearing ability. I am deaf in the left ear and hard of hearing in the right. I liked the name which is Be A Pilot and used it as many profile names because it is unique and simple. So the username means "Be a pilot!"
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Post by Grimer »

@ beapilot.

Ah! I would never have thought of that. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity. Being fairly ancient I can't hear the high notes myself. Six months ago I applied for a digital hearing aid on the NHS (Britain's National Health Service). I was amazed at the difference it made. I could suddenly hear bird song which I hadn't heard for many a long year.
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by LustInBlack »

I'm glad you evolved beapilot ...

You are gaining back in reputation, I respect the fact that you fight for your place, sincerely.
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by jim_mich »


I revoked your red dot shortly before you posted the ads. Then I punched it again when the ads appeared. Now I just revoked your red dot again and your reputation turned to two red dots, "Disregarded by many" thus you are saved from expulsion.

Stop blaming other people. Stop whining. You caused your problems yourself by your attitude. You'll be OK if you are respectful and polite.

Oh, one more thing. Don't "talk back" to those that are almost three times your age. This means don't try to argue that you're right and smarter than everyone, and that others are wrong and don't know things.

Make your next five postings be something useful about Bessler or a PM wheel with no derogatory off topic comments.

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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by justsomeone »

beapilot, I just brought you down to 1 red. To be honest I thought everyone was too harsh on you at first. After several more of your posts
I had to agree with them. My friend, there are a lot of well educated and bright members here that are more than willing to help. Many don't like B.S. This is a great hobby. Enjoy everyones company. Nuff said.
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by rlortie »

Its better than a great hobby, its the greatest hobby. Unlike craft hobbies, you never get it done but keep hoping you will.

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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by Grimer »

rlortie wrote:It's better than a great hobby, its the greatest hobby. Unlike craft hobbies, you never get it done but keep hoping you will.

And even if someone comes up with a way to harness gravity there are no doubt many other ways to be investigated including the way that Bessler and Keenie managed it.

If a solution is found then membership numbers would probably have to be restricted since the popularity of this forum would go through the roof.

So lurkers, get your membership in now before it's too late. Image
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by AB Hammer »


You seemed to have receive forgiveness. This is good political correctness and as long as you keep on target you will have a long run here.
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by winkle »

AB Hammer

you will have a long run here.
does that mean no running wheel this year
the uneducated

if your gona be dumb you gota be tough

Who need drugs when you can have fatigue toxins and caffeine
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re: Advertising in Signatures

Post by AB Hammer »


LOL No it doesn't. Even when I get my time to build my running wheel/wheels the forum will still be here.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Advertising in signatures

Post by beapilot »

Since the members are being nice enough to get people to the site by "Spending their life time on it to make it a better place," why not give anyone the right to have one advertisement ONLY in a thread they created? Creating a thread with an idea is like risking out information to others for their own goods. If you do not have people like members, there is no point of this website forums. We should have the right to place at least one advertisement in our thread (Not someone elses thread). It is like, free content to read for others to read with an advertisement or no content period. What if I create a thread that attracts about 300 viewers and only get like 4 replies? What a waste of life time to make this wonderful content on a tread for the public without much feedback but much viewers. Why not allow us to make the content useful for us too in a way we can place a small advertisement under the entire thread.

What is wrong with doing that?
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re: Advertising in signatures

Post by LustInBlack »

I revoke my vote, and this time it's definitive.
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re: Advertising in signatures

Post by justsomeone »

Some people just don't get it!
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re: Advertising in signatures

Post by rlortie »

Beapilot wrote;
What if I create a thread that attracts about 300 viewers and only get like 4 replies? What a waste of life time to make this wonderful content on a tread for the public without much feedback but much viewers.
300 readers and only 4 replies; I would say that the consensus does not believe your idea is as wonderful as you think! We have all experienced this to some degree.

If you wish to advertise I suggest you join gravity wheel section, it has advertising left and right and between each post.

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re: Advertising in signatures

Post by beapilot »

rlortie wrote:
300 readers and only 4 replies; I would say... your idea is as wonderful
Isn't taking out words just wonderful to make a statement seem more different?
If you wish to advertise I suggest you join gravity wheel section, it has advertising left and right and between each post.

I went to their website, there is no forums and no place to post anything but simply a search engine.

They are under construction.
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