If this is true then not only will it change known physics but really upset the green earth technology research. A monopole magnet! Is it really possible.
Back in 1958 while attending a seminar by Wernher von Braun. The subject of magnetic ball bearings came into topic. At that time it was considered impossible to magnetize a ball bearing into a stable N-S state. We now find them readily for sale and do not represent any big achievement. Is monopole the next nut to get cracked?
Featured: Magnetism / Quantum Ring Theory >
Article:Magnetic monopole - new experiment corroborates Quantum Ring Theory - Researchers from the Helmholtz Centre Berlin, in cooperation with colleagues from Dresden, St. Andrews, La Plata and Oxford, have for the first time observed magnetic monopoles and how they emerge in a real material. They published their results in the journal Science. W. Guglinski provides commentary. (PESWiki; Sept. 12, 2009)