In a recent post I found myself writing his/her as a sop to political correctness. It made me wonder if there are any ladies on this forum. The trouble with anonymous names is that one never knows the gender of the poster - unless they give it away by talking about putting make up on while driving their car for instance (an actual example from the Steorn Forum).
I suspect that, like metal detecting, the hunt for Bessler's secret is very much a male pursuit. I wonder why? Possibly because boys are taught metal work and carpentry whereas girls are taught cooking and needlework. Or is it some built in gender difference?
Maybe ladies aren't sufficiently crazy.
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
LOL, Maybe the Ladies consider Bessler's Wheel competition for there attention? You know! kind of like football. But then again what better reason to join in as well. You know! something in common. :))