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re: Bessler Wheel . Com Donations

Post by graham »

If you make a donation via pay pal you must enter the amount and then once it shows up in the box you have to click on "update total"

If you don't "update total" Scott gets nothing despite the fact that your amount is shown in in the amount box.

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Post by scott »

D'oh thanks for figuring that out Graham. I agree that is a pretty poorly designed UI they have there.
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re: Bessler Wheel . Com Donations

Post by docfeelsgood »

Well Lookie Thar ; got a new year up for grabs already !!!! and you poor sloppy eyed bunch of drunks who have been enjoyin the new high speed server have forgotten if yer gonna dance ya gotta pay the fiddler !!!!!!
now ante up muy pronto !!!! Pay Up Or Shut Up !!!

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re: Donations

Post by docfeelsgood »

guess i been slackin off on things . BUT here it is decoration day nigh upon us already !!!

that means you drunks gotta get drunk !!! but you could put a few bucks inta the site maintenance fund . after all ,,, y'all do enjoy tormentin the hell out of one another here . great place ta wave yer sheepskin around also . if it wernt fer this site most of ya wouldn't even have wood !!!

unfortunately sites are expensive and time consuming !!! are YOU willing to step up ???
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re: Donations

Post by docfeelsgood »

Trickle down info on the wire says the decoration day fund raiser was a TOTAL FLOP !!!

so now it's Fathers Day , any of you lecherous ole billy goats going to spare a few schillings ??? i spose y'll can spend it at the brothel where ya git 2 pokes and a squirt OR ya can spend a little here so it will be available tommorrow . if it dont pick up "Scott" i recommend ya set the throttle back at idle !!!!!!

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re: Donations

Post by docfeelsgood »

Ich Wunshe Ein Frohes Fest .

not much more ta say except POOR Scotts internet server bill goes on forever !!! Now the time has come to keep him off welfare !!! are you blokes going to ante up a few bucks to prevent this from happening ??? or are you going to plod along as you have been just looking for something for nothin !!! I think i already know the answer , but you can try to prove me wrong !!!

anything i hate its bloodsuckers . too damn cheap ta pull their own weight !!!

tell yer bimbo's they'll haffta cut back on their crank habit fer a couple days as ya got priorities !!! after all if this forum fails ,,, well ya aint got squat fer ennertainment !!!!!!!! y'all be back ta slammin yer crank in the window sill again !!! yer choice !!!

may yer stockins be filled with reindeer dung !!!!!

Ole Feisty Doc.
Last edited by docfeelsgood on Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Donations

Post by LustInBlack »

Hey you know what?!

my web hosting service doesn't cost that much ..

I have paid 200 bucks for 10 years of web hosting, unlimited bandwidth, 600Gigs, php5, database, unlimited emails, cpanel and Hell I even have access to linux on the machine and I can run the programs I want..

All that for a little 200$ .. That isn't much to pay really and all the adsense advertising with more than a dollar each time you click...

Seriously .....
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re: Donations

Post by getterdone »

Well LIB, thanks for bringing up this old thread.

I was one of those that doc discribed, but it wasn't because Im cheap, but only because I'm a computer dumb-dumb.

I finally clicked on the paypal button and I was amazad at how simple it was to make a donation. I can't post pictures on my own, or URL something from another site, and can't do those little blue boxes around a section of somebodies post like the rest of you do
Somehow they made paypal simple enough that even computer dumb-dumbs like me can donate.

Hope it went through

Merry Christmas to all

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Post by scott »

Thanks Doc for your kind words and for riling up the troops.

LIB I'm glad to hear you only pay $1.67 per month for your hosting service. I shopped around and the best I could do was $4.95 per month. How confident are you in the safety of your online data?

A lot of people have a lot of data on and it is their reasonable expectation that I do the best I can to protect it. That's why I also pay another $4.95 monthly fee for backup service. That comes to almost $120 a year.

And what is your personal time worth? A large number of features people enjoy on the site did not come with phpbb out of the box. I added them, including file attachments, albums, blogs, contact lists, the reputation system, and the wiki to name a few.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody! And thanks to everyone who donates to help keep this site going.

Last edited by scott on Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Donations

Post by LustInBlack »

Scott, no need to take offence.. I am, as you know, one of those that donated!

My time is free btw.. I do it for fun, I also have some wikis, etc..

Heck, following that line of thought, I should be paid to post my wheel ideas here!

How secure is my provider.. lol..
As safe as yours really, how can you be so sure it's secure btw?!
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re: Donations

Post by scott »

I just don't understand what you have to gain by discouraging people from donating. Just seems a little spiteful is all. Anyway let's forget it.
Last edited by scott on Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by scott »

Here is an early access link to the forum upgraded from phpbb version 2 to 3. Most of the data has migrated properly, and the new version has many nice updates to the core forum, but unfortunately most of the extra features I added will not upgrade easily and will be a manual effort.

You can take a look here:

Here is a feature comparison chart between the two versions:

This is just a snapshot of the forum taken today to test the migration features. For now, feel free to browse the new forum but please don't post there, except for testing purposes only, since all the data there will be overwritten if and when I ever actually take the plunge and make the full upgrade.

All comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome!

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re: Donations

Post by LustInBlack »

Well no I dont want to discourage people from donating.. And btw, for everybody, there are interesting ads available at the bottom of the forum... ;)

Anywayz, if you ever want to try out a new web hosting there is iweb and its a bit cheaper..
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re: Donations

Post by docfeelsgood »


another holiday is now upon us !!!

perhaps some of you slackers who missed the first call can ante up now !!!!

word has it on the wire that the last collection was piss poor !!!

yer actin like a bunch of politicans ,, great at spending Scotts money !!!

Boogie Till Ya Puke !!!!
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