Across the pond sharing?

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Across the pond sharing?

Post by justsomeone »

Across the pond sharing?

One of the members here I respect the most is Fletcher. I often thought he would be a cool guy to bounce ideas off from privately. One thing that has stopped me from doing so is the fact he lives in another country.

Is this an issue with anyone else here? Do you factor in where someone lives when deciding to share ideas?

What other criteria do you consider when deciding who to share with?

Who are you working with now?
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Post by jim_mich »

justsomeone wrote:What other criteria do you consider when deciding who to share with?
For the most part location make very little difference. I think the key criteria should be character and intelligence. Character goes to whether you think you can trust the person. Intelligence goes to whether sharing would be beneficial or helpful in some way.

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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by justsomeone »

I think a creative mind may be just as important as intelligence.

Of course I may just be saying that because I ain't that bright. ;)
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by rlortie »

Whether it be 'across the pond' race, creed, color, religion or political views of the country, I communicate with all. After giving it some thought I currently find that the largest part of my communication is going outside my home country.

A few years ago when the U S was on the brink of going to war with Iran, one of my closest contacts was an Automotive Engineer in Tehran. I guess for him it was not a good idea, he suddenly without any notice of intent disappeared.

Creative minds can be found anywhere, building trust is up to the individual.

I might add that being a Foreign Aid Student Foster Parent opened my eyes to many insightful experiences.

Having students who had never been outside their home countries from; Thailand, Germany, Romania, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Italy all under your roof at one time is an experience you will not easily forget.

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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by Chad »

I personally show no bias either way if you are from over seas or a fellow countryman, but i feel it could possibly benefit when your from the same country as you can meet face to face and discuss things and get a better understanding of your ideas ..and ofcourse each other.
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by nicbordeaux »

Sharing : a bit with anybody, as long as you are not describing a fully operational working device puting out 150 bhp, you are not going to get rich from it, likely you have so many ideas you'll need 50 incarnations to see them all through... so why be retentive ? Sharing everything ? Another matter, would require meeting the person.

But if all the guys on this forum were bought together in a big workshop for a month, alcohol consumption was limited, we'd probably make some really spectacular progress. Brainstorming and combing competences.

The problem would be what to fo with all the junk afterwards.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by Chad »

The problem would be what to fo with all the junk afterwards
Take it to the scrap yard and weigh it in........then with the money buy the Alcohol and celebrate! :-D
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by justsomeone »

Since I mentioned you by name, would you like to chime in Fletcher?

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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by Fletcher »

Righty oh .. the country isn't that important & neither is meeting face to face, until perhaps you are in the final stages of a design or build, & perhaps there are differences of interpretation that other means can't sort out - there is skype, or yahoo messenger for example, chat message boards & video links - this board also has a chat facility for those who want real time communication.

Another option is to open a google groups page [or something similar] & invite members to join your group - there you can load pages of text, write messages, load files & pictures etc - it does require that you do a fair bit of preparation to present your data & get a steady flow of communication - also be ready to think fast on your feet if many questions get asked to keep the momentum going.

Expect there to be questions, differences of opinion - do your best to present information logically & fully as you can - use any & every tool at your disposal to present your case thoroughly & with as much supporting data, empirical, mathematical & theory that you can muster to convince your group members of your sincerity & thoroughness - in this way you will encourage them to participate fully & engage you with intellectual honesty.

Above all, do not take things too personally if things don't pan out as you had hoped - to that end establish an agenda, be up front about that, & monitor how your discussion & information sharing is working towards that goal - keep it on track & heading to some conclusions about your theory & design.

If you have been persuasive enough then your members will help you take the next step to organising a design & build to test the components of the theory & ultimately build a successful wheel etc.

At some stage you may wish to meet face to face & that is when it is helpful to be at least on the same continent.

As an example I work with Tinhead [Rainer] & he lives here in Auckland, NZ - we have collaborated for about 5 years & enjoy the experience though communication is usually by phone about every month or so & last week I went over to his place & took my white board for a few hours.

My advice justsomeone, is that unless you are prepared to work openly on the discussion board that you open a private forum on this board & invite members to join & critique your idea - that will act as a filtering process until you are left with one or two contributors who you could work more closely with, having established the respect, trust & friendship.

You ultimately receive back what you give out - sharing of ideas can unburden you tremendously & get some go forward when you have stalled - the flip side is be prepared for a large amount of work & time commitment to do so [maybe many months depending on complexity & communication skills] - you after all, would be expecting the same from your co-members to do your ideas justice.

Remember that they are seeing the idea for the first time [& trying to absorb it & its implicatons] while it has had a long gestation period for you, so there is a fair bit of bringing up to speed time required for otherwise busy people, when your short window opens.
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by justsomeone »


Thanks for the reply. I like your idea of bringing your white board. No

worries of leaving a paper trail, just like Bessler burning his.

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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by rlortie »


I have taken the liberty of 'borrowing' the last three paragraphs of your above post, giving credit where due!

Very well written and a plan of strategy that I myself have employed which some here can relate to.

I suggest that all take the time and pay heed to Fletcher's above post.

If I am ever in need of a liaison in NZ, there is no question as to where I would look first.

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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by raj »

I, feeling always like an intruder on this forum, thank Fletcher for his NOBLE thoughts.
We all cherish our individual ideas, and want to get the merit from them. But I believe I cannot claim merit . Merit has to be given by others.
That is why I have given my ideas for whatever they are worth, open to everyone on this forum to see and make of them, what they will. The only thing I await is a feedback...
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by justsomeone »

I liked your response so much Fletcher that I thought I would trouble you for another.

Lets say someone has a runner with power. ( I don't )

He knows the principle will work on many different wheels.

He is not an engineer.

He wants to protect his investment.

Now what?

Does he hire an engineering firm to work on all possibilities while his first patent is being processed? Paranoia would set in.

Does he have the engineering firm explore parts for patenting?

Your thoughts are always appreciated.

Jim or any one else please chime in.
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re: Across the pond sharing?

Post by Fletcher »

So you have a runner but with no power ;7)

Beer o'cl - will give it some thought tomorrow.
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Post by DrWhat »

Fletcher, it is well into beer o'cl here too!
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