What is a vote?

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What is a vote?

Post by scott »

A vote is a contract written in blood; you are hiring a gang of criminals to do your dirty work and use force on your behalf. You are consenting to crimes committed in your name, which you as an individual would be hanged for.
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re: What is a vote?

Post by ovyyus »

All the result of commitment to a transient belief. No reason required.
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re: What is a vote?

Post by John Collins »

Or 'faith', a belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.

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re: What is a vote?

Post by rlortie »

I fear that the current administration including Congress voted into office has successfully met "poof on material evidence"...

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re: What is a vote?

Post by getterdone »

How can a democracy have only 2 national parties, shouldn't people have more choices?
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re: What is a vote?

Post by coylo »

Just what is Democracy these days?
.....where- votes are bought and paid for. The candidate/party which raises the most cash to reach the most people with their empty propaganda, wins.... where- the big money from the rich donors is only given in return for favours when in power. What kind of a system is that?
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Post by DrWhat »

So Scott, what is your alternative solution?
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re: What is a vote?

Post by murilo »

I agree that voting is the best alternation politic way, but I know enough about advertising and propaganda to know HOW is managed people will, mind and preferences!
Any thoughts one can have on this matter make me think WHO wanted me to think this and which means have been used to force me.
Cosmically, the selfish motives and needs are not fair motives to drive wide stuffs to national or world GROUPS, or countries.
You may just try to feel what I'm still thinking and feeling with the notice of the execution of a young boy in Iran, just because he disagreed in politics from central controls! Imagine this notice to a guy like me that has wide knowledge and experience about how false, paranoid, dishonest and dirty are the politicians.
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Post by DrWhat »

Politicians and leaders will do anything to remain in power, including selling their souls.
Our interests often are secondary to them.
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re: What is a vote?

Post by Michael »

I once worked in management in the carpet industry. When we did a quote to let our clients know how much carpet they would have to get their customers to order we always over ordered by a few feet. The reason for this was to insure there was a little extra in case of accidents, but instead of giving the remaining carpet back to the customer the company I worked for kept it to make samples out of it. And when estimating the cost of a job we would work out the prices to be as accurate as we could, and then add 30-50 percent. This isn't something I wanted to do, this was something I was trained to do. The company I worked for set its own standards so there is some justification as they weren't going against an industry standard. The thing is, there is not one single trades-service industry that does not overcharge for what they do, this goes from auto mechanics to dentists. And you can complain about governments being corrupt, but every single arm governments have to pay, from welfare to medical to any other group that receives government funding, tries to make sure that every single cent they get from the government is spent, even if some of what they spend it on is unneeded, to insure they get at least the same amount from the government the next year. You can talk all about government corruption but corruption is everywhere. Shouldn’t we first attempt to retrain the people we have direct contact with to take out the trash in our own backyards?
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re: What is a vote?

Post by docfeelsgood »

the secret to success of any politician is to way overestimate . that way you can do the project cheaper leaving a goodly pile to split up between the key players . then you can brag to the taxpayers about the money you still have left over how you brought the project to completion under budget . just tell them i'm your hero .

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re: What is a vote?

Post by ovyyus »

Michael, the whole system is clearly and obviously corrupt, from priests preying on little boys to Joe Blow skimming a buck on his tax return. The jungle makes a monkey out of everyone.
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re: What is a vote?

Post by murilo »

Ovyyus, you are too much crude!
You are offending to monkeys class!
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re: What is a vote?

Post by Michael »

Welcome to hell, 68 billion and rising.
meChANical Man.
"All things move according to the whims of the great magnet"; Hunter S. Thompson.
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