The summary of my latest studies

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The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Dear all,
Being far from home, and not able to build nor test anything here, I take the opportunity for sharing my studies.

The starting idea: the hypocycloid
As explained several times earlier the hypocycloid with a ratio of 2:1 is an useful mechanism allowing an alternative motion along a segment in correlation with a circular rotation.
See for memory this old post:
From this important point, many ways are available now for use this property.
I don't know wich one has been used by Bessler but so many clues are related with.

Second point: a design in two parts
Again, as explained many times (and not only by myself): a single overbalanced wheel (taken as single primemover) cannot give any success.
We need a car and and horse (like said by Bessler), otherwise said:
- one part gives the energy
- the second part retriggers the first one
Please note that the combination of the gravity and the centrifugal forces are sufficient for this concept.
I'm convinced that Bessler used some basic technologies used at that time and no extra source of energy
Note also that this couple of parts can be doubled for a more efficient torque.

My intent now is to show a set of animations applying these two points.

The first animation hereafter shows the mechanism giving the two oscillating paths (reciprocator).
There are two drums: one is the main wheel (in yellow), acting as planetary.
The second (in rosa) is also centered on the main axis, acting as satellite.
The linkage between the both is made by four rollers (in blue) rotating at the inner rim of the main drum, linked together by the cross (in grey) wich must be absolutely fixed to the ground, allowing the main wheel (in yellow) and the internal drum (in rosa) to rotate at the same speed, but with an opposite direction.
The internal drum (in rosa) owns another hollow drum with a some teeth on the inner rim.
Inside this gear a geared satellite rotates at twice the speed of the other parts, giving two sinusoidal motion, one horizontal and one vertical, furnishing a reciprocator (only the horizontal motion is enhanced).
This two axle (located on two opposite positions of a diameter) are the attachment pivot linked to the pair of weights.

Some remarks about this first animation.
1. The hypocycloid consists in two parts:
- the planetary gear (in red, with teeth) is linked (rotates) with the main wheel.
- the satellite gear (in blue, with teeth) is free and its center is rotating around the main axis thanks a crank.
2. The grey cross supporting the four rollers must be fixed. If Bessler used this design, this could well explain the purpose of the hole at the bottom of the pillar (a way for verifying the exact position of the cross).
3. A correct positioning between the satellite and the weights is a mandatory for an effective motion of the assembly.
4. All dimensions are critical: if R is the radius of the main Wheel, the radius of the hypocycloidal gear is R/4 (the famous ratio 4:1), the radius of the hypocycloidal satellite (in blue) is R/8 (for the hypocycloidal ratio 2:1).
Only the radius of the four blue rollers (between the main wheel and the internal drum) can be of any dimension.

The next animation will show how the part in charge of the energy is acting, the most important part being the reference circle (in green) where are attached the linkers modifying the torque.
The third animation will be the combination of the both parts showing the whole assembly in motion.
Please be patient, this is a complex job.

Hoping this description is comprehensive enough...
Many thanks for your attention.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

After review of the previous animation, it seemed to me the hypocycloid should be modified like in the new drawing hereafter.
The blue satellite still runs inside the double sized drum, but this time the planetary is not included inside the second disk (in rosa).
The planetary is now included inside the cross (in grey).
The satellite center C is now on a pivot located on the second disk (in rosa) and rotates counterclockwise with this disk.
If omega is the rotation speed of the both disks (plus and minus), the rotation speed of the blue satellite around the C point is (minus 2 x omega).
The points A and B are the both pivots where are attached the linking crank to the weights (A oscillating on the horizontal diameter, B on the vertical one)
This change can be not obvious for many of the members/guests, but there is a big difference between the two linkages.
With the new one the planetary is independent from the two disks and autonomous, eliminating any residual counter-reaction force (in opposition with the self repartition of the load).
I will try to update the corresponding animation.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

The first part in the previous animation showed the mechanism creating the reciprocator motion.
Now the next drawing shows the active parts, including the weights linked by pair.
Each pair of weights is linked with the diameter opposed pair, thanks an assembly of rods consisting in two lozenges (rhombs) and a central rigid hollow tube.
A wire is tensed between the two diameter opposed pivots, and the central segment is sliding along this wire because the center of this segment is attached to one of the two pivots of the blue satellite.
On the drawing these two sliding segments are in violet and in light blue.
The slide motion of these segments along the wire is sinusoidal, increasing and decreasing the distance between the COG of each pair and the center of the wheel.

The first animation above was showing the mechanism allowing two important points:
- the alternative motion (the reciprocator)
- the synchronisation timing of all the moving parts (in particular the permanent unbalance at 3:00).
The full animation combining the both parts is in way and will be given soon.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

1. the reciprocator, see here:
2. the principle (optimized):
3. the suspicion, see here:
4. the related gravity wheel: see above the drawing 'governor1.png'.
Only the building can tell us the truth...

NotaBene: It's NOT an alien technology, I have NOT be abducted. The second shot was just by chance an artistic shot.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by DrWhat »

Wow p_f,

what an impressive image. Worth enlarging and putting on your wall.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Dear DrWhat,
Many thanks for the encouragement.
You win another shot with more details.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

In the previous shot the location of the reciprocator has just been indicated, but not the part itself.
The next shot shows an important part for the assembly: the orthogonal slider, wich obliges the two arms of the cross to remain mutually orthogonal.
Each arm can be shifted between two pairs of small rollers (therefore eight axles).
The red dots are the glue points for fixing the nuts (color varnish for nails).
By the way the two arms are constituing now a real reciprocator because their motion are synchronized.
The new part itself (the hexagonal transparent plate where are located the eight rollers) has a natural tendency to move in a way where its geometrical center runs on a circle centered with the main wheel, even if in the same time it keeps it's orientation (it don't rotate itself).
The cross, the regulated arms and the orthogonal slider are the components of the reciprocator.
In view to close the loop, we need now to link this slider to the main wheel.
But we know several ways to obtain this kind of behaviour, see here one example:
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by greendoor »

Pathfinder - I am in awe of your dedication, skills and craftsmanship. And yes - topless1 does look like some surreal alien council meeting ...

I wish you every success. This design looks very interesting, and gels well with descriptions of Bessler's wheel & statements. I seem to recall one witness say Bessler with what was described as a scissor jack item - maybe something similar to these.

I agree with your 'starting point' and 'second point' theory. I came to a very similar conclusion a couple of years ago when I started getting interested in Bessler, and I have yet to find the flaw in that chain of logic. In fact, I found some fascinating ideas from Milkovic (the reactionless drive, not the contentious 2SO) that have got me thinking about this theory again. (Might start a new thread on this idea, so as not to derail this thread).

As much as I enthusiastically endorse Pequaide's momentum logic, there may be some common ground between these ideas anyway. But i'm also coming around to the idea that Centrifugal/Centripetal force may well be a source of energy - as crazy as that sounds.

I can't say I follow how you plan to make energy with this design - but assuming Bessler was not a fraud, and assuming that current laws of physics have some loopholes yet to be exploited, you seem to be getting close.

If nothing else - you are a true artist.
Louis Nizer wrote:He who works with his hands is a laborer. He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Dear greendoor,
Many thanks for your encouragement.
For my merry-go-round (where a power is required) I have at least now the solution by combining the both designs, see here: ... 3156#73156

Alternating the building and the theory I still continue my investigations on the above design.
The previous shot shows the 'orthogonal slider' and the rollers wich allow the shifting of each arm of the cross.
The next drawing shows how the reciprocator is linked with the outside world.
First we must recuperate the center of the reciprocator wich is not directly reachable because physically located between the two sliding arms.
The solution consists into the two plates A and C, linked to the B central plate by eight columns at 45 grades of the sliding path of the arms.
On these two plates A and C we need a bearing because the wheel rotates and the plate B also
The center of the bearings is forced to the ground by a shaft (in light blue) centered on the main axis of the wheel.
Therefore this construction needs an hollow axle for the main wheel, allowing the ground to be available inside the wheel.

I don't know if this construction was one used by Bessler but there are some strange analogies with the mechanical rules.
1. On the Bessler's wheel the power is collected on the big axle (where the rope was attached)
2. This big axle seems to be in fact a roller bearing (instead ball bearing)
3. This big axle seems to be hollow (allowing another axle to pass through on the same axis)
4. The elongated bearings are required if the connected disk inside the wheel has one single attach point (only on one face)
5. The pass through the center of the wheel is forbidden by the presence of something in the middle.
May be just some coincidences.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Two shots taken during the building of the related wheel.
The first one shows the three plates A,B and C of the drawing above.
On the second one we can observe the excentered geometry of the weights for a clockwise rotation and the orthogonal position of the arm middle points.
Note the difference in the position of the strings with the purpose to obtain a full circular symmetry (unbalanced wheel) at the rest position of the stopped wheel (shot taken with the wheel in an horizontal plane). The next step is the implementation of the two bearings in the plates A and C, but there is a subtile trick.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

In that state there were still at least three difficulties inside the above design.
1. First one is the vicinity problem of the rollers: because the geometrical combination of the cross arm width and the diameter of the rollers the contact points are too much separated for a very efficient levering action.
2. Second one is a well known problem of friction losses.
The eight rollers must be perfect and on the practical way the use of small bearings is a mandatory.
I had a lot of very small bearings (coming from some obsolete hard disk drives) but the diameter was about 10mm and the occupated space will drive me to the same restriction than on the point #1 above.
3. The eight rollers system do not allow a strict one grade of freedom for each arm.
The experiment made with this design shown at least four grades of freedom (two by translation and two by rotation).
Instead and for an efficient reciprocator we need a strict one grade of freedom (only a translation) for each arm of the cross.

For all these reasons I was obliged to reconsider the design of the reciprocator whole sub-assembly.
Considering that Bessler did not got at his disposal any hard disk drive, I made a personnal quest.
I remembered my old test on the 'Watt linkage', see here:
The principle is simple: even if the end of the two rotating arms is a part of circle, the middle of the central bar runs on a straight segment.
This is the reason why I decided to replace the eight rollers by two 'Watt linkages'.
Now the motion is absolutely smooth and the level of friction is about null.
But in addition, now the motion of the both cross arms is absolutely rectilined when the reciprocator sub-assembly is fixed.
I can now obtain a stable superposition of the both middle points at the center of the wheel (with a very accurate precision) wich was impossible with the previous rollers design..
This is the key of the success because in the animation (here again: if the frame is not static (fixed) the reciprocator cannot work.
Hereafter is a shot of the new reciprocator sub-assembly, now incorporated inside the wheel.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Nice carpet path_finder. Looks circa 1973 ?

So, do you expect this one to be a runner ?
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

May be this old idea could be useful? (from YouTube 'Centripetal propulsion')
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Looks good until you think of the brutal "STOP" effect when the "cams" hit the sliding weights ?
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Dear nicbordeaux,

On the YouTube animation there are only two single weights. Each weight can be replaced by a couple of weights (of half size) and their COG will have the same action.
In my reciprocator the four weights are at each end of the both cross arms.

An important point to be observed: in my reciprocator last design
- the groves are virtual (no friction losses along the grove)
- therefore there is no crossing path, so far no risk of shock (what was possible in the reciprocator first animation)
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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