Jane85 (signature) wrote:Hi, I'm Jane! Quality custom term papers writing is what I would like to tell about. I work for proffessional writing services.
Evidence of social erosion in the myspace/facebook/twitter age.....that while trying to game the system to promote oneself, one can appear as a moron!
If it turns out this is actually a young woman who wants to discuss Bessler with us, then I will apologize and possibly eat one of Nick's hats...as long as it's not a blue bonnet. ;-)
jill80leonard(signature) wrote:The name’s Jill. It seems all my life is going to turn around literature. Journalism, my own creative work and even job of professional custom essay writer
Maybe we should invite Jill and Jane to share their thoughts on Bessler?
where man meets science and god meets man never the twain shall meet...till god and man and science sit at gods great judgement seat..a tribute to Bessler....kipling I think