Bessler's 2 Wheels

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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by justsomeone »

Ok Jim, you can sit back down now.

Jim, PLEASE keep Ralph's and Alan's name out of your mouth.

Are you capable of just talking wheels? I doubt it.
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Re: re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by jim_mich »


I'm going to put this as plain as I can. I'm fed up with the crap you are posting. I'm fed up with you attacking people for what they said. This forum is for discussing ideas. Feel free to attack ideas and concept. But be constructive and polite in any such attacks.

But your continued personal attacks MUST STOP. You are in violation of the terms of use of this forum. That goes for Alan (AB Hammer) also. Move all personal complaints, attacks, etc. off from this forum. Use email or whatever, or preferably just stop attacking each other. I don't give a shit about who said what on some other website.

(This is in response to post #71506 by not_me.)

One more attack and I'll start punching your red button and will encourage others to do the same. We do not need your crap.

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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by rlortie »


Taking on the task of encouraging others will be the most laid back commitment you have ever experienced! :-)

In fact for some you are to late.

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Re: re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by not_me »

jim_mich wrote:Jim/not_me/P-motion/etc.

I'm going to put this as plain as I can. I'm fed up with the crap you are posting. I'm fed up with you attacking people for what they said. This forum is for discussing ideas. Feel free to attack ideas and concept. But be constructive and polite in any such attacks.

But your continued personal attacks MUST STOP. You are in violation of the terms of use of this forum. That goes for Alan (AB Hammer) also. Move all personal complaints, attacks, etc. off from this forum. Use email or whatever, or preferably just stop attacking each other. I don't give a shit about who said what on some other website.

(This is in response to post #71506 by not_me.)

One more attack and I'll start punching your red button and will encourage others to do the same. We do not need your crap.

Jim mich,
You mean my trying to discuss a build I will be doing is attacking someone ?
As I mentioned, my next build has become about Alan. He says I follow him. If that is true, why does he always post in a thread I start ?
He follows me.
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Post by jim_mich »

That is it. Your red dot is punched.

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Re: re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by not_me »

justsomeone wrote:Ok Jim, you can sit back down now.

Jim, PLEASE keep Ralph's and Alan's name out of your mouth.

Are you capable of just talking wheels? I doubt it.
Are you guys for real ? I didn't take this thread off topic.
And now you are blaming me ?
Alan does not like me. So why does he post in every thread I start ?
You guys should be talking to him. ... icide.html

edited to add; if you find the link offensive, it could be that the truth hurts.
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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by jim_mich »

not_me, are you an idiot? All members are free to post in any threads started by anybody. I don't care whether or not Alan likes you. As far as this forum goes is makes no difference. Just stick to discussing wheels and such. You are not being bullied here, We are not calling you names. We are just attempting to make you understand the terms of use here. They are at the bottom of each page. Read them and understand that personal attacks are not welcome. Do you want to be booted off again?

Are you capable of just talking wheels? It seems not.

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Post by not_me »

I didn't change the topic, so why blame me for what other people have done ? Hurting are we ?
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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by rlortie »

not _me,

Any one who finds it necessary to register under four different pseudonyms is the one who is hurting.

Its easier for you to change your name than it is topic, which never changes.

Go back to over-unity where you appear to be appreciated for the revenue you create. You will not have to put up with people like me as I have been banned or blocked from logging in on that forum.

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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by Fletcher »

To late jim_mich - I already hit the red for the both of them this morning before your post, coz neither of them learn.

P.S. Alan may be redeemable but the other plonker, well, isn't.
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Post by not_me »

Let's see, Jim_Mich said I can be banned for what I am doing.
What was it Alan said ? He can't post his idea's because i am waiting to steal them. One helluva accusation.
Yet in his own thread I posted a link to, when he posted an idea, I offered him suggestions.
How does that support my wanting to steal his dea's ? It doesn't.
In Museum of Hoaxes, he posted another idea. I ignored it as I was discussing Bessler, can repost that if you like.
He always maintained that he could not post any designs in OU because soemone might steal them. Yet he could post an idea in a different forum.
I reposted it for him so we could discuss his idea. He declined.
And now you and Jim_Mich are harasssing me to protect Alan.
That is what I call bullying.
After all, you and Jim_Mich found a discussion of engineering relative to Bessler's wheel not worth discussing. That is why we are here now.
You are defending a bully. If Alan knew enough engineering to discuss it, then he would be doing that. But instead and as usual, he resorted to personal attacks.
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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by jim_mich »

not_me wrote:Jim,
I didn't change the topic, so why blame me for what other people have done ? Hurting are we ?
Now you really are acting like an idiot! I never once in any of my posts said anything about or related to a change of topic. Nor did I blame you for what other people have done. I only blame you for what you have done!

I asked you to stick to discussing wheels and to stop making your postings personal. Making a statement like, "Hurting are we?" is personal. Do not make such postings.

Ranting on and on about what other people did or did not do is personal. Everyone is free to post or not post. They are free to discuss ideas that they want to discuss. And they are free to NOT discuss ideas if they so choose.

not_me is in violation of the terms of service of the Besslerwheel forum.
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and seeing that the members of this forum have given not_me the reputation of Should be banned then I suggest that Scott immediately revoke not_me's membership.

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Post by AB Hammer »

To all

I apologize for arguing on Bessler Wheel with Jim/p-motion/not_me ect. It was not my intent to argue but to try to clear up what was going on. In this due to the responses from members, I had failed in my intent.

Again I apologize
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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by ovyyus »

jim_mich wrote:...I suggest that Scott immediately revoke not_me's membership.
Scott usually provides at least a couple of weeks for "should be banned" members to have a chance to turn things around. In some cases (axel) that can even be months. IMO, Scott's too generous. Of course some fates may be worse than death :)

History on the forum shows us that personal attacks and bickering usually end badly for everyone.
Last edited by ovyyus on Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Bessler's 2 Wheels

Post by rlortie »


I agree that at times a cool off period is justifiable after a stirring of the pot as seen here. We all need to take a little time before the 'Tar and Feather scenario.

However, irrelevant of emotional feelings that does not excuse him from adhering to forum regulations.
3. Create more than one account. This rule is only excepted on a case by case basis for users who have a legitimate need for two accounts and have demonstrated their trustworthiness to the administrators. No more than two user names are ever allowed. The two user names must be identical except for a numeric suffix;
This guy has used at least three that I know of on this forum and he is noted for doing similar actions on other forums.

I say he should be banned not by a few voices but by forum terms of service.

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