Let's say a member here discovered....

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Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by justsomeone »

Let's say a member here discovered Bessler's design and has a runner to prove it.

How valuable would you be to him, from that point on, if he goes the patent route and decides to take you along for the ride?
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AB Hammer
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by AB Hammer »

Those who have travailed the road of the quest without causing problems, should be given the first opportunity to join in for the progression of success. There is safety in numbers and it is better to be working with each other than against each other.
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by justsomeone »

I don't think there is safety in numbers, I think there would be complications and greed with a large group.

How can someone who discovered the Bessler secret be working against someone that they haven't shown the design to?
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

There would have to be a degree of order, like in any organization. I am with Arache, so when or if one of us are the ones. Arache is already in the top level. Then there would be another level and we spread out as needed. Expansion is what has to happen.
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by LustInBlack »

From experience, it's never good to be in a group when you are the brain.. You gain absolutely nothing if you are the most valuable player in a team..

Unless you really lack skill and really sucks at building.. But then, you wouldn't have discovered and made a running wheel if it was so..

Also, who is there to backstab you when you are alone with the know-how!? .. Nobody..

I surely would like to be part of a team that gets a running wheel, I'm quite frank when I say I'd be extremely curious to see the running mech.. Let's call that greed.. If I cannot even trust me, why should I trust anyone?! ..
Think about it .. Would you be in the team with the guy who invented the wheel!? .. I believe most people would say yes.. If so, is it greed that gets you there!? What is it!?

Personally, I'd be very angry to not be the one who discovered the idea.. I'd be quite jealous.. Although I would soon realize that it's not a good behavior .. But then, not everybody is able to see things from a third person perspective, so that's why I trust myself and nobody else..

How paradoxical is that!? .. I must have problems, or there are two people inside me that fight each other.. Or maybe I'm just judging things from two different perspective and follow the most rational thought..

Anyhow, for mass scale development and monetary reasons, I believe being in a group is a good thing..

But, I believe that it's unreal to trust someone.. It's a risk.. If you were able to build one wheel, you can build many more.. But more importantly.. What's your goal!? .. What is THE Goal!? .. Building wheels to bring the earth to a new technogical era, or have personal freedom!?

At first, I thought I'd be building wheels for everyone, but things have changed.. I don't know why, but I believe it's not a good idea to help lazy people.. Do you think people will behave in a more positive maneer because of your wheel?! . I don't think so! .. Sooner or Later (mostly sooner), your invention would be cloned by chinese and mass produced before you know it.. And how will you protect your invention!? ..

So.. It might seem quite off-topic, but it actually isn't, it supports my idea that being the ONE in a group, is going to lead to bad events..

Is it possible to deploy such an invention on a low-scale!? ..
I believe so.. And I also believe it has already been done..
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by John Collins »

What if he didn't patent it? Maybe he would get enough fame and fortune not to need the patent process. For sure the world's media would come to the BW forum and read the input and see what we've all been talking about. I can just imagine us here thinking, what did I write back in 2008 or some other time, and wondering if they can go back and edit some things. LOL

Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by LustInBlack »

John, you are one step ahead, can you tell us what is your ultimate goal!? .. I believe it's essential to know the goal before doing anything ...
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by John Collins »

If you mean personal goals, LIB, I want to get the secret out to the world without any encumbrances such as patents on the original design. I realise of course that improvements can be patented.

Financially, I would like to have enough to look after my family.

Fame I can do without. I guess it's unavoidable but it would probably be a seven day wonder, then the focus would move on.

Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

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Post by greendoor »

If you think about it calmly, without massive dollar signs in your eyes, there is huge potential for as many people as want to be involved to make an excellent living out of building power plants of whatever size. It would make perfect cottage industry - with local craftsmen making power plants for homes and businesses. Being based on weights, which could be formed from concrete or waste materials, it makes sense for these to be built locally, rather than shipping massive weights all around the globe. Although if ships become gravity powered, I guess it won't matter anyway ...

However - human greed being what it is, some people will want to "own" the industry and eliminate their competitors. But before any of that could happen, you can be sure that the existing energy empires, and the leeches that feed off them (taxmen etc) will want to eliminate you first.

I put it to you that no matter how big you think you are, you won't see it coming until you are immobilised. There are countless stories of free-energy inventors who were taken out. Usually by lawyers, often by strong-arm fear tactics, or - if necessary - by arranging your unexpected "suicide". Or just locking you up in a nut farm. There are many ways to make you shut up, when a big empire is threatened by your behaviour.

You would have to be pretty naive to think it would go down any other way. But then, the world is full of naive people. Natural selection at work, I guess.
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Post by nicbordeaux »

I agree totally with John's last post; and would add that the longer you hold onto something important, the more chance there is you pass away and leave nothing. Definitely, I'd make a group of 4 people in total. As for the reason for seeking to achieve the impossible, well, it's like this : I've never been able to stand a dumb machine being cleverer than me.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

I think we will see what happens very soon. :))
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Justsomeone,

I would recommend to that person to apply for a patent as soon as possible, as once they got a priority date they can bring it to the table happy in the knowledge that they have 12 months to think what to do with it. just think what it would be like to see some one with your design, and then tell someone I thought of that before him, did you really?

If you have seen dragon den then you will know that with out protection they will not invest, There is only one way to get a gravity wheel to the masses and that is with the help of big business, if people do not believe this how many can one or two people build in a week selling on the web. and who is going to buy them?

All the crap about selling out if you go down Patent route is just that, crap, If you want to give away your 2.5% after it takes off at lease you are in control and can help your loved ones, its better to not have a pat on the back while you watch your children struggle, a pat on the back while they are thinking what a prat.

The Patent system was designed to share Knowledge in a fare way, after 20 years its given to the people, sounds fare to me. It would of made Besslers life a lot easer and the whole world would have known of his wheel.

Regards Trevor

Edit alinement & spelling.
Edit, if you do not like the system change it, or just live with it and know that's the way it was and is, I am not going to waste my time changing things that can be changed back quicker, building sand castle is fun just do not think they will still be there when you have gone.
Last edited by Trevor Lyn Whatford on Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by getterdone »

I have to agree with Alan, I also think that this will be th last year that we try to figure out how Bessler did it.
I have a theory that I'm going to start building on Monday, if it's right it will show that Bessler's wheel had severe limitations and was way overpriced. I think that this is why count Karl didn't put up the cash to buy it, if my theory is correct , then it wouldn't be worth it to get a patent, it would probably be better just to release it for the bragging rights.
I'll share the theory with the group as soon as it's possible
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by getterdone »

I have to agree with Alan, I also think that this will be th last year that we try to figure out how Bessler did it.
I have a theory that I'm going to start building on Monday, if it's right it will show that Bessler's wheel had severe limitations and was way overpriced. I think that this is why count Karl didn't put up the cash to buy it, if my theory is correct , then it wouldn't be worth it to get a patent, it would probably be better just to release it for the bragging rights.

I'll share the theory with the group as soon as it's possible
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by daxwc »

Can't help myself and wonder...

Trevor Lyn Whatford, you do realise there is a spell checker in the bottom right hand side when you download so corrections can be made before you post.

I believe this is what most members do:

1) Write or paste in the body of the message
2) Press “spell checker� and fix any spelling errors
3) Add a picture or drawing with “Click to Add an Attachment “ button (following instructions of course)
4) Press “preview� button and look at layout and alignment issues
5) Press “submit� button only when you are happy with results from the preview

I don’t in any way mean to offend you; it just seems you are struggling with your speeling and poosting.

I noticed one of your interests is cat sailing. After a quick search of the internet, I realised it is not what I assumed, but I think my vision would be a lot more fun once a person got through all the scratches of the launch.

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