Bessler’s Wedding Day.

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Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by GravityMechanic »

Does any forum member know the date in 1711 when Bessler married his first wife?
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re: Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by jim_mich »

According to John Collins book it seems that Bessler discovered the secret of his wheel shortly before he met his wife in 1711. They were married in 1712. Bessler then built and displayed his first public wheel on June 6th, 1712.
From page 27 of PM-AAMS, John Collins wrote:Straight away I set to with God's help, and within the hour I had cured her. As a reward I was given the girl herself! With God's grace I took her hand in marriage". This was in 1711, and Bessler was already about thirty years of age.
From page 28 of PM-AAMS, John Collins wrote:The leased house was owned by Herr Richter and stood on Niclaus Hill, and the inventor actually constructed his first demonstration model here in the year 1712, exhibiting it on the 6th June. The device stood three, to three and a half feet high ( a little over one metre). I should point out here that all measurements are approximate because each town had different systems of measurement regarding both weight and distance.
From page 141 of PM-AAMS, John Collins wrote:The maid says he even made his daughter swear this terrible oath. Orffyreus was married in 1712, so in 1716 when they were doing the eight week test, she could not have been more than three years of age! In his Apologia the inventor comments that although they were very happy, they were not blessed with children immediately.
If anyone knows the actual wedding date it might be John Collins.

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John Collins
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re: Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by John Collins »

I have been looking into the wedding and other things and it seems that Johann Bessler and Barabara Schumann wanted to get married in her home town but due to the circumstances it was not permitted and they were forced to get married elsewhere. The records pertaining to this are currently being treated for mold and are unavailable to us at this time. It seems more likely from new evidence that they got married sometime during 1711 and not 1712 as I originally understood.

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re: Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by GravityMechanic »

Jim & John,

Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my enquiry. Hopefully in the near future we will be able to discover the date and location of his first wedding.


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Post by triplock »

why ? you you want to buy him a toaster as a belated wedding present ?
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re: Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by rlortie »

Good one triplock!

Hang in there, I am sure that some one on this forum will come up with a hypothesis as to how the marriage date is relevant to his wheel design.

Next we need to find a wedding picture to ascertain if the bride wore a pentagon shaped hoop skirt under her dress! (just kidding, I hope)

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re: Bessler’s Wedding Day.

Post by murilo »

Hi, you guys!
You are not taking seriously to this GM question!
Please, we need to know this in order to keep on with our researches!

BTW, at some 2 or 3 weeks a member told about his working model... a wheel with 15cm... a talk about previous patent and so on... Remember?
This thread is for me now lost!
Can someone help me?
How is this going?

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