Let's say a member here discovered....

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by Michael »

Not really what I was asking you Ralph. I did a google search for wheels, and gravity wheels, arrache never comes close to the top.
It also had the advantage of starting with an 'A' which put it near the front in the phone directory and now it is also at the top of a Google search for Wheels
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Re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by Mark »

justsomeone wrote:How valuable would you be to him... ?
It's been stated that one way to prove the viability of a runner is that it can be duplicated. Building such a duplicate would be the limit of my help.

Trust me, if I could build it..... :-D
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by jim_mich »

Just suppose...

Suppose an actual working proof of principle prototype two foot wheel could be semi-mass produced (say maybe 20 to 40 wheels) from materials costing maybe $40 or $50 dollars and maybe three or four hours of time each, which at minimum labor costs might add another $40 or $50. This would put the total cost of each disassembled wheel at about $100 or so. Just suppose 20 to 40 such wheel "kits" could be semi-mass produced, how many members would be willing to reimburse the inventor his costs and and have one of these prototype wheel kits shipped to him so that he can assemble and publicly display the working wheel? All kits would be shipped in an attempt to have them all arrive at each member's address at about the same time, thus those kits going to far destinations would be shipped first.

The estimated assembly time might be two to five hours of labor using normal simple hand tools such as wrenches and screw drivers. Then after seeing the wheel work privately for maybe a week or so, thus giving time for all kits to be assembled, on a particular date and time all with these working prototype wheel assemblies would "go public" by posting pictures, testimonials, and being willing to publicly and personally show the wheels to any and all who desire to see them.

This would have to be a group effort. Each member of the group would need to be able to keep it secret until the day chosen by the inventor for public display and release of the idea.

This forum posting is not an offer of sale, for such would effect certain patent rights. Also one would first need a working wheel to make any such offer.

But, since the question was asked in this thread, "Let's say a member here discovered...." I'm simply asking for thoughts. This seems like a win/win situation. The inventor gets a little help in promotion and validation. The helper gets to see and hold a real working wheel and perhaps start a relationship that might evolve into the member becoming a distributor of future larger wheels. The world gets to see live working wheels scattered all around the globe. I would think that this would be much better at raising public awareness than what Steorn and other have done? Rather than build advance hype, the publicity would be after worldwide display, rather than before.

Of course it all hinges on some member here discovering....

Just my thoughts. I'm not offering anything here but just my thoughts.

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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by Richard »

Jim Mich said

This would have to be a group effort. Each member of the group would need to be able to keep it secret until the day chosen by the inventor for public display and release of the idea.

Jim that is proposal not without merit...If such a design needed validating, how would a member submit such a design. IMO there is the possibility of such a design ( or perhaps many such..who knows) how would one submit that to a "Group" That would at least discuss the design instead of being disgusted with the designer.? Also if one were to post crude designs on Bessler ( because that is the extent of his capability) and that it might goto Principle but is not well enough drawn for analasys; Would that be Prior Art assuming the design is not found elsewhere...Would it be e-mail?
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by Tarsier79 »

Who said a design for the wheel has not been posted already. I have seen a post in the "Fraud" section that may surprise a few people...especially ...

The problem here is that the only way to convince someone is to release your design to them. Unless you have a patent covering all the ways to produce the principle of overunity, then you are going to have to bend over.

Why buy a design of a wheel for an overinflated price for a few levers and weights etc, when you can just look up the patented design, change the design using the same principle and market it yourself? There is more than one way to skin a cat. Why anyone would want to skin a cat eludes me.
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by getterdone »

Jim, after years of R&D, Bessler finaly has a moment of clearity, he thinks he knows the secret. What does he do? He leaves his home and goes to another part of Germany to go play doctor. It seems obvious to me that he needed money.
If it was an easy or cheap build he would have built a test model before leaving. One has to assume that he could have found a few patients closer to home. I think that he went so far away because he needed special parts, one of a kind , special order,and expensive.
The advantage of being so far from home is that the person building these specialty parts wouldn't recognize him when his wheel became famous and wouldn't reveal his prime mover.

If my theory is correct , then it would be to expensive to make and ship the parts all over the world for assembly

The other delima is one of ethics. If one of the newer members ,like myself ,were to discover the principle, would it be ethical for him to cash-in on it. The discovery wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of Stewart, Scott, John and the rest of the members here, who carefully translated the Bessler works, and brought him back to life.

Wouldn't that make it a group effort.
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re: Let's say a member here discovered....

Post by daxwc »

Tarsier79 quote:
There is more than one way to skin a cat. Why anyone would want to skin a cat eludes me.

"There's more than one way to skin a cat"

Meaning that there may be lots of ways to solve the same problem, it is likely that this phrase has its origins not with cats, but with catfish. Catfish have very tough skins which are difficult to remove.
How to Skin a Catfish

The following method is illegal in the UK, as it involves cruel practices, but it is still carried out in many parts of the world.
• The catfish is attached to the end of a pole by a string around the neck.
• The catfish is then dunked into boiling water to soften the skin (while still alive).
• It is then lifted out of the water and dipped in a vat of hot wax (quite often still alive).
• The catfish is then quickly dipped in cold water to harden the wax.
• The wax is pulled off removing the boiled skin with it.

Sorry, couldn't resist ;))))
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