Are there any working wheels out there?

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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Greetings ribby55

Even though what you have shown is inconclusive, that doesn't mean you don't have something. Several of us here have had machines we believed where going to be runners. Heck, I have several myself. I am building a new stand for a special build I am doing on one of my designs, which if works will be violent in actions and I don't want it to fly apart. I am also a part of Arrache. When you send the design, it will be evaluated and if deemed viable, one of us will build it for a real test. I have my own living work so I lately have not finished many wheels. But I am finally getting more time. So send to Ralph first and then we will see then.


Post by triplock »

There's nothing more to be said as you reach this crossroads.

Your call ribby .... ;-)

Ian G
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Post by Ian G »

If you realy wanted to save the world you would get on with it and build a model that works and publish your work for free for all to see. you all seem to be very secretive about your findings, if we all worked as a team things would only get easier.
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Post by DrWhat »

I agree!
Alfred Fibinger
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re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by Alfred Fibinger »

Do you really think a working model should be given away for free to all see it, just like that? And loose all the profits one can get from it? Come on! Like that model is not yours, it's easy to say...

re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by triplock »

Firstly, welcome to the Bessler Forum Alfred.

Secondly, I think you're an idiot if you failed to see the contradictions we were trying to highlight ;-)

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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

Alfred Fibinger

Welcome to the forum. There are allot of good people here, with allot of experience.

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Re: re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by Fletcher »

ribby55 wrote:I am looking for a team. I figured that this would be a good place to start. Trust me people my intentions are nothing but good. If my ideas come to fruition it will benefit everyone. The time has come that mankind will be able to tap into the free energy that is all around us.

My claims are not to take advantage of anyone. I am not a scammer. I despise them!

When I state something it is not to waste my breath. I am a person who believes in the truth. My claims are real and given to the time I will follow my path.

Our time has come!

Well Ribby, it appears to me that you have all but answered your own questions - you are looking for a team - arrache is a team, they are willing to analyse your idea in detail to gauge its viability - this would no doubt be done with extensive collaboration with you until a consensus of opinion is reached - if you all agree that it has merit then they will undertake a build to compare physical results to sim results - this may not be an entire wheel but perhaps the primary principle that allows resetting of potential each cycle - from what I've read about them they will fund the build, IINM, so no additional materials outlay required from you.

You believe in the truth - here is your opportunity to select a group or individual from within arrache to put real flesh to your simulated bones - there are only two outcomes - one is that the real world build performs much like your simulation & you can all proceed with confidence or the second that the simulation isn't accurate enough in ALL areas of importance & can't be tweaked to emulate the real world build, in which case the sim rendition wasn't sophisticated enough to reflect ALL real world conditions that matter, to test the principle - either way you will find out the truth of you sim in its present form or at least in your modeling abilities & expert use of a simulation program - the good news is that these skills can be improved & refined & checked against other simulation programs - if all give the same results then that affords a good measure of confidence going forward.

Ultimately, whilst your claims are real [because you made them here] it is yet to be determined whether that translates into real world 'real' working principle able to restore potential each cycle & self sustain its motion once underway.

So, the backers & team you seek are there & ready & willing to translate your ideas to reality - it may not be the reality you wish for but that is the chance you take anytime you go from sim to real world comparison.

Post by triplock »


So, the backers & team you seek are there & ready & willing to translate your ideas to reality - it may not be the reality you wish for but that is the chance you take anytime you go from sim to real world comparison.

Wish words Fletcher ;-)

I do sympathise with Libby's predicament though as it is one of the hardest leap of faiths to take, that of disclosing your 'baby' to a third party. It could be said though that all the time the concept remains unvalidated in the real world then there is always the chance that you have found the 'golden ticket'.
But the reality is is that disclosure is essential, for without it you have nothing. That bitter pill HAS to be swallowed.

The upside is that once you've submitted a few duff designs, the process of receiving rejection does get a lot easier !!!!! Well, it does for me anyway LOL

So what is your route forward Libby ??

kind regards, Chris
Last edited by triplock on Wed May 19, 2010 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by rlortie »

Aaah the powers of observation will sooner or later let you down!

Why are you welcoming a sleeper of fishers to the forum as though he just joined? He has been here since March of 2006. So who should be welcoming whom? :-)

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re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by Fletcher »

Unfortunately the IP search has been disabled, for me anyway !

Post by triplock »

Oh yeah, just noticed the joining date.

Thanks for your contribution Alfred. It took 4 years, but was well worth the wait.

Before you spout off next time, why don't you show us one of you old designs Alf to show the forum that you're serious, instead of acting like the moral minority . Grrr

Libby55 has been given nothing but sound advice from a ot of people who have been exactly in the same position. I could go on, but I don't want my rep to go back down again !!!!!!

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re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by nicbordeaux »

Ultimately, whilst your claims are real [because you made them here]
Fletcher, that is the wisest phrase I have ever seen. That wise guy Confuscius couldn't have come up with that in a thousand years. Nor Woody Allen. No kidding, it's ultimately wise.

I have this deceased tree lopped off at precisely cofee cup height in some property, like a man needs a tree in his garden to pee against in the morning, or at least the possibility of doing so even if one doesn't practise, like a male's mental balance depends on having a tree, and this tree is baptized after a wise guy called Wong Fook Hing and has a sign on it saying "No barking" 'coz you don't need people barking up the Wong Fook Hing Tree, 'an I guess that your above piece of wisdom I will have engraved on a brass plaque and nailed right on that tree, but pretty high up. Photos to follow as soon as the plaque is done.

Your's in admiration

If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
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re: Are there any working wheels out there?

Post by ribby55 »

First of all I would like to say Thank you to all of you for your experienced advice.

Yes a team is what I seek and I am forming one here. But it is my "baby" and I am forming a team here in my home town where I can actually see its progress. I am having a meeting with some colleagues who are willing to help me build it. But I would to have things move sooner then later. If for some reason my local build is not moving as fast as I would like it to then Yes Arrache is the way to go. Ralph is a reputable man and I respect him very much. If he lived closer to me I would be at his shop in a New York second! So my plan is to build it locally in the very near future and if it is a runner shall I let you guys know?

You never know but Arrache is my "plan B". Ralph with all due respect I will keep you in the loop. Thanks everyone for your comments and support!


PS. Sorry for sounding Evangelistic but I am not a religious man. God is everywhere but religions are man made.

PS I will be back.....hopefully with some good news. :o(])
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Ian G
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Post by Ian G »

If its your baby its not a team effort.

If your team can't get it working then plan B won't work either

Good luck with the non runner

When I mentioned a team it was in the context of we get together as a team firstly to create a viable plan of a pm machine. A plan which we all agree on then take it to the next step of build.
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