New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

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New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

Post by hartiberlin »

Please have a look at this:

He has a running wheel,
but still powered by a battery and a few motors
inside the wheel.

What I find more interesting is his
theory with this picture:


does anyone know, how to simulate these
one way clutches pin wheels
bearings in
WM2D simulator software ?

If I would know this, I could try to simulate this:

This might be the holy secret of the Bessler wheel !

How can we make these clutches in WM2D and
was Bessler already able to use clutch bearings
in his days ?

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
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re: New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

Post by Fletcher »

Hi Stefan .. I'll see if I can find the simple one-way clutch WM2D file I use as a template & post it for you to download & pull apart & use.

I have to say that I would be highly surprised to see this design actually work on its own - ramp designs have been around for an age, even ones that link two opposing weights, so one repositions the other - ramps, whilst looking good, actually create back-torque in the wheel as a weight is lifted to a greater radius - besides, once the weight is on the ramp the ramp effectively shares the load so torque in a CW direction is depleted & they eventually & invariably find the keel position where torques are balanced.

I'd love someone to find a simple solution for a gravity only powered wheel so lets see how your sim turns out & whether anyone else over at can build a successful replication without battery & motor power.

P.S. I originally saw the rachet pin joint simulation on your discussion board & copied it & adapted it, so some of your members can also work with it competently - effectively, it's an overlaid rigid pin joint over a pivot point that is activated by direction of rotation &/or torque values.
ratchet description.wm2d
rachet description
(7.62 KiB) Downloaded 274 times
rachet pin joint.wm2d
rachet pin joint - one-way clutch
(32.04 KiB) Downloaded 296 times
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re: New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

Post by rlortie »

Bessler may not have had the privilege of today's one-way roller bearings but I will bet he was familiar with a cog gear and ratchet AKA 'dog'

Hmmm! 'Dog' where have I read that before? :-)

Before getting to excited about this design suggest you recall Darrel V. (VANDUGEGS)

iacob alex
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re: New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !

A short comment regarding Dmitriyev's movie on net.

His site is:

Really,he has no solution for a self-sustaining torque unbalance,on the same side of the fulcrum (the only one problem of a possible PM),but there are some interesting sequences:

-a good fucrum (0-14 sec.)

-an useful up-down eccentric/pendular free fall (23-30 sec.)

-a practical free fall of a variable arm (40-62 sec.)

-a limited rotation due to a starting torque unbalace (66-100sec.)

Regarding these tests as valuable,I think that ,we can employ them to bring forth some new developments...

All the best! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
iacob alex
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re: New gravity wheel of Mikhail Dmitriyev

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !
An additional plain comment about Dmitriyev's movie on net:

-a good fulcrum is not sufficient :the friction must be "paid",,we must "minimize" the total weight on the bearing,as much as possible.

-we can get out, more useful gravity power,if we increase the free gravity fall ("torque avalanche").

These two states of circumstances,require a simultaneous "mini-max" arrangement (see "Wheel vs. lever..." topic).

All the best! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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