Well Respected

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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Post by nicbordeaux »

greendoor wrote:An increase of Force isn't a demonstration of overunity. Otherwise any lever could demonstrate OU.
Come off it greendoor, you're losing it :) Never has a lever been OU because it doesn't increase force. it just trades in distance.
4 x the force over one quarter of the distance for example ? Same amount force, no overall increase.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
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Post by murilo »

greendoor wrote:Call me cynical, but I have to question the motives of some people who frequent this forum and yet consistently deny that overunity (aka an actual running wheel with no external energy input) is impossible. If you truely believe that Bessler was a fraud, and that a running wheel is impossible - why even bother coming here?

Imagine that there is an elite group of people with inside knowledge who know damn well that Bessler's wheel ran, and that there are faults with the science that is taught to the general public. Imagine that they do not wish the secret to be revealed to the public, as it would hurt their financial, military or political interests ... what would they make of a forum such as this? Would they pay it any attention?

I suspect that if such a group of people existed - they would certainly monitor the activities of this forum. I imagine that if anyone got close to finding the secret, they would do whatever they could do to stop that from happening. Possible ways of doing this would be:

1 - actively promoting ideas that simply can never work
2 - provoking pointless arguments to foul up threads that might be onto something good
3 - offering to build wheel inventions - and keeping ideas secret with legal agreements
4 - encouraging greed
5 - encouraging secrecy - e.g. private discussion & agreements
6 - encouraging patents - even though the history and agenda of the patent system regarding free energy is well known
7 - encouraging the use of software modeling, which can only maintain the status quo based on the existing mathematical models that we have been given that are based on the core concept that energy cannot be created.

Every particle in the universe is in constant motion. Even particles which are observed to suddenly pop out of nowhere. Why we are programmed to think that Perpetual Motion is impossible is an amazing display of social conditioning. Remember - these "laws" were established around the very time that Bessler's wheel was providing a testimony to refute these bogus laws. The history of how these energy laws were accepted by the 'powers that be' is very interesting reading - and there are some very dubious characters with very human faults and failings behind this story. Very interesting indeed.

But who am I kidding ... there are no conspiracy theories. Our Presidents and Prime Ministers would never lie to us, would they? Of course not ...
For true, I believe that all FE stuffs are still as in a parallel universe and not visible for the current human kind.
Like a zebras and gnus crowd they just keep blind and shewing the daily grass. ( also, as many of ''us''.)
When FE will come to light, at right COSMIC moment and time, all them will be happy and swimming in this new ocean of obviation.
All of us will then be just hide forgotten fossils of the story...
I mean, zero glory to us still in parallel world.
Take care.
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Post by jim_mich »

greendoor wrote:Imagine we could find a bank that would lend you money at 5% interest, and give you 10% return on your money in a savings account. That would be Over Unity - you could borrow millions of dollars, invest them, and pocket the returns. Never going to happen.
What do you mean it is never going to happen? As long as you have collateral, the bank will loan you money. If you know where to invest it you can make much more than the bank charges. For instance, pay the bank 5% and then make 20% to 30%. That is financial OU.

I had to look up rork. It is an Australian and New Zealand word.

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re: Well Respected

Post by path_finder »

Daddy: Any body with only two standing points will fall because of the gravity.
Kiddy: How the bikers can run?

A gallup made recently shows that a third of the french citizens (even almost educated) still believe that the sun runs around the earth.

IMHO the gravity don't exist: it's just an human way to explain an observed phenomenon.
Take a small ball in your fingers: the ball is linked physically to our world and is expanding with us.
Open your fingers: the ball recovers it's freedom, remaining at the same place of the outer space, finally reaching the floor...
Why? Because our world is in expansion with an increasing speed (wich doubles every second).
During the time the ball was free we have been increased and all parts around us (the reason why we cannot detect this expansion).
The ball was not falling, the floor reached it. This is the big difference wih the common explanation.
Nevertheless the laws of the physics (in particular the rule x=1/2gt^^2) are still valid.
The last question: how to prove this? Easy: the mass of the ball should be reduced, measure it.
The problem: The measurement meters have been expanded meanwhile.

Related with: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUkEu6YYR3s

We need sometime to reverse our way to observe the phenomenons.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by nicbordeaux »

EDITED : don't know about that, though optimizing assembly of different expansion rate materials might be a interesting way of getting direct mechanical force from solar. Or any heat. Don't doubt for an instant it's been chewed to death here over the years :=)

re: Well Respected

Post by triplock »

IMHO the gravity don't exist: it's just an human way to explain an observed phenomenon.
Take a small ball in your fingers: the ball is linked physically to our world and is expanding with us.
Open your fingers: the ball recovers it's freedom, remaining at the same place of the outer space, finally reaching the floor...
Why? Because our world is in expansion with an increasing speed (wich doubles every second).
During the time the ball was free we have been increased and all parts around us (the reason why we cannot detect this expansion).
The ball was not falling, the floor reached it. This is the big difference wih the common explanation.
Nevertheless the laws of the physics (in particular the rule x=1/2gt^^2) are still valid.
The last question: how to prove this? Easy: the mass of the ball should be reduced, measure it.
The problem: The measurement meters have been expanded meanwhile.

With all due respect path-finder, and I hate to say this as you're a great hands on builder, imo that is the biggest load of old tosh I have heard. :-((.

If the world's size doubles every second thru expansion, then it's volume increases. As there is less matter to fill that increased volume, then the density reduces, then within a matter of seconds we'd be no more than elemental dust in the cosmic wind (assuming there is a wind in the vacumn of space ?)

Last edited by triplock on Sat May 29, 2010 10:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Well Respected

Post by Tarsier79 »

Why? Because our world is in expansion with an increasing speed (wich doubles every second).
If this were so, then the speed of light would not be a constant, but would exponentially slow, or if it is a constant (from our perspective), it would also have to double its speed every second... doesn't seem plausible to me.
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re: Well Respected

Post by path_finder »

Dear Tarsier79,
How do you measure the speed of the light? If my theory is true, the Michelson/Morley equipment was submitted also to the same expansion.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...

Post by triplock »


You're theory is nonsense. It's like believing that it is possible to construct a machine, who's revolutionary force is derived from gravity alone....

............... err, hang on a minute ;-))

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re: Well Respected

Post by DrWhat »

Ask anyone and most will say that each year is going faster and faster.

Ask especially an older person.

Is it something physiological, or is time really speeding up.

I personally believe that everything is speeding up.

(I wrote this in 0.3 seconds!)
I only realized too late that life was short.
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re: Well Respected

Post by daxwc »

nicbordeaux Quote:
It's a whole new Science, greendoor, and I claim all rights to it. It shall henceforth be referred to as Orbital Emulation Energy Creation.
Being around the French must be rubbing off on you. ;)))

Really... the rights too, that must get you free rides on the childrens’ mechanical horse at the grocery store. Oh, don’t forget to blow hard on your cowboy hat with the plastic whistle.

Are you serious? Hope you don’t mind the rest of us call your new science something else. Something a lot smaller with 4 letters would be nice. Would it not be proper if you showed us some energy creation at least first. Do you actually believe there has been no prior art till the year 2010? :)

The mathematical formula is 2 + 2 /1² x 5 = 10.
It equals 10? Did I miss one of your jokes somewhere?

Maybe I am just cranky... that time of the month. :(
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re: Well Respected

Post by ribby55 »

What is 7Q+3Q?

So an expanding earth theory is plausible? If you were to match up the land masses on both sides of the Atlantic and the Pacific they would piece together exactly. If it were one big super continent then by the time it would reach the other side they should not make a perfect fit.. but they do. Does also a larger mass have more gravitational pull ie:Jupiter being larger having more gravitational pull then the earth? If the earth is expanding does that mean the gravitational effects are increasing? Or would it be the same 9.8 M/S2 gravitational force throughout history? Too bad we could not take a sample measure say a billion years ago and compare it with today. It would be an interesting case study. There are many things we think we know about the universe but we are still hypothesizing based on mathematics but sometimes even the most powerful super computer cannot equate the complexities our universe. Who knows maybe our universe is just a part a mass of bubbles with each bubble being its own universe. Who knows maybe our universe is only the size of an atom. Something to ponder....

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Re: re: Well Respected

Post by nicbordeaux »

daxwc wrote:nicbordeaux Quote:
It's a whole new Science, greendoor, and I claim all rights to it. It shall henceforth be referred to as Orbital Emulation Energy Creation.
Being around the French must be rubbing off on you. ;)))

Really... the rights too, that must get you free rides on the childrens’ mechanical horse at the grocery store. Oh, don’t forget to blow hard on your cowboy hat with the plastic whistle.

Are you serious? Hope you don’t mind the rest of us call your new science something else. Something a lot smaller with 4 letters would be nice. Would it not be proper if you showed us some energy creation at least first. Do you actually believe there has been no prior art till the year 2010? :)]
Show me the prior art in Orbital Emulation Energy creation ? Yawl know that a bungee ball is like a planet ? That the fishing nylon is the same thing as gravity ?

The mathematical formula is 2 + 2 /1² x 5 = 10.
It equals 10? Did I miss one of your jokes somewhere?

Maybe I am just cranky... that time of the month. :(
That maffematical forula says that the result is 10 and that you can square 1, so that can't be refuted 'cos it's a math thing an you don't argue with maff and fiziks so if it says what it says, it proves 2 x OU is OK. If you can't get 2X OU then your experimental setup is wrong.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
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re: Well Respected

Post by getterdone »

Well ribby, as said by other members, I agree that there are no runners. I think that the main problem is that we're a very small group trying to build what's been called the impossible machine, the Holy Grail of all inventions. We only have one example of success in all of history, and he didn't leave us a very clear trail to fallow

Before the internet era it would have been very easy for the goverment to make such an invention disapear, but I don't think they could do that today.

I think that your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint should be applauded, so I'm posting you a link to another site that you may find interesting. It can get pretty cold on a bycicle in the Canadian winter Eh
http://www.diyelectriccar.com/forums/fo ... hat-5.html
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re: Well Respected

Post by daxwc »

Nic quote:
Show me the prior art in Orbital Emulation Energy creation ? Yawl know that a bungee ball is like a planet ? That the fishing nylon is the same thing as gravity ?
YES!!! You’re absolutely right Nick! Apparently your Orbital Ejaculator got missed because monofilament fishing line was not introduced by DuPont till 1939. It was also in very fine print on the packaging of every reel that it can be compared to gravity, but nobody reads that legal stuff.

Hope you don’t mind if I use a prayer mat to bow it is hard on my knees. 8)))

Nic Quote:
The mathematical formula is 2 + 2 /1² x 5 = 10.
That is not a mathematical formula; although it is a bunch of numbers stuck into something.

That maffematical forula says that the result is 10 and that you can square 1, so that can't be refuted 'cos it's a math thing an you don't argue with maff and fiziks so if it says what it says, it proves 2 x OU is OK. If you can't get 2X OU then your experimental setup is wrong.
When you sober up would it be possible to answer why you were trying to square one into two. I have no idea what you are trying to show. No where have you shown that your ejaculator produces any extra energy including videos, never mind the reset problem.

What goes around, comes around.
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