new clues different than bessler clues

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sadiq attamish
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new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

i have clues as mention below,if some body solve it,become my partner:
1-the whole wheel is circle or round shape.
2-the whole wheel contain outer wheel &two inner wheel.
3-the 1st inner responsible for lifting the weights.
4-the 2nd inner its function is as a controller.
5-one of the inner like to move against the outer (opposite direction).
6-one of the inner either the 1st or the 2nd,you choose which one you like,has two parts,one of them like to be stationary.but if you compare to the axle will not??.
7-there is a belt,in each round of wheel rotation, in one cycle,this belt some time like to join the outer only,in other part some time like to join the 1st inner &2nd inner in the same time.
8-weight can touch the outer so become responsible for a torque,but if touch one of the two inners will not responsible for that.
9-spring is not that important,you can replace it by rubber band or similar.
i will complete the rest of clues in the next topic.thanks
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

the rest of the new clues:
10-number of weights depend on you how many you choose ?.(but if even will be better).
11-the axle of the whole wheel has small part of it working as a split,but the rest will go all the way.
12-the see-saw is the basic of the whole wheel.
13-if you design your wheel on math you have problem,but if you rely on physic,i think you can do something.
14-all parts in circle motion,the outer,one part of the one of the inner,axle & even the holders of the weights.
15-keel is important in this whole wheel to be stable.
16-rollers must be used in such way that let the movement of the weights to become unbalancing.
oh my clues allot or may be i do not how to use the forum?(please go the next topic
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

the rest:
17-if you used bumpers,the sound of hitting by weights will be less.
18-there is a small part in the wheel(may be in the one of the two inners) although small but its function a huge,also is not responsible for lifting of the weight,only catch the weight when slightly falling down,so we call it a (catcher)?.
19-the diameter is not effected much on the power,but the weights i can say yes.
20-at the last i have to inform you that in the wheel forces has been implemented,like gravity,CF,inertia,other natural force,i thing the time is also,but it is not a force.(because during wheel rotation the time has to be considered).thanks
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by Tarsier79 »

Gday Sadiq

Do you have a design in mind? If so you could either build yourself or approach Arrache.

It seems that your clues of 3 wheels and their function could be better explained with a diagram of some sort.

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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

dear Traiser79
off course i have design,but i dont know i follow this proveb
if you want a thing well done,do it yourself
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by Tarsier79 »

My advise would be to sim then build.

Good luck!!!
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

hi dear Triser 79
i already built one ,now is in front of me.but this thing is some time i can feel it as a dream,but i follow this proverb:
no man is content with his lot
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

hi Traiser79
i have to go to sleep,before the dream started.thanks
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by ovyyus »

sadiq attamish wrote:i already built one ,now is in front of me...
Is your wheel self-rotating? If so, what is size, speed, power?
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by AB Hammer »

sadiq attamish

Your description can fit allot of wheels including a couple of mine. Without a drawing to help clarify the design it becomes veg. For instants wheels within wheels if you look at the albums you will find a few of those.

At this time I am working on a wheel that I have one weight moving only 1/4 of the overbalance weight moving and less weight. I am now looking at the possible real thing. Even then I will not make the claim until I finish the build over the next few days. This is one of my long term projects, the same wheel that nearly took off my thumb awhile back. If it is the one it will go through Arrache and I will have a video of a covered wheel showing accelerating and is possible to self start. But until its done its not done.
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by Tarsier79 »

All the best for your build Alan!
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

hi Tarsier79
could you please let me know what (Arrache) can do for my design,thanks
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by sadiq attamish »

hi AB Hammer
i totally agree what you did explain to me,thanks
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by Tarsier79 »

I am not the best person to ask. You would have to contact them. They are respected members of besslerwheel who will look at your design, give you feedback, and if they think it might have potential, I think they might even build it for you. They also do not disclose any information you give them without your permission.

For more info:
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re: new clues different than bessler clues

Post by ovyyus »

I guess the answer is 'no'?
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