Keep it to yourself.

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Post by broli »

Nick there's no need to be sensible here. It's all about irrationalism, the more irrational you are the better you are received. "Repeat history, make the same mistakes as your predecessors"

I hope all the people that are on my idiot's list to succeed in making a working wheel, because what will come afterwards will be utter disappointment and despair. Poor foolish men.
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Re: re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by Grimer »

james kelly wrote:I am sorry Allen, But I donot feel like a misfit. I am able to do 2 to 3 actual builds a day. some times it keeps me very busy. Some are very good producers.
Of what?
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »

broli wrote:Nick there's no need to be sensible here. It's all about irrationalism, the more irrational you are the better you are received. "Repeat history, make the same mistakes as your predecessors"

I hope all the people that are on my idiot's list to succeed in making a working wheel, because what will come afterwards will be utter disappointment and despair. Poor foolish men.

The only Poor foolish men, are those who don't even try. So why are you promoting foolishness?

Once Patent pending and you have all of those who are here. It is safety in numbers and your place in history is set, if nothing else. It has to be shown to keep it out from under the big business, and political cover. But if you just show it, there will be only a slim chance if any of being remembered. Think! if Tesla didn't get his patents, and was only in the news paper. He wouldn't of even been remembered. If he was, it would be as another scam artist in history. The real story. And the big money is showing off their new gravity wheel and you gave it away as you cry why didn't I at least try. Sob Sob and forgotten.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

Old and future wheel videos

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Post by broli »

You shouldn't have dropped the T word.
AB Hammer wrote: Think! if Tesla didn't get his patents, and was only in the news paper. He wouldn't of even been remembered.
That's EXACTLY what happened to him. In mainstream science and the academic world Tesla's work has been completely forgotten. Sending electricity wirelessy over the world, sucking up energy from the aether ,electro gravitic effects... Nothing what so ever has made it.

All he's known for now by most the ignorant world is his AC power and more specifically his induction motor running on AC. This was also his financial income for a while. Until the depression and some greedy people shat on him and made him sell his patents to Westinghouse.

Then to skip through all the shit storm he received after that. He ended up in a hotel room, lonely having only pigeons as his friends....

This is the mistakes I'm talking about we should learn from. But you are welcome to repeat history. The hell hole can never be filled.
AB Hammer wrote: If he was, it would be as another scam artist in history. The real story. And the big money is showing off their new gravity wheel and you gave it away as you cry why didn't I at least try. Sob Sob and forgotten.
Educate yourself next time.

I have to agree spot on with nic. Share and go live in the mountains on your free energy. Unless you want to be raped, eaten alive, shat back out and raped a few times more.

And tbh I laugh at gravity wheels. I realized a couple of months ago how deluded people are in this forum. We live in 2010, not 1717 where 1 horse power was the rage. Good for you for trying to achieve this goal, but you'll have to start looking for plutonium mass to make these compact and power homes. Or we can always go back to GE raping us in the ass with their central mega gravity wheel. If you want to be realistic follow electricity.
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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by Ian G »


The trouble with youtube is camera trickery, If you put a working wheel on there everyone would think it was a fake anyway

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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by daxwc »

Broli's quote:
All he's known for now by most the ignorant world is his AC power and more specifically his induction motor running on AC.
One of the greatest inventions to mankind, that has propelled the human race ahead.

Tesla was not interested in money, his personality had more to do with his journey in life.

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Re: re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by broli »

daxwc wrote:Broli's quote:
All he's known for now by most the ignorant world is his AC power and more specifically his induction motor running on AC.
One of the greatest inventions to mankind, that has propelled the human race ahead.

Tesla was not interested in money, his personality had more to do with his journey in life.

That's the same crap professors spout to their students. Fact of the matter is Tesla was a slightly above average inventor who got lucky by a huge early adaption of his technology at a place called Niagara Falls. That was his one of a life time chance, to gain some reputation and above all financial income to work on his colossal experiments later in his life. Because in reality his motor was received with a lot of skepticism and not to mention Edison's satanic actions against it, called "competition".

After the adaption of this motor he could get NOTHING of his later inventions in the public. Filing patent after patent after patent but not one single commercial device. Sadly there was no Internet back then or he could have published his work instantly and freely. And not get confiscated by the Office of Alien Property at that time.

Tesla's later work puts his induction motor to shame as he said. So please don't give me the "AC motor is the greatest invention" crap. Tesla's later worked concerned free energy and even anti gravity. So where can I find a free energy or a anti gravity machine? That's right.
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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by daxwc »

Broli, Tesla was a scientist, not everything he worked on would have been viable. You see his concepts and contributions everywhere today; Tesla contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar, and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics.

“Fact of the matter is Tesla was a slightly above average inventor who got lucky by a huge early adaption of his technology at a place called Niagara Falls.�
Disagree, but everybody has a right to an opinion.

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Post by Grimer »

Without grains of Broli sand one would never get a pearl. ;-)
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Re: re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by Grimer »

Ian G wrote:The trouble with youtube is camera trickery, If you put a working wheel on there everyone would think it was a fake anyway. ...
Not if you could give a rational explanation as to why it worked.
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Post by AB Hammer »

Personally I have had many many conflict with broli many many times. As for original things he has added is very low but he likes to say open source. I wonder if broli is working for big money trying to make it easy for big money to take it for themselves. Eliminate obstetricals and it is a smooth road.
Give it away and big money won't bother you. Sound almost like extortion. IMHO of course

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Re: re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by broli »


Omg...can't stop laughing...

That one is going in the books, thanks for the laugh.
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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by getterdone »

I've spent countless hours reading threads on this site, what I find different on this site compared to other site is that while we're all racing towards the same goal, in a sense we're all in competition. Some want to get rich , some want to save the world and some want the bragging rights and to see a conclusion to this quest.

I was wondering, for those that want to just give away there discovery to the world if there has ever been a "declaration of intent "posted on this site. Something that could be easily copied and pasted if someone choses to go that route.

P.S. Alan and Broli, I hope you guys don't bring your OU squabble on this site, in the end we're all aiming towards the same goal.

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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by rlortie »

Some want to get rich , some want to save the world and some want the bragging rights and to see a conclusion to this quest.
My declaration of intent is to remove the word 'some' from your above statement.

Get rich , save the world, bragging rights, and see a conclusion to this quest.

The latter will automatically fulfill the preceding.

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re: Keep it to yourself.

Post by Grimer »

rlortie wrote:My declaration of intent is to remove the word 'some' from your above statement.

Get rich , save the world, bragging rights, and see a conclusion to this quest.

The latter will automatically fulfill the preceding.
It will indeed.
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?
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