If you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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If you change the way you look at things. The things you loo

Post by ribby55 »

Haven't been here for a while. I found it not to be productive. I have been doing my own analysis and for the longest time I was trying to get a weight to move up at 1 o'clock and up at 7 o'clock. But that has all changed now. By approaching this in a different way it all came clear to me...Then Bingo! I got it. I am gather up my materials for a build. One done I will post a video. So has anyone here figured it out yet? I figure with all the brain power on this forum someone must have made some breakthroughs? So do we have free energy yet?

Just another PM guy....
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by Wubbly »

ribby55 wrote:So has anyone here figured it out yet?
Those still here have not. The ones who have figured it out have no need to still be here. Perhaps they are on their way to the patent office.
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Re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by Grimer »

ribby55 wrote:Haven't been here for a while. I found it not to be productive. I have been doing my own analysis and for the longest time I was trying to get a weight to move up at 1 o'clock and up at 7 o'clock. But that has all changed now. By approaching this in a different way it all came clear to me...Then Bingo! I got it. I am gather up my materials for a build. One done I will post a video. So has anyone here figured it out yet? I figure with all the brain power on this forum someone must have made some breakthroughs? So do we have free energy yet?

Just another PM guy....
Perhaps you should have called yourself ribby88.
Then we could all look forward to the fat ladies singing. Image
Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata?

re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »

I have been doing my own analysis and for the longest time I was trying to get a weight to move up at 1 o'clock and up at 7 o'clock. But that has all changed now. By approaching this in a different way it all came clear to me...
Reverse logic says to lower the wheel relative to the weights.. ......

......... crap. Still got to reset the wheel back up..... ;-)


PS. Ribby,

What happen to the 'I've got two working mag wheels and one OB wheel , and you're all a bunch of novices' atitude from a couple of months ago ? Glad to see that you still have no hint of humility :-((

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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by ribby55 »

In two weeks I get a week's vacation. Not planning on going anywhere. Hopefully the wife will get off my case and let me finish my work in my garage. That is the plan. Man, family life can be so time consuming! As far as me giving away any of my secrets that will not happen. I will show my design only to those who sign a confidence agreement with me. These ideas are mine and I did not stay up many nights with my brain still working on how to mechanically fabricate a working wheel just to give it away. If Bessler was right then he should have been compensated for his work. Just like Edison and Tesla. Inventors are people that change things in the world. These are people with vision. These are people who see far ahead into the future. These are people who should be recognized for their efforts. Unfortunately small minds tend to mock or try to discredit the would be futurist and many never gain the recognition they deserve. The problem with this forum is that there are some people who judge others without even knowing who they really are. I am nothing but text on your screen....

Our air quality is depleting and we are doing nothing to reverse that. We keep going about our daily lives as we slowly pollute the water we drink and the air we breathe. One world is we have... I hope we get it before it is too late....or is it too late?

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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by Tarsier79 »

Hey Ribby

The problem is, having a dream, and having a reality are often two different things.

You will probably find people wont be interested in your secrets unless you have physical proof, or at least scientific proof of a working wheel.

Is a secret that isn't wanted by anyone else really a secret worth anything?

Good luck with your build! Prove us all wrong by becoming rich and famous.

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Post by greendoor »

The more a person rants about saving the planet, blah, blah, woof, woof ... the more certain I am that their bright idea is a non-runner. Stating the bleeding obvious isn't a good way to convince us that you have a higher intelligence than the rest of us.

Put your money where your mouth is - there's a planet to be saved don't you know.
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Post by broli »

greendoor wrote:The more a person rants about saving the planet, blah, blah, woof, woof ... the more certain I am that their bright idea is a non-runner. Stating the bleeding obvious isn't a good way to convince us that you have a higher intelligence than the rest of us.

Put your money where your mouth is - there's a planet to be saved don't you know.
It makes the crow pie even more tasty afterwards.

I never understood why people come on just to say they "figured" it out and leave nothing behind. If your mind is filled with monetary gain and greed then you already made the first big mistake by saying you have something.

This will not help your goal out in any way and it will come back to bite you hard. People have gone much further than you in thinking an actual build design worked and never came back out of shame. The forum is full of fools that can testify on that fact.

This thread has completely no value as an open discussion on gravity wheels. It will spiral in an endless loop of rants and piss contests. But adding one more to the list can do no harm. So good job buddy on failing before starting.
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by ribby55 »

Just because it doesn't exist in the physical world does not mean that it does not exist. In my mind and on paper is as far as I have gotten so far. Got up early this morning to do some measurements. I am hoping to start testing this weekend. You all right! This forum is seems to be about a ranting session for some. Unfortunately there are a lot people that are quick to take your hard work and run with it. Marconi was recognized for inventing the radio when it was Tesla who did it first. I realize that this would be the ultimate dream to have perpetual motion. Science, and the powers that be, put in our heads that this is not possible. I believe it is possible. This not just a dream but it was done 300 years ago but somehow it was smothered. Hell Tesla was so far ahead of his time that most people did not understand him. Unfortunately this forum has not gotten me anywhere. It just proves to me people's negativity and how I am judged without even knowing what I am all about. But you are not my enemies. My enemy is time...
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Post by Grimer »

He's only new at this game so cut him a bit of slack.
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Post by broli »

Negativity? Why don't you cut the crap. If you want to discuss gravity wheels lets discuss them, I would love nothing more than bouncing around ideas and concepts and analyzing why they would or wouldn't work. However if you want to discuss your world saving secret idea then expect a piss storm, that simple.

We all know who Tesla was and we all know what he did and what the world did in reply to him. You better educate yourself a bit better on 300 years of perpetual motion and energy before you try to reference and compare historic people to yourself. If you really did I wouldn't be telling you and we would be discussing why or why not your idea would work.

Either openly discuss your ideas or don't, but don't expect to be hugged and kissed when you openly announce an idea that works in your head without any constructive material to discuss about. Such crap is meant for pm's and other dark alleyways.

Be open or be gone.
Last edited by broli on Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AB Hammer »


Just think if Edison didn't patent his inventions. ( Edison who? ) If Tesla never patented anything. ( Tesla who? ) Only documented proof will be your best proof of being remembered. The armor I make have my stamp hammered into each section of armor. To be remembered is our only earthly source of immortality.

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Post by broli »

The piss contest has officially started. All aboard the the piss mobile!

Just to measure the ignorance. Let's bash our heads to the wall ignore history and assume by some god given miracle you actually get a patent for a perpetual motion machine. And force another miracle by saying the wheel actually works.

Can you tell me how you are going to defend your patent?
Or why you think a patent will "protect" you and your invention, lol?

re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »

Ribby wrote:
Just because it doesn't exist in the physical world does not mean that it does not exist. In my mind and on paper is as far as I have gotten so far.

All hail the f@/king savour. Your wheel build will pass final judgement.



re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »

Double post.....

PS. I'm still laughing at the nievity..

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