If you change the way you look at things. The things you look at change.

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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by ribby55 »

Aren't we all "wanna be" inventors on this forum? Just the interest of thinking about perpetual motion leads one to pursuing the possibility of it being real. Inventive minds are what bought all the comforts we now have. Think of anything you hold in your hand...someone, somewhere at sometime invented it. From the simplest thing like a pencil to a complex device like a computer someone had it in their mind first and followed through to make it a reality. There steps to take when filing for a patent and it can be a long journey. But in the end it is worth it. My goal is about making the world a better place for our next generation. For me free energy was the path to a better world. This research has opened a whole new world for me and has expanded my mind. When you become an NLP (No limits Person) like me, there is nothing that can stand in my way. Your comments are nothing more then your opinions. That is the way you think and that does not affect the way I think. So your attacks do not phase me in any way. Like my heading states "Changing the way you look at things."

BTY I do not think that I am better than anyone here. It is a shame that the world we live in is based on the monetary system then there wouldn't be so much greed. Because there is truly enough for everyone to go around.
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Post by broli »

Can you answer my questions please.
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by ribby55 »

It seems that perpetual motion machines are not patentable. Why? Because the powers that be do not want us to be too advanced. They would like to keep us in our placid state of numbness so that we do not see the truth and with that truth we would gain power over them. That is something they surely do not want to happen. So they re-write history and let us pray to our gods as long as we don't get too smart. As far as a patent goes I will cross that bridge when I get there. So far a simulation holds no water until a working prototype is built. That is where I am at.

My ideas are my ideas and will divulge no information until a signed agreement is drawn. Does this answer your question?
Fossil fuels will kill us all!

re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »

When you become an NLP (No limits Person) like me, there is nothing that can stand in my way.
Ribby mate, why don't you climb back out of your own arse for a minute. I'm all for a self belief, but it is a very short step to arrogance.

You say it is a shame that people only have monetary values, so why your pre-occupation with NDA's and patents. Admit it, you're just a greedy little fuck like the rest of us. ;-)

Here's to world peace, a greener future for our great grand-nieces twice remove, and all that croc.

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Post by broli »

ribby55 wrote:Does this answer your question?
Sorry but not even close. You seem to have completely no idea what a patent is and what it requires to protect it anno 2010. Times have changed drastically since the fairy tail of "little inventor becomes millionaire". We are not living in 1800's anymore. A patent is not an act of nature lol, it's part of a man made system. Do your homework because I did and can bury you with facts. Unlike you my rants are based on excessive research and facts from 200 years of perpetual motion marketing history.

You also seem to have a bipolar disorder, on one hand "this monetary world ran by evil illuminate needs to fall" and on the other "I need to use their system to succeed".

Triplock is right. At least he's man enough to admit it without the self proclaimed messiah bullshit.

There's ONLY two solutions that will ALWAYS work. You either find success and take it to your grave or you open pandora's box completely and watch what happens. Everything else has been tried before your existence and failed miserably. There's no gray area there's nothing in between. Good and evil, black and white. Pick one.
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by ribby55 »

It amazing how jealousy can bring out the best in people. I want to ask you a favor.... Stop quoting everything that I type. Stop picking out everything I say and twist it around for your little rant. This is why I didn't bother viewing for a while because like I said before this forum is nothing but a time waster and thanks to your efforts I will not be visiting anymore. It is unfortunate that people with really good intentions come here and somehow get turned off by others who seem to know everything there is to know.

Please don't quote this. Type in your own thoughts and stop trying to judge me or others. It is your own twisted minds that are fabricating what you believe my true intentions are. I will not lower myself to name calling.

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Post by broli »

Good bye. Oh and don't forget to check your pm, it must be buzzing.
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by Tarsier79 »


The forum is a tool. It gives you access to people much more knowledgeable than yourself, who can help you with your problems, or tell you why something doesn't work.

Although I don't approve of the tone of many of the remarks made here, I would suggest you invited the attack with your initial approach. The "I have a secret and aren't telling anyone" approach doesn't help anyone. Even if you didn't mean it this way, that is the way you come across.

Conclusion: Change your approach and stay. You will learn a lot here, if you choose to.

re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »


I don't know what to say mate. You must have a self-destruct button or something.

I won't quote anything you've said, because, although you talk a lot, what you do say isn't worth listening too.

Just go away and find a pulpit to preach from you patronising shit.

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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by bystander »


Those that criticize those that attempt to invent fail to realize us believers are in the minority and we can get criticism anywhere. If history teaches us anything, it is that there are many more doubters then believers. If you let the naysayers run you off then you will have nowhere to go for there are always going to be naysayers.
Trust me I have had my share of failures (in the hundreds). But that does not stop me from continuing to pursue my belief, PM will be eventually rediscovered. Encouragement is always in order as this pursuit (PM) is generally believed to be the pursuit of madmen.
If you have a question concerning the engineering of your project ask it, I believe that is what this site is for.

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Post by Grimer »

Well said, Bystander,
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Re: re: If you change the way you look at things. The things

Post by broli »

bystander wrote:Ribby55,

Those that criticize those that attempt to invent fail to realize us believers are in the minority and we can get criticism anywhere. If history teaches us anything, it is that there are many more doubters then believers. If you let the naysayers run you off then you will have nowhere to go for there are always going to be naysayers.
Trust me I have had my share of failures (in the hundreds). But that does not stop me from continuing to pursue my belief, PM will be eventually rediscovered. Encouragement is always in order as this pursuit (PM) is generally believed to be the pursuit of madmen.
If you have a question concerning the engineering of your project ask it, I believe that is what this site is for.

Next time read the entire thread and know who's who, thanks.
Last edited by broli on Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by triplock »

Those that criticize those that attempt to invent fail to realize us believers are in the minority
What I'm trying to get across, although it's like banging yer head against the wall, is that like Ribby, I too 'invent' but I don't take the moral high ground when doing so.

As far as I am concerned, we are all on an equal playing field until such time as one steps forward with the winning design. Until that is proven with a real build, your bragging rights do not exist or carrying any weight,

If this is a pissing contest, I have spent the last five years of my life going thru 1000's of concepts, and have gained an acute understanding of what might or what won't work. I have also learnt to temper the over-riding urge to prematurely proclaim to the world my genius. To infer that I'm one of histories 'nay-sayers' is ridiculous because I am very much a part of this much-scorned upon field of research.

If someone wishes to interpret my position differently, then so be it.

Best regards,

Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: If you change the way you look at things. The things you

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi all,

The answer to the dilemma here is for Ribby 55 to get him self a patent application that will give him a priority date and then he can show his designs with protection, that way the people here can help him and give constructive input.

At the minute there is nothing on show so this thread is just BS.

Regards Trevor
I have been wrong before!
I have been right before!
Hindsight will tell us!

Post by triplock »

Exactly Trevor. Total waste of a 'new topic'.

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