Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~~The problem is that the design looks very similar to famous models of the past. These models show that to keep a platform horizontal at all times you must sacrifice torque, which would have caused the leverage. So you only end up with the pull of gravity. No leverage means no heavier side and thus it will balance no matter where the weights are on the platform.

In your case the linear vertical rails which hold the platform horizontal would seem to kill the torque. Thus the ball being on the left or right of the platform has the same effect when it comes to leverage as its torque component has been killed by the rails.

If you disagree please share why, perhaps there's something I overlooked.~~~


Thank you for your post

I don't know what will be needed to overcome those issues that you have mentioned...if they become issues at all...

the lead balls travel along two rods probably best to be made of titanium...and which have bearings incorporated into the structure, which allow the heavy lead balls to both roll along the rod and roll out of the rut between the two rods as it does so...

if you ever took two pool sticks and placed a ball in the rut between them, you would then manipulate the location of the ball closer to or farther away from you according to how you work the pool sticks...

as the see saw travels, those two rods are being made to shift inward on one side of the see saw and outward on the other...thus creating the condition needed ...the imbalance....that will make the see saw move again and again and again

as to whether or not there will be some other outside agent or gadget, such as magnets or springs to help make it happen remains to be seen...

as to whatever issues may be presented at that point,...there is really only one way to overcome them...is to get to that point...where we get stumped by something and then fish around for solutions as to how to overcome ...

while it is good to try to foresee all the possible issues in advance...we should not let those same issues discourage us from moving forward on the project....

while I am the presenter of this project tp all...in this particular setting...there is enough rewards to share with all who want to help move this project forward...

a fraction of something is always more than 100% of nothing...so as I have said to Preston I say to all Bessler enthusiasts....come and partner...

I would do it on my own but so far have been unable to...I am starting a new trucking job...and it looks promising that within a few years, I may be able to build a prototype...but I would rather do it now... because we can't tell what the future holds ...

so ...anyone care to your positive attributes to the table and check your doubts out at the door...come on board...
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by murilo »

Morgese, hello!
Welcome to BW forum.
If I understood your idea correctly, it's very interesting.
As I see, at both sides of assembly you propose 'ground' ramps that conduce the weights.
Is that right?
All the best!
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~As I see, at both sides of assembly you propose 'ground' ramps that conduce the weights.
Is that right?
All the best!

Hi Murilo

yes...the titanium rods are fitted with a sleeve which is lubricated and allows the lead balls to rise out of the rut with no friction...as they roll to their desired postion...

also ...there is a separate sleeve at the guide rails that eliminate the friction as the rod is being conduced by the guide rails as they move up and down the see saw trajectory
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

Dear Fellow Bessler Enthusiasts:

Thomas Edison would not have invented the light bulb if he gave up after the first few tries...

the diamond shaped bearing assemblies are currently designed with bearings; however, they may consist of sleeves which are fitted, for the vertical, onto the shafts of the main frame, and then for the horizontal, the weight shifter platform, both of which are lubricated to allow for frictionless gliding

re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by triplock »

while it is good to try to foresee all the possible issues in advance...we should not let those same issues discourage us from moving forward on the project....

while I am the presenter of this project tp all...in this particular setting...there is enough rewards to share with all who want to help move this project forward...

a fraction of something is always more than 100% of nothing...so as I have said to Preston I say to all Bessler enthusiasts....come and partner...

I would do it on my own but so far have been unable to...I am starting a new trucking job...and it looks promising that within a few years, I may be able to build a prototype...but I would rather do it now... because we can't tell what the future holds ...

so ...anyone care to your positive attributes to the table and check your doubts out at the door...come on board...
Good points Joe and very well made, and as my Dad said to me once, '10% of £10 is 1.00. 100% of nothing, is nothing'.

Once again, a refreshing humble and open approach Joe. One 'green dot' for you.

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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by Tarsier79 »

Gday Joseph

Sounds to me that building it will be the only way for you to see that it doesn't work. Usually mechanisms are designed to solve a particular problem. Unfortunately, this one doesn't solve any. It has exactly the same problem as would a normal see-saw, but sort of in reverse.

Good luck

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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~~Good points Joe and very well made, and as my Dad said to me once, '10% of £10 is 1.00. 100% of nothing, is nothing'.

Once again, a refreshing humble and open approach Joe. One 'green dot' for you.


I've had over a 1000 ideas. None of them wrong, just mis-understood........~~~~~~

Hi Chris
Thank you...
I think that the biggest understanding in this ...is how much fun it is to rise up to the challenge...in a sense...this is no different than video games that are so incredibly popular

...truly...if I could create a video game format for this...I would probably have a gadzillion participants...lol ... ... ...hmmm ... ... ...
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~~~Gday Joseph

Sounds to me that building it will be the only way for you to see that it doesn't work. Usually mechanisms are designed to solve a particular problem. Unfortunately, this one doesn't solve any. It has exactly the same problem as would a normal see-saw, but sort of in reverse.

Good luck


Hi Kaine

it will work, Kaine...if i did not think it will work...I would not be doing this...but you are right...after being told by everyone that it would not...I made up my mind to only let Mother Nature tell me this...

the problem that would be solved by this is free unlimited clean energy...a solution too good to be true...we have been beaten down to believe that there is no such thing as a free lunch...haven't we?
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by daxwc »

And in the end there still won’t be.
What goes around, comes around.
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

Dear Fellow Bessler Enthusiasts

a new modification ...
The weight shifter platform houses the weight shifter apparatus and should be built with the lightest weight possible yet strong for the task of holding the heavy lead ball weights...

the current design calls for the diamond shaped roller assembly, which, by the way, can be made with lubricated sleeves, as mentioned in prior posts here...

this design also calls for the diamond assembly to keep the weight shifter assembly perfectly level as it travel up and down, following the see saw trajectory...

well...it would actually be advantageous to have the weight assembly be at a grade, thereby taking advantage of the law of gravity as well, to conduce the weight to it's desired position...

so the diamond shaped roller assembly may be modified to incorporate this effect...or the weight platform ...or both
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~~And in the end there still won’t be.

'That's the reason they're called lessons,' the Gryphon remarked: 'because they lessen from day to day.'" -Lewis Carroll (British writer, mathematician)~~~

I know many who agree with you...nonetheless...Daxwc...I press on...

of course...the Wright brothers were just bicycle mechanics... so what did they know about flight?...
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by daxwc »

Should have clarified that...
there is no such thing as a free lunch

~~~~And in the end there still won’t be.

What goes around, comes around.
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by ovyyus »

joemorgese wrote:...the Wright brothers were just bicycle mechanics... so what did they know about flight?...
Joe, anyone who studied history would know that is not true, just like anyone who studied mechanics would know the result of your See-Saw idea. Study is a good thing.
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~Study is a good thing~~~~

to this I can agree!

~~~And in the end there still won’t be.~~~

got it!...lol

Good Day!
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re: Gods Perpetual Motion See-Saw - by Joseph Morgese

Post by joemorgese »

~~~.I press on... ~~~~

I said this in a prior post; however, this may appear to suggest hardship, which is not entirely accurate...after I learned to relax about it, it has become and continues to be a good flow of enjoyment...

here is a picture of the invention behind a Home Depot in Douglasville, Ga just outside of Atlanta from April 2nd 1996...while I was trucking across the USA
here is a picture of the invention behind a Home Depot in Douglasville, Ga just outside of Atlanta from April 2nd 1996...while I was trucking across the USA
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