www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by Tarsier79 »

hi tarsier, i believe the attitude you have is why the bessler wheel was ridiculed
This conversation should be in off-topic but Ill make one more comment here.

I studied hydrogen production and the Joe cell, and the chemical rections happening and the by-products of the reactions. I filled a glove with Joes gas, and set it alight. The explosion was so loud I couldn't hear properly for many days, and think it has affected my hearing a little permanently. The cell does not keep "producing" after electricity is removed, the small bubbles of gas take a long time to reach the surface. Joes many comments are highly contradictory, as are his experiments, and his accounts of discovery. He didn't disappear due to men in black, he stopped research because he knew it was BS.

I studied the Joe Cell extensively, and still have the videos(not for long as the delete button is calling) My greatest misgiving about studying Joe, is the time wasted when I could have been studying Bessler!

It is easy to create a legend without giving all the facts, but at least keep the facts consistent. My post was not intended as an attack on you, it was an attack on the Joe Cell, and my opinion is that it is a waste of time.
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by Dave Roberts »

I haven't been on here for awhile but I congratulate John on being true to his word and posting his design. Looks like a lot of effort went into it. I and others have also posted designs and with all of the effort being expended, someday soon we should have a working solution. I still feel Bessler was either a genius or had a flash of genius to have discovered something that an awful lot of people have not duplicated.
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by wheelrite »

Just playing with adding springing to help/speed effect.
Or maybe 'over centre' springing as in clicker toys, thermostats, etc.
And latching/locking too? ....
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by kenfree »

I have been spending quite some time on John Collin's posted idea. It is clear that a lot of work has been put into it and it is quite unique. A number of new(to this discussion) scientific principles have been explored and there is promise in this idea. The introduction of the parametric oscillation is ingenious. I congratulate JC for posting it and being true to his word. I find that this may actually be the principle Bessler used, but I think there are 'gaps' in the proceeding mechanics which need addressing.
I believe much focus should be made on the source of energy (apart from the weights own swinging action) to cause the various movement, such as the drawing of the weight closer to the pivot as explained in the 'mechanics of the swing' page.
As I study Bessler's drawings, I am convinced that this (finding source of energy)was his focus somewhere towards the end of his work. So as not to deviate from the subject matter here, I will talk much more on this later. Just as with John Collins, this is my own version of thinking and is disputable.
Possible sources for this energy may have been one of the ways below:

1. Some stationary object within the wheel itself. I don't have enough support for this idea as I have not read most of Besslers materials as many have. I therefore stand to be corrected. I however, find good indication that the axle on which the wheel rotated was stationary when the wheel rotated. If so, then possibly some lever or structure was attached to it; within the wheel, so that it remained stationary as the wheel rotated and this object/structure could contribute towards providing energy for the wheel. The energy here is sourced from a stationary structure which in a way interferes with some moving objects which are;themselves, parts of the system. This may be the reason why Bessler used the term's 'seer' or 'watching' in his poem. In a way a 'seer' or some object 'watching' is something stationary which watches as the other objects pass by.
Quoting from one of Bessler writings contained in the 'Das Triumphirende Perpetuum Mobile Orffyreanum' in the 'writings' page of this site:

" Around the firmly placed horizontal axis is a rotating disc (low or narrow cylinder) which....."

I think the 'rotating disc' is the wheel itself and the 'firmly placed horizontal axis' is the axle. There is a deliberate; though somehow hidden, attempt to attribute rotation only to the wheel but not the axle.

In the same writing also, Bessler has clearly stated that the arrangement of the weights in the wheel are scientifically demonstrable. so I would be inclined to pursue the operations of the wheel according to the known scientific laws of that time, if not presently. In this way, we have to get the source of energy first as nothing moves without energy. I know someone may say 'Gravity is the source', but gravity has to operate through something such as weights in our case. Scientifically there is no way a falling weight will cause another to rise and give it potential energy more than the energy dissipated while it was falling. So there must be something else to come in to give energy. I rule out springs even though Bessler used springs for a different reason, because a spring will only release energy that has been put into it. To me the only two options are the stationary 'thing' within the wheel itself and the next which I will state below. A stationary object may offer additional energy in the following way: when a moving object has its movement interrupted and stopped by a stationary object then the object at that instant contains the energy that was within the moving object. If the object is rigid enough, then all energy is dissipated onto it. In a closed system, I have found that this energy may be availed somewhere else within the system provided the stationary object is firm to the ground or earth's surface and something else is cause to react because of the impact of the moving object onto the stationary one. In other words, some energy is momentarily left 'floating' in the system and can be tapped if a suitable mechanism is identified to do so. This is the only way science will be satisfied because the earth would have interfered in the system to cause energy imbalance.

2. The wheel's lower periphery. I borrow this from my own idea of perpetual motion which I used in a different wheel. The results of this are pending for now. If in a way weights that are hung on some cords are made by some mechanism to have different roles depending on their position as the wheel rotates, and these roles are such that the lower ones contribute to one impetus and the upper ones to the opposite impetus then the floor of the wheel can be a source of energy. When the weights are on the upper side, they will be hanging and in this way causing the respective push expected from them while those on the lower side will be resting on the wheel periphery. Now, with respect to the downward direction(which gravitational force works towards), the wheel periphery is equivalent to the earth's surface due to the rigidness of the structure through the axle(whether stationary or rotating) to the ground. and as I stated above this would satisfy science. The wheels floor will be equivalent to the earth's surface. In this case however more(maximum) energy is tapped at the 6 o'clock position as it is here that the rigidity is perfect or 'pure' and accurately equivalent to the earth's surface. At other points of rotation, where the weights land on the periphery(i.e just after the 3 o'clock and before the 9 o'clock positions, the rigidity is not perfect but is proportional to the sine of the tangential slope angle of the floor of the periphery at the respective position. In these positions most of the energy will still be within the closed system and as we see, we have to source some energy outside the system to run the wheel. Generally therefore, The floor of the wheel can be a source of energy for the wheel whereby maximum energy is sourced by the weight at the 6 o'clock position.

Maybe some of these suggestions may offer useful input into the subject.

At the same time I am trying also to figure out how to implement this and will be offering up suggestions as soon as I make any progress. I think JC has done quite a lot about the Bessler wheel subject and in any case if at all the wheel is reconstructed his input is well recognized.

Thank you John Collins.

re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by triplock »

Hello Kenfree,

Thankyou for your input into this debate.

Firstly, I accept that John's efforts in the field of Bessler research should be applauded, but, imho, I do not believe that his latest design bears any ressemblance to what was actually built. Also, and you'll have to trust me on this, but his concept follows a previously well-trodden design path that bore no fruit what-so-ever.

You speak of a 'gap' in his design that, if found, would cause his wheel to rotate perpetually. That missing gap that you speak of is the thing that has eluded all of us for years. If, once found, could be applied to make a brick rotate !!..

Also, I strongly believe that that pm will not be created by any wheel that uses weight displacement to create OB as it's prime mover. That is impossible. Also, any design will has fixed points back to a common frame, no matter how elaborate the linkages in between, will suffer the same fate. You can't cheat the energy ledger in this way :-(

I read with interest though your two points Kenfree, and they certainly give food for thought.

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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by Grimer »

triplock wrote:Also, I strongly believe that that pm will not be created by any wheel that uses weight displacement to create OB as it's prime mover. That is impossible. Also, any design will has fixed points back to a common frame, no matter how elaborate the linkages in between, will suffer the same fate. You can't cheat the energy ledger in this way :-(
I agree with those points.
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Post by MrVibrating »

Disagree! It's OB or bust. All other approaches come up against mass constancy. At least at macro scales.

OB provides a way to simulate variations in effective mass, and therein symmetry becomes a question of geometry and timing.. you could have unity, loss or gain depending on the sequence.

Essentially, we can vary the value or effect of gravity for free. In any situation where a free variation in force produces work, that work is also free.
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Post by Grimer »

It's good that you disagree since one of the answers must be right and if both are pursued then the riddle of the Sphinx will be solved - assuming there is a solution of course.
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Post by Grimer »

MrVibrating wrote:Disagree! It's OB or bust. All other approaches come up against mass constancy. At least at macro scales. ...
Mass is irrelevant. It's weight that is important, i.e. the force acting on a body in a gravitational field.

Newtonian Gravity (NG) weight and Ersatz Gravity (EG) "weight" are independent of each other. Moreover EG weight varies with both speed of rotation and distance from the centre of rotation. NG weight is constant. It is the interaction resultant between the unchanging NG weight vector and the rotating EG weight vector which gives rise to change in energy as the body is taken through overlapping NG and EG fields.
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by Stewart »

On his blog, John Collins wrote:Also the clues which I have interpreted and placed on my www.theorffyreuscode.com web site are totally ignored. I cannot claim that they are all correct but it seems to me that people are misinterpreting how Bessler designed his clues and the way to solve them.
I think the problem is that a lot of the "clues" you've provided just aren't convincing enough to be regarded as clues left by Bessler. Take the following from your orffyreus.org website as an example...
On his website, in reference to the figure of eight image in DT, John Collins wrote:
As confirmation that this is also a feature of his owns wheel, Bessler included the adjacent drawing in his ‘Das Triumphans…’, and I have included a lightened version next to the original with the actual path accentuated in black. It bears obvious similarities with fig 2b. and as there is no accompanying text it’s function is assumed to be decorative. Both the published and the unpublished works of Bessler are strewn with clues both textual and graphic and when there is no apparent reason for their inclusion, such as is the case with this one, it is safe to assume that it has been included for some purpose not cosmetic.
Firstly I have issue with the first sentence - you can't possibly know for sure why Bessler included the image as he doesn't make reference to it, and so really I think you should indicate that it is your opinion. Secondly, yes we would assume it to be decorative as it is an example of a fairly common decorative element used in books in Bessler's time. I disagree with your last statement - I don't think it is at all "safe to assume" that something "has been included for some purpose not cosmetic" when there is "no apparent reason for their inclusion".

Have a look at the attached images I have taken from other books. One is from a book/document by one of Bessler's enemies J.G. Borlach (published before DT), and the others from books by Jacob Leupold.

I think most people, myself included, were hoping for more concrete clues and deciphered text, and that would have generated much more discussion I'm sure.

Figure of eight decorative image shown in Leupold's book "Theatrum Pontificiale" (1726)
Figure of eight decorative image shown in Leupold's book "Theatrum Pontificiale" (1726)
Figure of eight decorative image shown in Leupold's book "Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum Tomas I" (1725)
Figure of eight decorative image shown in Leupold's book "Theatri Machinarum Hydraulicarum Tomas I" (1725)
Figure of eight decorative image seen in Borlach's book "Gründlicher Gegen-Bericht, Von dem PERPETUO oder per se MOBILI, ...." (1716) - highlighting the S shape talked about by John Collins
Figure of eight decorative image seen in Borlach's book "Gründlicher Gegen-Bericht, Von dem PERPETUO oder per se MOBILI, ...." (1716) - highlighting the S shape talked about by John Collins
Figure of eight decorative image seen in Borlach's book "Gründlicher Gegen-Bericht, Von dem PERPETUO oder per se MOBILI, ...." (1716)
Figure of eight decorative image seen in Borlach's book "Gründlicher Gegen-Bericht, Von dem PERPETUO oder per se MOBILI, ...." (1716)
Figure of eight image seen in DT (1719)
Figure of eight image seen in DT (1719)
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by alexjrgreen »

Stewart, you are formally correct.

I would just observe that if two connected masses could traverse curved paths such that CF does work, the system would gain energy.

Cut John a little slack and see if he can make the case.
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by John Collins »

I won't quote your entire post, Stewart, but you wrote:-
Firstly I have issue with the first sentence - you can't possibly know for sure why Bessler included the image as he doesn't make reference to it, and so really I think you should indicate that it is your opinion.
On that web site you will find on the first page, third paragraph:-

"...clearly this is my interpretation of the many Bessler clues found widely distributed throughout his published works, and I know that there will be many who will disagree and maybe find their own interpretations."

Hopefully that answers your first 'issue'.

Then you wrote :-
Secondly, yes we would assume it to be decorative as it is an example of a fairly common decorative element used in books in Bessler's time. I disagree with your last statement - I don't think it is at all "safe to assume" that something "has been included for some purpose not cosmetic" when there is "no apparent reason for their inclusion.
But in the context of my hypothesis explained on the web site, it was logical for me to assume that the decorative feature is more than just that, in my humble opinion.

And yes it has been commonly used elsewhere but not precisely as Bessler has drawn it in this case. The whole point of Bessler's clues is that they had to escape the notice of people while he was alive and that is why he used common images, but slightly modified. I'm sure that there were plenty of those designs available to him to use in his printed works, regardless of whether he did the actual printing or someone else did. And yet it is clear that the one we are discussing was handmade by someone, presumably him. Why go to such trouble if there were other more professionally finished ones available?

And in fact I suggest that if my hypothesis turns out to be correct and the path I showed as being representative of the double curve which I maintain also matches that of the path of the kiiking swinger, it will still not be possible to show that the drawing was deliberate and a clue, as I have suggested. But do we then just dismiss it as a clue simply because we can? I am sure that given the comparative crudeness of the design and the particular placement of it that it was intended as a clue.

I'm sorry that you don't recognise my clues as valid, Stewart, but I am trying to throw some light onto the problem of solving Bessler's wheel and given that Bessler himself suggested that close study of the drawings, including those in Das Tri and the Apologia,as well as Maschinen Tractate, might lead to an understanding of the movement in the wheel I am at a loss to understand your refusal to accept any of them.

Finally you wrote :-
I think most people, myself included, were hoping for more concrete clues and deciphered text, and that would have generated much more discussion I'm sure.
Yes I'm sure it would but where are your own concrete clues and deciphered texts? Blame Bessler if the clues don't match up to your requirements, Stewart.

You claim expertise acquired in studying Bessler’s writings over a period of seven years and the ability to translate the texts more accurately than Mike Senior and I don’t dispute that you have produced some extremely good work, but I too have been studying Bessler and for even longer, and I believe I am more closely attuned to his way of thinking than you are, certainly in the interpretation of his clues. By your dismissal of my identification of clues as well as my interpretation of them I fear that you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by Ed »

John Collins wrote:By your dismissal of my identification of clues as well as my interpretation of them I fear that you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
That 'baby' was malformed and not long for this world.

Stewart's 'issue' (as you refer to it) is certainly legitimate. If you had quoted yourself in context, you could see you are stressing "my interpretation" because you are telling people why you are calling it "The Bessler-Collins Gravitywheel". But this does not address all of your speculation, and you go right on to make it sound as though there are actual clues you have used to arrive at your conclusions, when really they are also your opinions.

John, I think you would have to agree that you have placed yourself in the public eye and you have set yourself up as a Bessler expert. In your own words "have been studying Bessler and for even longer, and I believe I am more closely attuned to his way of thinking than you are, certainly in the interpretation of his clues".

Yet also in your own words you illustrate your authority.
John Collins wrote:Hmmm - MT 142 nd 143 [sic] are interesting and yet I don't feel as though they are relevant. I can't give you a reason Mike, but for some reason I don't find them interesting. They don't seem to be saying anything that isn't obvious.
John Collins wrote:And in fact I suggest that if my hypothesis turns out to be correct and the path I showed as being representative of the double curve which I maintain also matches that of the path of the kiiking swinger, it will still not be possible to show that the drawing was deliberate and a clue, as I have suggested. But do we then just dismiss it as a clue simply because we can? I am sure that given the comparative crudeness of the design and the particular placement of it that it was intended as a clue.
Uh, yes. It's called causality, but show me a real working solution and I'll grant you all the ad hoc clues you want.
John Collins wrote:I'm sorry that you don't recognise my clues as valid, Stewart,...
I'm sorry that your clues aren't valid either, John. What is the level of accuracy of this next statement?
John Collins wrote:...but I am trying to throw some light onto the problem of solving Bessler's wheel and given that Bessler himself suggested that close study of the drawings, including those in Das Tri and the Apologia,as well as Maschinen Tractate, might lead to an understanding of the movement in the wheel I am at a loss to understand your refusal to accept any of them.

Let me help you be found. Can you show us where Bessler says this? His note in MT does indicate (so yes suggest, unless you are just trying to be crafty) close study of the drawings within MT, since Bessler says "taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind". But you are conflating DT and AP into Bessler's words when he was clearly talking in context about MT. You make that statement with no references, resting it simply on your authority. This has the added benefit of making the DT doodle you are enamored with seem more important, apparently thus providing reinforcement for your hypothesis.

I hope you realise that some people will listen to you unquestioningly and spend loads of time focusing on certain things and rejecting other things based on what you, the 'expert', say. Think about all the time and money you could be costing people, all the while supposedly trying to help them. At least you should better warn them of the magnitude of your speculative methods. If your hypothesis was just a few posts in a forum then the policing of your statements wouldn't necessarily be so harsh.
John Collins on orffyreus.org wrote:"...clearly this is my interpretation of the many Bessler clues found widely distributed throughout his published works, and I know that there will be many who will disagree and maybe find their own interpretations."
John, you are missing the point. It's not a matter of interpretation. True, on the odd occasion you cite that something is your opinion or interpretation of "the clues", but can you please enumerate these clues and provide facts to their existence? So far they seem to be a big bunch of nebulous nonsense!

A clue is "a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem", but even giving you the benefit of doubt, a squiggle in a doodle or the number five does not lead one to a solution. Certainly you have not shown how. It seems more like you are trying to force things to explain your hypothesis (hunch?).
John Collins wrote:And yet it is clear that the one we are discussing was handmade by someone, presumably him. Why go to such trouble if there were other more professionally finished ones available?
First, as you know, there was no CAD back then, so of course it was hand made by someone! Second, you are really pushing it to suggest that there is anything different in the way that doodle was produced. Done by hand it's going to vary compared to others. Some people have suggested more esoteric reasons for their presence but in my opinion we can apply occams razor to this feature and find the most obvious reason.

Along with hypothesis, another basic expectation of the scientific method is to document, archive and share all data and methodology so they are available for careful scrutiny by other scientists, thereby allowing other researchers the opportunity to verify results by attempting to reproduce them, but much of the time, John, you hold back information and say it will be delivered "in due course", which is fine but then you can't expect people to wait and take your word that you have not made a mistake and that there is evidence to back up your claim. At least not for as long as you like to wait.

Reputation rusts when it rains on speculation.

You are the one making extraordinary claims and inferences. If you can't provide proof, and I mean show-your-work kind of proof (in lieu of a working device), then don't get defensive when people pick them apart or ignore them.

Also, you've watered down the words parametric oscillation into just buzz words. The mechanism you've come up with has no chance of replicating the in-built muscle energy and timing of the real Kosk mechanism, no matter how many times you write or say those words. When you work in a vacuum, all the manhandling of a Swiss cheesed two foot disc will not get you to the solution.

I wish you the best of luck with your research, I just ask that you be more clear for the sake of your followers. Now you can choose to reject this hopefully constructive (somewhat sarcastic) criticism and throw it back in the form of "...where are your own concrete clues and deciphered texts?", but just remember we are not the ones jumping into the limelight with a great new hypothesis. If one of us does that, then you are welcome to have your say. :-)
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by John Collins »

I accept your criticisms Ed, as reasonable and well made,with just the right amount of humour to deflect my anticipated irritation.

I disagree with you and I think you are nitpicking over semantics but that's just my opinion.

I disagree that Bessler was only including MT when he suggested that we take various illustrations together but that again is a matter of opinion.

I think I am merely pointing out features that might be clues and offering my interpretation of them - you on the other hand require specific evidence and in my opinion both methods are valid and will help to solve the problem.

Agreed that the mechanism won't do the job as it stands but I am satisfied that the principle will work and I have yet to see any other suggestion that is better. Meanwhile I shall offer another improved mechanism that will, I hope, answer!

As for the clues - I still think I'm right but of course that is entirely my subjective opinion ;-)

Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/

This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google

See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
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re: www.gravitywheel.com has been updated

Post by alexjrgreen »

Despite the quality of Bessler's drawing, the notion that his clues would be in a modern scientific format seems flawed, and certainly not supported by his use of language.

His assumption of the name Orffyreus points to an earlier, esoteric, tradition in which multiple allusions point to an intended meaning.
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