Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Techstuf »

Michael, I do not belong to any of the religious groups against which you seem so embittered. Such groups were foretold long ago and are receiving and will receive much more contempt and recompense than you could personally ever muster. And I really have no control over the break for which you ask to be given. It is truly up to GOD as to whether it will be damned by Him or even 'bloody' as well (not knowing you personally, I somewhat discount the latter). At any rate, I certainly hope that such a break serves to educate you.

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Re: re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by racer270 »

Jonathan wrote:Jonathan Hansen said in prophecy:
"And yes, I do see an earthquake coming, which cannot be measured or
stopped by man."
Except it can be measured, it was 9.0:

that was just the start the big one's ++ are yet to come+++......... and the like and size ...the wourld has never seen.......hold on...! ya alll...thing are jus starting to rumble.........the big stuff is yet to come....!0
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Jonathan »

Michael, I will answer you:
Mat 28:19-20
Mar 16:15-16
Jhn 10:30
Jhn 14:11
1Jo 5:7
These verses say to do approximately the same things that are the last three you listed. Of course, not exactly, because all the denominations do things a little differently.
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Techstuf »

Do a publication number search (as opposed to patent number search) on the USPTO site of numbers:

20040113430 & 20030155770

Notice Bill Clinch's ingenious (though largely unoriginal), classically mechanical, attempted iteration of Rutan's water wheel.......(it is certainly possible however, that the similarities are only coincidental)

It is my sincere hope that it does not take a successful replication of another's work or a working model of one's own, to come to the realization that it is a sad game of catch up that one is playing with 'higher powers', (permanent and temporary) regarding this shared obsession. One will be forced to choose sides sooner or later.....and in either case....will gain wisdom, of a sort.

Don't end up being like the flies buzzing around the screen door....stalking each, their chance to go inside. Only to find the environment hostile and alien to the relative innocence and lack of responsibility one shared outside.

There is so much more that creatively optimistic individuals can share with the world at this time......that can truly make a much longer lasting difference than a simple gravity powered wheel.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by ovyyus »

Perception is a central issue in epistemology, the theory of knowledge. At root, all our empirical knowledge is grounded in how we see, hear, touch, smell and taste the world around us. In section 1, a distinction is drawn between perception that involves concepts and perception that doesn't, and the various epistemic relations that there are between these two types of perception are discussed--our perceptual beliefs and our perceptual knowledge. Section 2 considers the role of causation in perception and focuses on the question of whether perceptual experience justifies our beliefs or merely causes them. Sections 3 and 4 further investigate the epistemic role of perception and introduce two distinct conceptions of the architecture of our belief system: foundationalism and coherentism. It is shown how perceptual experience and perceptual beliefs are integrated into these systems. Finally, section 5 turns to the externalist view that thinkers need not be aware of what justifies their perceptual beliefs.

The Epistemology of Perception: http://www.iep.utm.edu/e/epis-per.htm
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by epistemologicide »

and dont forget that epistemologicide =killing of the phiosophiccal THEORY of knowledge as it is valid in every day LIFE being a residual

a device that perpetuates motion using gravity as its energy SOURCE has been around since 1712

ask bessler

re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by coylo »

ask bessler
We can't, he's dead.
and dont forget that epistemologicide =killing of the phiosophiccal THEORY of knowledge as it is valid in every day LIFE being a residual
....we are not worthy!
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Michael »


I don't want to get into a religiousy debate but the first two aren't even close and although it can be interpreted by some regarding John that Jesus is stating he is God, it can also be interpreted that he is mearly stating he has a connecting link with the universal spirit, or creative principle, which, if you read it that way makes the most sense. Case in point, would God say you have the ability to do more than him? This same jealous God? The God that created the world in six days, and created you, and set the law?
I told you there were many contadictions in the bible, the fundi's way always has the most.

The real answer Jonathan is no, he didn't.
We should keep this off this board.


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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Jonathan »

"I don't want to get into a religiousy debate... ...We should keep this off this board."
I guess you shouldn't have brought it up then. :) I'll quickly say my peace, don't feel obligated to reply.
You can check the Greek on two of the verses (click on the Strong's numbers), it's pretty clear:
http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/ ... 34.html#30
http://www.blueletterbible.org/tmp_dir/ ... 284.html#7
Jhn 14:11 can be interpreted both ways, but you didn't try to refute the other two (Mat & Mar).
"Case in point, would God say you have the ability to do more than him?"
"I told you there were many contadictions in the bible, the fundi's way always has the most."
You weren't able to show me any though.
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Michael »

First Jonathan, I didn't bring it up. It was a retort to tec. Secondly, Jesus did not say any of the following;

1. Build churches in my name.
2. Worship me.
3. Listen to me or prepare for destruction.

Show me the words. You can't. A loose and generalized interpretation of a bible quote is not the same thing. I've asked you not to defend your belief system, you seem hesitant to do this.

>"I told you there were many contadictions in the bible, the fundi's way always has the most."
You weren't able to show me any though.

I think I just did, and in private as well.

Funny, I thought I did refute the other two by saying they weren't even close.


meChANical Man.
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by scott »

OK guys that's enough. Open up a new topic in the Off-Topic forum or bring the conversation back to Burt Rutan's water wheel.

Speaking of Burt Rutan's water wheel, has anyone ever tried to just email Burt Rutan to get the straight scoop on this water wheel? I've always thought it was just another work of art in his very artsy custom home. To me, it just looks like an ordinary decorative water wheel meant to be run by a pumping water to the top. (well, maybe not that ordinary, but still, very few things Burt Rutan does are ordinary) Is anyone even sure that this is an "alleged" PM machine? I doubt it. (I doubt most things I read on greaterthings.com)

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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Jonathan »

I have decided you are right, and will pm my response. I was surprised that he did respond that last time.
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Re: re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Dwylbtzle »

Jonathan wrote: It could be that the device is weak and really is thermodynamically powered, and he just says that it's Rutan's excuse to the physicists. It's hard to tell as I've never seen that article it was in.
in the article it explains that that wheel is just one part of a whole "green" system he's got spread all throughout his house
and various things are actually being run by water or air being heated by the sun and then flowing some direction when it cools down

but when asked about it, rutan always cryptically answers: "oh i can't tell you what powers the wheel because that would be like a magician telling his secrets"

so, yeah--it's free energy in the sense that the sun is free and cooling air flows down
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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Silvertiger »

Here's my take based on observable geometries...(kind of an older thread I suppose, but oh well)...O.o


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re: Burt Rutans - "Water Wheel"

Post by Tarsier79 »

Nice work.

It is a pity there is so little information about this wheel. I believe it acts like a stirling engine, its rotating compartments acting like the piston between the surface of the warm water. The water flowing over the top could help to cool the comparment for the next cycle.
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