Perpetual Motion Suggestion

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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by kenfree »

Thanks Rocky for the Complements,

And a pleasant surprise too for uploading what has been troubling me.
I have realized a silly mistake I had done while saving the images. They were in the wrong format. I have corrected this and am uploading all of them, except for the Fw drawings which are in pdf form.
Two weights on the horizontal beam.
Two weights on the horizontal beam.
Weight on the lower vertical beam.
Weight on the lower vertical beam.
The Central axel, The red gear is rigid, while the four smaller gears run around it.
The Central axel, The red gear is rigid, while the four smaller gears run around it.
Fulcrum S.jpg
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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by rocky »

Eric, you wrote:
This principle has been used to design a new wheel which can achieve about four times the power of the design in this study.
But none of your photos show your machine in water. Does your video? Can you upload your video to YouTube?
Have you built your new wheel with four times the power? Are any of your Photos, Drawings or Figures on your web storage server of this new design? If so, which ones? -Rocky

The following is Eric Esere's Word document. Jim Mitch, you are going love this:

Mathematical formulae Derivation.

The free wheel can be analyzed mathematically to assess the magnitude of the different forces acting on it. This analysis however focuses only on the overall state of imbalance created on the wheel using this ‘free wheel’ method and does not include other forces experienced in practice such as friction and water resistance. This analysis aims at proving the success of creating permanent imbalance.

The freewheel utilizes weights which move in three dimensions. As such at any one time weights will be displaced from the central axis of the wheel’s rotation towards the traditional x and y axis as viewed from the side and also the z-axis as viewed from the front. The freewheel therefore possesses quite a number of different forces acting on it some contributing to the clockwise moment and others on the anti clockwise moments. These forces are:

a. Balance forces-created by the weights displaced on the y-axis which contribute to the clockwise moment on the wheel
b. Imbalance Forces-also created by weights displaced on the y-axis which contribute to the anti-clockwise moment.
c. Side displacement forces-created by the displacement of the weights in the z-axis. All side displacement forces are responsible for the earlier described pedal force and are thus contributors to the clockwise moment.

1. Balance and Imbalance Forces
NB: The balance and imbalance forces are so named just to identify the two. However, overall total forces of balance and imbalance is what constitutes the force of imbalance.

All forces acting on the wheel caused by the weights are forces of moments acting about their respective axis of rotation. As such, their effects can be seen by comparing the different effective perpendicular distances of the weights from their respective axis of rotation.

The perpendicular distances of each weight from fulcrum (f) can be derived using the formulae:
Perpendicular distance (PD)= cos a(R + r cos a),
Using the formulae for any right angled triangle; cos a = Adjacent/Hypotenuse
This means; cos a = PD / R + r cos a => PD = cos a (R + r cos a)
Where: - a is the angle of rotation of the wheel using weight position 1 as the starting point.
R is the length of the ‘big arm’ in meters.
r is the length of the ‘small arms’ in meters.
It should be noted that those weights displaced on the right hand side of the axis of rotation (fulcrum f) will have a negative notation.
The respective forces will then be derived by multiplying this perpendicular distance by the mass of the weights used in newtons.
Thus Imbalance forces (IF) in newton-meters = M cos a (R + r cos a)
Where M is the mass of the weight/s used.

2. Sideways Displacement distances and Pedal Force.
The rotation of the weights about fulcrum (f) is simultaneously achieved together with the rotation of the weights about fulcrum (s). The angular velocities of both are equal. As such, the same angle denotation will be used for calculating effective perpendicular sideways displacement of the weight.

While weights 3 and 7 are fully displaced in the sides only as viewed from the front but not diplaced on the left and right hand sides when viewed from the side (figure fw.6), and weights 1 and 5 displaced on the left and right sides only as viewed from the sides but not displaced sideways (viewed from the front), the other weights are displace both sideways (viewed from front) and on the left or right hand side (viewed from the side).

The Perpendicular sideways displacement of the weight (PSD) will thus be given as:
PSD = r sin a; using similar values for r and a as in the perpendicular distance formulae.

It should be noted that the pedal forces are calculated acting about fulcrum (s) and not (f). Fulcrum (s) continuously changes from a horizontal inclination into vertical inclination and vice versa as the wheel rotates. As such when calculating the pedal force one would not multiply the mass of weight used by the perpendicular sideways displacement. This would have been the case if the axis of rotation was not inclined. As the axis inclines, not all the mass would be felt as the pedal force. For instance, weight two has a displacement of r sin a towards the side. However the axis by which the weight rotates about fulcrum s is inclined at an angle a. which means the force felt as the weight moves towards the inclination will be comparable to the force felt by a weight going down an inclined surface (assuming no friction is felt).

According to gravitationals law, the energy lost as a mass of weight moves down under the influence of gravity from a higher point A to a lower point B will be the same no matter what the path it takes. This means that if the path is an inclined path the body of mass would move a longer distance but dissipate the same energy as if it fell directly downwards. The energy being referred to in this context is directly as a result of the mass of the weight used. The energy is therefore directly proportional to the mass. The mass in this case is moving on an inclined path and thus covers a longer distance as compared to the case if it were to fall in a complete vertical path downwards. This affirms the fact that the actual mass felt along the inclined path is less than that felt on a completely vertical path-and is be represented in the vector form shown above.

The effective mass acting about fulcrum (s) is therefore a function of the angle of rotation and will be given as: M (e) = M sin a where:
M(e) is the effective Mass acting about fulcrum (s) in newtons
M is the Mass of the weights used in newtons

And a is the angle of rotation of the wheel which is equal to the angle of rotation of the weight about fulcrum (s)
The Pedal force (PF) in newton-meters is therefore given as:
PF = PSD X M(e) =( M sin a)(r sin a) = Mr(sin a)2

3. Vertical weight displacement or Effective Depth (ED).
Of great importance in this analysis is the vertical weight displacement of the weights used because the wheel is to be partly immersed in water to create imbalance. It would then be possible to correctly deduce the effect of dipping in water mathematically.
In this case the weight’s vertical displacement will be taken with respect to the central axis of rotation of the wheel (fulcrum f). Negative values denotes displacement positioned above fulcrum (f) and positive values denotes displacement below the same. The vertical displacement (ED) which is in meters will be given as:
ED = sin a (R + r cos a)

Referring to figure FW. 10; ED = tan a [cos a (R + r cos a)]
= tan a [R cos a + r (cos a) (cos a)]
= R sin a + r (sin a) (cos a)
= sin a (R + r cos a)

Wheel Sample Data Analysis
Using the above formulaes, we can tabulate data concerning the different forces acting on the wheel as well as the effect of the depth of immersion when the wheel is immersed in water to negate one of the moments. Of importance to the working of the wheel are the measurements of R as compared to r and also the depth of the wheel’s immersion in water. By using the tabulated data it would be easier and more convenient to try out the different measurements of R, r and water depth without necessarily building the whole wheel repeatedly.

In this study, we will take different wheel samples. Each sample represents a wheel with specific measurements and depth of immersion inside water.

The data consists of the following groups or Keys:

WP = weight position starting from the horizontal left-hand side position (position 1). The figure on the left hand side of the slash denotes the weight position and the figure on the right hand side denotes the total number of weight positions used in the arrangement. E.g WP = 2/4 means the weight is in position 2 of 4 positions used in the arrangement.
Generally the total number of weights used are distributed with equal angular distance from each other to complete the whole circle. Therefore if four weights are used, each is placed 360/4 degrees. i.e. 90o from each other. So they are distributed as in the four ends of a cross.
a = the angle of rotation of the wheel from weight position 1.
SL = the distance of a particular weight from the central axis of rotation (fulcrum f) of the wheel.
PD = the perpendicular distance of a particular weight from the central axis of rotation (fulcrum f) of the wheel.

PSD = perpendicular sideways displacement distance of a particular weight from the wheel’s central plane of rotation.
ED = vertical downwards distance of weight from the level of the wheel’s central axis of rotation.
IF = Force of imbalance; overall anticlockwise moment of the wheel. This is given by multiplying PD by the mass of the weight in newtons.
PF = pedal force acting on the wheel resulting from the sideways displacement of each weight; contributing to the clockwise moment of the wheel. This is given by multiplying PSD by M(e).

Rotational Phases
Even though constant imbalance has been achieved, the force produced by the wheel is not a constant force but it fluctuates from a maximum to a minimum. There are times when the total over-balancing force increases and some other times when it decreases. These fluctuations are however reduced as the number of ‘Arms’ used on the wheel are increased. A wheel of ten arms for instance will have fluctuations of smaller magnitude than a wheel of six arms. This is because a wheel with ten arms has shorter rotational phases than a wheel with six arms. A rotational phase is taken as that angle of rotation whereby the wheel resumes a similar physical structure as in a previous point of rotation. For instance a wheel with four arms (X-shape)positioned in such a way that two arms are in a complete horizontal plane and the other two arms in a completely vertical plane will always resume a similar structure every 90o of rotation. The rotational phase of such a wheel is thus taken to be 90o

Generally a wheel with x number of arms will have a rotational phase of 360/x o.
The wheels power of rotation will always be of the same magnitude after each rotational phase. In this case if the magnitude of rotational power changes, it can only reach the maximum change at half the rotational phase. Because of this, it is important to analyze the forces acting on a wheel at the beginning of a rotational phase and in the middle of the rotational phase to ascertain its maximum and minimum forces and also ascertain that it always has enough force to cause rotation.

In-Phase and Off-Phase positions.
The position of the wheel at the beginning of a rotational phase is named the In-phase position. This position is the one whereby weight position 1 is at 0o. The position of the wheel in the middle of a rotational phase is named the Off-phase position. At this position weight position 1 will be out of phase from the in-phase position by half the rotational phase of the wheel. A wheel of 10 arms will therefore have an off-phase position whereby weight position 1 is at 18o out of phase ( Such a wheel has a rotational phase of 360/10 = 36o).

NOTE: An experimental prototype was made. When immersed in water so that weight in position 2/4 was totally immersed, the wheel (which was stationary before immersion) rotated in the anti-clockwise direction till the weight on the far left side touched the water. The force of rotation exhibited power which concurred with the above tabulated data and analysis.

The data accurately reveals that the wheel is balanced when not immersed in water as seen by the results of the IF and PF (un-highlighted totals). Immersing the wheel so that 0.5 meters of its diameter is in water however gives a different result. The shaded rows in the table are for those weights which are immersed and are therefore negated or ‘weightless’. This results in the shaded totals in the IF and PF columns which reveal that the anticlockwise moment is more by (2174.325 – 2090.89) = 83.435 N.m.
At this point the wheel creates a force equivalent to 83.435 watts. ( 1N.m = 1 watt) of energy and has attained constant imbalanced.

This also reveals that the wheel is balanced when not immersed in water but when immersed so that 0.5 of the wheel’s diameter is in water, then weight number 3/10 will be negated and a state of permanent imbalance will be created. The overall force of imbalance would be:

(2680.6198 – 2559.6744)N.m = 120.9454 N.m; which is equivalent to 120.9 watts of power.

It should be noted that the above power equivalents given for the analyzed wheel samples are not accurate. They are just estimates aimed at revealing the differences in power that occur due to the principles used. In real senses, the torque given by the wheel needs to be determined which is another subject in the analysis.

The analysis however is to prove that the principle used can produce energy.
This principle has been used to design a new wheel which can achieve about four times the power of the design in this study.

The latest design is the one in focus for use in making an industrial prototype.
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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by kenfree »

But none of your photos show your machine in water. Does your video? Can you upload your video to YouTube?
Have you built your new wheel with four times the power? Are any of your Photos, Drawings or Figures on your web storage server of this new design? If so, which ones? -Rocky
Much appreciation Rocky. You have set out the table so well.
In answer to you questions;
I have not built the final design which I indicated has about four times the power of the current design. The pictures I have shared are for the experimental prototype I built some time in October last year, and which I have also referred to in the analysis.
It has been an unfortunate turn of events that every time I have arranged to shoot the wheel in water things have not worked out as planned and the plans have failed in the eleventh hour. Currently I don't have a video shot. Also, the experimental wheel is not always with me at the place I reside but it is in some secluded place, It is in parts and not all the parts are in one place. This is not for security reasons; if I may say, because many times when it is in the open people who see the wheel have no idea what it is all about.
Arranging for demonstration in water is a laborious process and in most cases takes the whole day due to some inaccuracies in the wheel which takes quite some time to assemble. Then I find a suitable place with a water tank. I have used a local church compound. The day I was to shoot it, I had arranged for there to be some witnesses including a local university lecturer and cameraman. In the end the two called in the eleventh hour and gave their apologies so I only had some two friends who witnessed it. We then recorded our findings in a document signed by all three of us, and am yet to make another arrangement.
The new design is a slight improvement specifically dealing with the challenges of achieving imbalance as I have highlighted in the analysis. It achieves much more destabilization than the design shown in this study.
There is a specific secret of which it may take time before I share it here. For now I needed more input in the analysis as there are still some things to be re-checked. The way of determining the forces is quite tricky as the most conventional formulas are not applicable due to the numerous simultaneous motions of the wheel parts. For instance means of determining the torque.
What I have conclusively determined is that there is imbalance, by virtue of analyzing the overall 'weight' experienced at the left and right sides of the wheel.
The video I have right now is an old 1999 documentary-like one in which I explained the basics of the wheel in a more visual way. The prototype in that video is my first and it was quite crude but it could display how the different parts of the wheel moved. It has nothing new apart from an elaborate overview of the principles used.
I will try using YouTube.

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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by kenfree »

There has been a problem in trying to upload the video and let me just say that I will upload it when I deal with the problem. Though its taking ages, bare with me. YouTube could only allow uploading videos not more than 15 minutes in length. Mine is about 25 minutes long. I can't shorten it for now.
Excuse me also for not being here frequently. It is unavoidable.

As for the other files, I have moved them to another server and anyone who may want the original documents may use the links below. ... .docx.html ...
ml ... 0.3gp.html ... s.pdf.html ... 0.jpg.html ... 9.jpg.html ... 3.jpg.html ... 8.jpg.html ... 2.jpg.html ... 2.jpg.html ... S.jpg.html ... 1.jpg.html
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Post by DrWhat »

Can't you just post attachments the usual way?

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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by kenfree »

Can't you just post attachments the usual way?
I think this went out of my mind at first, when I realized I can't post some of my files in this manner due to their size or format.
Apart from the pictures, non of the others could be attached for either their size or file format.

On another note, I have finally been able to upload the complete video file. This time I do hope there will be no problems with anyone downloading it apart from the time which I know will be long. If there will be any other, I am afraid this is the best I can do about this. I wish I could get a better way.
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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by Tarsier79 »

Gday Professor Eric ;?)

I just watched your video, and although it gives some theory, it finished just at the exciting part! I am sure the Besslerwheel community will look on with interest for future updates.

I love the production quality, but would advise perhaps a slightly different approach if you want to be taken seriously by your target audience.


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re: Perpetual Motion Suggestion

Post by kenfree »

Thanks for the elevation Kaine. I do hope I realize it.

About the video, unfortunately I did not complete the shooting. It took the whole day to shoot and we were supposed to continue the next day which for some reason did not happen. I however, figured the Basic information was covered and left it at that. As you could see this was years ago and I thought I would complete the wheel within the next few years then finish the video; which was never the case. Hopefully, this will happen soon.

I also welcome your suggestions on the best approach to use for the video. If necessary Pm me about it.


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