The Dawn of Clean Energy

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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi all,

It will be a while before I can afford the generators and matching build so at the minute I am looking at the spinoffs of the Geo Genny, one of which is to build the drawing posted above, I will bring it here to save time.

What I like about this concept is that the out of balance is higher than the pivots, which I believe is a good start, you can play with the angles as well.

I am also building some other ideas that I think have a chance, I will keep you posted.

Regards Trevor

PS I should be posting another video this week and will post the link here, just to let you know what I am up to, I did not want you all to think I had become a skeptic : ) there are to many untried designs to build first, the only time to become a skeptic is when there is nothing left to build.

Edit, Drawing key,

A = the main wheel, SL = secondary levers ( top levers ) that would be connected to the GB gravity blades, (bottom levers GB) via a solid shaft pivoting through a bearing means (BM) on the main wheel, WWR the push over wheel (WWR) would not have so much strain on it and you can play with the ratios, WWR pushes WR the weight ring that connects the bottom levers weights via bearing pivots, the top levers (SL) are conned through the pivot to bring them to the outside of the wheel so they do not clash with the other moving parts.
One of my next builds, this is a out of balance wheel concept.
<br />
<br />Edit, Drawing key, 
<br />
<br />A = the main wheel, SL = secondary levers ( top levers ) that would be connected to the GB gravity blades, (bottom levers GB) via a solid shaft pivoting through a bea
One of my next builds, this is a out of balance wheel concept.

Edit, Drawing key,

A = the main wheel, SL = secondary levers ( top levers ) that would be connected to the GB gravity blades, (bottom levers GB) via a solid shaft pivoting through a bea
Last edited by Trevor Lyn Whatford on Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Tarsier79 »

Gday Trevor

This design looks exactly the same concept as the geo genny. The good thing, is your drawing shows its flaw.

Look carefully at the picture as if it were a 3d drawing, with a cylindrical wheel, with the weights sticking out towards you... In this 3d configuration, do you see any overbalance whatsoever?.....

Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi kaine,

The Geo Genny is all about getting good leverage at a low cost ( paid for input ).

The posted drawing is a spin off from Geo Genny, the bottom set of levers only takes 8 to 10 kg of force to rotate the wheel at 5.5cm off the axle, so the top set would only need a small imbalance at the outer rim to over come that, I know what it looks like and if I had not done any experiments on it I would have dismissed it at a glance, but as I see there is a chance it may work I need to build it to fined out, it will be interesting to see what will happen as the push over wheel is doing some strange stuff to the dynamics, I do not see a down side even if it does not work as I am in new ground here ( for me at least ) that needs full understanding.

Yours respectfully Trevor

Edit, the drawing may be misleading as there is a bottom set of levers and a top set of levers that are connected together through the main wheel lever pivots, there is a wheel connecting the weights of the bottom set of levers that is pushed over by the third wheel on the left. see the video link at the start of the thread and then in your mind extend the top levers from the bottom set, Edit, I have just added the drawing key to the drawing I forgot sorry about that.
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi all,

More tests on the Geo Genny, posted below is what I said on youtube.

The Geo Genny is a torque multiplier concept that when developed will proved the energy of eight x the paid for energy that is put into it, it does this by rotating gravity operated levers in the conservative gravity field, shown on the video is just tests made of old bits I had laying around from other experiments, but it does prove the concept. It is a shame that the G8 Governments have not allowed for a energy breakthrough to come from a shed inventor, they have nothing in place to take the concept to its rightful end. I have done what I can with what I have.

Edit, it is showing a error it may not of loaded right.
Edit, remove the link as it did not load up properly, I will try again later.
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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi all,

here is the link to the video that I had to reload,

I have gone as far as I can until I can afford the generators, so now I can get my frame back to build the spin offs, and V wheels and other stuff.

Hope it is of interest.

Regards Trevor
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Double post I will use it later,

Hi All,

I am very happy with the way the Geo Genny tests have turned out, I will keep you all up to date with any development with it, I intend to try the UK Government directly as there is nothing in place for a on your own inventer.

I will be posting a video next week on a magnetic motor, its only a guide as yet again I cannot afford the main magnets.

Regards Trevor
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Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: The Dawn of Clean Energy

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Kaine, and all,

I have been looking at some of the spin offs of the Geo Genny, just quickly though, I tied some levers onto the lever that where there as the above drawing and there is no way that it will work as the drawing above, as kaine suggested it shows the same problem as my first attempts of V wheels, wherein any attempts to lift weighted lever ( or weights ) will end in failure as the negative leverage is to high, or if using weight, then your asking the system to do more work than it has got, I new this from previous experiments but with the constant want to find a working wheel any new way of looking at it should be explored just encase the is a undiscovered anomaly, like the multi lever phenomenon, or the Geo Gennys push over wheels, the V wheel is still work in progress but I believe there are some secrets there to be found just as long as you use the V wheels as a weight pull over, and not a weight lift.

I there for I conclude that if using levers to stand any chance of gaining work, the system must use normal geometry resets just by rotating them, and the leverage must be tapped, that is the best way to gain work from lever systems.

Hope this is of interest, regards Trevor

Edit, add s.
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