First prototype made

a. the intentional perversion of truth; b. an act of deceiving or misrepresenting

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re: First prototype made

Post by jim_mich »

I think Darrell is a FRAUD.

He may have started out thinking his wheel would work and now can't face the fact that it doesn't. I won't waste my money or any more time on building his wheel.

This is what I told Darrell on March 23, 2004...
One last thing, I want complete honesty in everything. I am honest and truthful in all I do and say. There is nothing that gets me more angry than dishonesty or lies.

Ever wonder what someone looks like? Pete, this picture was taken with the camera you payed for.
Darrell Vandusen Sr.
Darrell Vandusen Sr.
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re: First prototype made

Post by Patrick »

tsk,tsk...has it come to this? Public humiliation.

Do you remember this comment I made to you from our last online conversation, and I quote:

"when you make unsubstantiated claims, it greatly reduces your credibility and respect."

Now do you know what I mean?


I imagine you will want to bluster up a caps-lock response:

But really you should resist the urge as it will only dig yourself into a deeper hole than the one you are in already. Friendly advice: try one of the following:

1) Disappear from the board for 6 months or longer.
2) Apologize...and/or
3) Go back to the drawing board and wake up and get real already. The world is an unfriendly place for those that con, unwittingly or otherwise.

Good luck chap.
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re: First prototype made

Post by ovyyus »

If Darrell is what a majority of members here say he is, then I may turn more cynical, with whats left of my hope in my fellow man hanging on by a thread!
Hi Coylo, IMO cynicism serves no purpose at all. Better to be careful and understand that some people have very serious character flaws. Darrell has to live with his pathology whereas Pete will replace his money in time.

The golden rule - proof BEFORE money - after that all you have to loose is your time and self respect :)
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John Collins
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re: First prototype made

Post by John Collins »

Is there anyone that Darrell hasn't contacted on this board? I too have had videos and pictures and discussions on patents etc!

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re: First prototype made

Post by Clarkie »

Happy New Year to you.

Oh what a can of worms this has turned out to be, I hope nobody else has suffered financially.

My only problem is the crap I got from Deb, cost me a big Christmas present, lots of diamonds.

Oh well, we live and learn.

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re: First prototype made

Post by graham »

Graham enthusiastically said the following near the start of this thread.
If you actually HAVE working machines all I can say is BLOODY WELL DONE
My bubble was quickly burst and I shall be more cautious before saying "BLOODY WELL DONE" again.

This whole episode has been a real education to me . I also can understand why JB trusted no one , and no one trusted JB . It seems that PM can bring out the worst in mans nature.

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re: First prototype made

Post by Oxygon »

Never make enemies...

Peity is best here...

Con-Artists Boast...

People in this field are quick to single out and notify others of trespasses...

I never got into substantial conversations with the "personages" identified here...

A NDA was wanted, I declined...

This is not a passing interest for me... I finished my work a few years ago...

I am now exploring alternative ideas and trying to combine functions of operation...

"Truth and Trust" are paramount in these circles of thought...

violate these at your own risk...

"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
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re: First prototype made

Post by John Lindsay »

In response to John Collins' question-Is there anyone that HAS NOT been contacted by Darrel--he did not contact me! :0).... I would have explained to him that there are basic principles for self rotational objects using one-directional time-function pressure (there are variations on the themes of course). If he is not using one of these principles and just "moving things around", then the chances of a working model are unfortunately very slim. Happy New Year to all...John
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re: First prototype made


It is unfortunate that some look at these remarks this way.
I was wrong at the date I gave for the two years, from when I took the first video of the six-foot machine. It will be two years tomorrow, on the sixth.
(1) I am not a fraud!
(2) I do have a gravity Engine.
The picture that was posted of a bent spoke, happened when it was just starting to turn, the locking system did not work.
I will admit, that some of the remarks on this post do bother me, for I am, and always will be, an honest person.
I will continue to work at putting this machine on the market. I have always believed that the more people involved, the better. It is now odious, that there are those that are no longer appricaited.
As for those that do not believe in this machine, there are many reasons for that.
I do not mind comments about my machine, but please, do not take liberties with my person! To what benefit would that accomplish? (DonÂ’ta answer, not interested).
Again, maybe we can get back to wheels and leave peopleÂ’sa, credibilityÂ’sa, alone.

Mr Vandusen Thanks for posting the pictures, but, I DO NOT LIKE, MY PICTURE, BEING POSTED!
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re: First prototype made

Post by ovyyus »

More gobbledy-gook from a person that cares not a wit about anything but himself. Get therapy.
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Re: re: First prototype made

Post by jim_mich »

VANDUGEGS wrote:(1) I am not a fraud!
(2) I do have a gravity Engine.
Darrell, yes you do have a gravity engine but as far as I can tell it does not work. An engine must produce power in order to be called an engine. You have never produce any good evidence that it produces power. You say both your last two wheels worked. You take money from others saying you have a working wheel. You can't show them a wheel that works and produces power. I'm sorry but I call that FRAUD.

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re: First prototype made

Post by Jonathan »

Well, just show me the evidence...
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: First prototype made

Post by Jan Rutkowski »

Halo Mr. Darrell Vandusen Sr. !
I'm writhing this words to support You with gravity wheel . In my opinion you have working wheel and so do I . The differences between your and my wheel is excess of energy . My turn only 10 times a minute but to draw same energy it stop. It is a toy at this moment .
Same time ego I tray talk to guys from Bessler board but they decided not to acknowledge what I'm saying . So I give up. In my believe there are advantages in nature physics and every one can build rotating wheel if he know how.
When you contact me about 2 years ego I tray to connect you with a man from Melbourne by ASTRO Club , willing to invest in project (something that works). I do not hear from you or him .
Mr. Darrell keep your head very high . You can ask for any price you want .
See energy for nothing (gravity) is every where . No one dream about it in my school days and this days is reality.
I wish You The Best of Arrangement for the future and the Best Regards to You.
Jan Rutkowski .
If you can look at same new idea @ forum .
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re: First prototype made

Post by jim_mich »

Jan, I've seen your little animation before and thought it was just a cute cartoon. After looking at it a little closer it looks interesting. I now see things I didn't see before. I may try to analize it using WM2D.



re: First prototype made

Post by coylo »

I cannot whole-heartedly brand Darrell a fraud, there are a few questions remaining to be answered.
First of all in my e-mail exhange with Darrell, not once did he ask for money nor was there the slightest hint at such. He was just looking for advice.
Originally he was only going to clean up the existing wheel so we could show it to investors but he got carried away and built a new one that didn't work.
With regards to Pete's situation, you could look at it from the perspective that Pete made an investment, and like any other business investment it involves great risk. Getting involved in some kind of business partnership with Darrell could of been financially rewarding, or the latter could happen in which case it did....or did it?

Questions for Darrell Vandusen Sr:

Are you going to honour Pete's investment and finish his machine that he payed for?
Are you going to reimburse Pete his money because so far you have simply not honoured your side of the agreement?
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