The Anvils of MT 138

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Re: re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by to.late »

shap-O-vert wrote:Jim_Mich says:
Thus the wheel ran on 54 different days
Ah. The benefit of the White Hat. Nice to get those facts nailed.

54 in that context looks like a coincidence then, as it would seem to have been outside Bessler's influence. However, John Collins' observation of MT 54 and MT 55 remains valid, no?


John Collins numbered the drawings himself.
That the wheel ran for more than a few hours demonstartes that it worked.
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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by daxwc »

To.late quote:
John Collins numbered the drawings himself.
Those numbers are directly cut into the wood block... back away from the glue bag.

Although I did hear JC goes around breaking into museums and changes numbers on other important texts 8p

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Post by Stewart »

Axelf wrote:In german:
5 Kinder Spiele in welchem Joch auch was besonderes Arbeit, wer Sie auf andere Weise zu applicieren weiss.

@hansvonlieven (german) wrote:
The literal translation is:

5 children?s toys in whose yoke (fulcrum, pivot) something special works (is at work), for whoever knows how to apply it in a different manner.
I've not heard that one before, and I'm surprised no one else has questioned this - was that posted on this forum or elsewhere?
I can tell you though that Hans is wrong - he's not transcribed the original Bessler note correctly and has therefore ended up with a bad translation. The original text written by Bessler is as follows:

"5. Kinder-Spiele
In welchen doch auch
was besonders stecket, wer
Sie auf andere Weise zu appliciren

... it's 'doch' not 'Joch' and 'stecket' not 'Arbeit' - but I can see how Hans has misinterpreted Bessler's handwriting to arrive at that.

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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by Tarsier79 »

Thats funny, using babelfish (thanks for the link John) it translates as:

5. Children's games In which nevertheless which particularly put, who She on other way too finally knows.

So what is so special about "Her"(I assume the hammer-women), and what does she know?
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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by shap-O-vert »

In my post of 1 October I showed my design for the 9 levers (showing Set “A� and Set “B� interaction); I subsequently showed my weight exchange mechanism in light of the “Hammer and Pick Men� of MT 138.

In my “Two Axles of MT 55� thread I outlined the use of a Ramp to “unload� the –ve side of the wheel and move the weight with neutral (“= ve�) impact across the top of the upside of the wheel.

Well, that’s all OK but somehow or other the weights have to get from the down-hill end of the Ramp onto the Effort Arm of each of the 9 levers.

The attachment shows how I’ve dealt with this issue (one diagram and a few photos).

You’ll see that what I’ve developed is a “Bowed� catching arm (the “Bow�) that transfers the weights through their rolling action along the Bow to the top of the Effort arm. You’ll notice that there is a catching device on the top of the Effort arm that holds the weight and ensures that the pegs on either side of the weight (refer to my spherical �Top� post)are correctly aligned for pick up via the weight transfer mechanism, when it has moved to the “pick-up� position.

The weight, on landing in the catching device (I call it the “Kennel� – because of how it looks) strikes a back plate which releases the Bow and lets it fall away on a pivot to facilitate pick-up. (Otherwise the Bow restricts the arc of travel of the weight during the pick-up). In some ways the falling and subsequent resetting of the Bow is not unlike the action of a flail – but I’m no scholar on this.

With this post I think my take out from MT 138 is pretty well finished. It has delivered:
1. A lever system comprising nine integrated levers,
2. A design to fit the nine levers around 360 and achieve a 720 benefit
3. A weight transfer system
4. The design of the weights that allows lift and roll to be achieved

Bessler packed a lot of information into MT 138 in my view.



PS: the Bow as shown in the photos attached is a very early “modelled� design. I’ve made changes to it although the basics remain the same. Essentially, what I’ve done is remodel the shape of the bend in the Bow to achieve a disproportionate number of weights on the +ve side (the downside) compared with the –ve side. In fact, some 28% more. I’ll show how I’ve done this in a future post.
bessler Bow 03.jpg
Bessler Bow 02.jpg
Bessler 01.jpg
Bessler Bow and levers compressed.gif
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Post by AB Hammer »


How do you expect to keep the balls rolling strait? Slight differences in the tracking can cause them to shift left or wright.
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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by shap-O-vert »

AB hammer asks:
How do you expect to keep the balls rolling strait?
Thanks AB. When the weight is on the Bow it is not rolling on its Pegs but rather on its surface, with each rail about halfway across each hemisphere of the weight. As such the rails keep it straight. The guiding plates that make up the Kennel ensure that the Pegs are straight and aligned, for the lift to occur.

This larger circumference for the weight's roll on the Bow increases the velocity of the weight along the Bow (relative to its velocity on the Ramp - where it rolls on its Pegs) and thus maximizes the distance from the wheel’s centre in the shortest time, and gets the Moments working at their optimum.

The Ramp is another story. And I'll deal with that during my next post on the Two Axles of MT 55 thread.

Hope that helps. If not, I'll post another photo to show how the weight sits (rolls) on the Bow.


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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by nneba »

Hello Everyone,

What is the concensus on the "egg" at the bottom of the page? why doesent it have a letter associated with it?

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Post by jim_mich »

The top at the bottom of page was hand drawn, so it doesn't have an ID letter.

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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by nneba »

thanks jim
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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by shap-O-vert »

Thanks nneba

An egg would probably be even better than a sphere on the Ramp. I must give it a shot and see.


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re: The Anvils of MT 138

Post by path_finder »

Dear shap-O-vert,
Somewhere I red that the Bessler weights were cylindrical with at each end some conical shaped axle (must be confirmed).
The conical shape allow the weights to keep almost their orthogonal position when rolling on two side rails.
With this feature the spherical shape is no more so much important, and the same principle can be used with some cylindrical weights (like confirmed for Bessler).
Note this is perhaps the reason why Bessler was so careful do NOT show the end of the weights during the famous 'handkerchief' show.
In addition the 'ssssh' noise listened by the witnesses can give more credit to this way of use these rotating weights (acquiring momentum the central axle rolling on two parallel rails, and then converting this KE in PE the outer rim of the weights rolling on some curved plank).
This has been already discussed, in particular with the brachistochrone design, see here: ... 6504#66504
A search in this forum on the keyword 'brachistochrone' will give you several links.
and for the fun again:
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Post by Axelf »

Stewart wrote:I can tell you though that Hans is wrong -
he's not transcribed the original Bessler note correctly and
has therefore ended up with a bad translation. The original
text written by Bessler is as follows:

"5. Kinder-Spiele
In welchen doch auch
was besonders stecket, wer
Sie auf andere Weise zu appliciren

... it's 'doch' not 'Joch' and 'stecket' not 'Arbeit'
- but I can see how Hans has misinterpreted Bessler's handwriting to arrive at that.

@hansvonlieven is a old german man and i think he can read old german.

I read again in German:

5 Kinder Spiele in welchem "Joch" auch was "besondres Arbeit", wer Sie auf andere Weise zu applicieren weiss.

I've looked at the picture again and searched for the meaning of "Joch"
and "applicieren".

In german wiki:


[1] Mein Arzt erwähnte, dass mein Joch geschädigt sei.
[2] Ein Joch entspricht zwischen 0,33 Hektar (Württemberg) und 0,58 Hektar (Österreich).
[3] Auf Höhe des achten Jochs des Längsschiffes der Kirche liegt im linken Seitenschiff die Barbara-Kapelle, im rechten die Gruft mit den Gebeinen des Stifters.
[4] Die Brücke spannt sich in sechs Jochen über den Fluss.
[5] Das Stilfser Joch verbindet das Veltlin mit dem Vinschgau.
[6] Wie die beiden Ochsen mühselig den Karren hochzogen, schwankte ihr Joch wie eine Welle auf und ab.
[7] Für dich mag Arbeit Erfüllung sein, mir ist sie ein Joch.
[9] Das Joch muss unbedingt erneuert werden, sonst wird bald die Glocke den Turm hinunter bis in den Chor stürzen.
[10] Ein Bauer gilt in dieser Gegend als reich, sobald er drei Joch Ochsen sein eigen nennen kann.

"Joch" can also load or press
"applizieren" can also fix or connect

in German it could mean:

Kinder Spiele unter Last auch was besondres Arbeit, wer Sie auf andere Weise zu verbinden weiss.
Kinder Spiele welche ziehen Last auch was besondres Arbeit, wer Sie auf andere Weise zu verbinden weiss.

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Post by Stewart »

Axelf wrote:@hansvonlieven is a old german man and i think he can read old german.
Being an "old german man" is of no help if you can't read Bessler's handwriting, and in this case Hans has got two words wrong. I've studied Bessler's handwriting for years and know it as well as my own. However, Hans should also have realised his version is wrong because his version is grammatically incorrect too - 'Arbeit' as written by Hans is in noun form and he is trying to make it a verb. It should indeed be a verb, but the verb is 'stecken'.

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Post by Axelf »

Stewart wrote:
Stewart wrote:However, Hans should also have realised his version is wrong because his version is grammatically incorrect too - 'Arbeit' as written by Hans is in noun form and he is trying to make it a verb. It should indeed be a verb, but the verb is 'stecken'.
Many german people read the word "Arbeit", i think you are wrong.
The verb from Arbeit = arbeiten (working), stecken = plug/insert.
I think Bessler mean with "Arbeit" the force/momentum.
I've studied Bessler's handwriting for years and know it as well as my own.
Then I'm sure you can tell me what Bessler will saying with:
Ringe - Kreuze - Züge, you can?

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