Solar saves the day

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Solar saves the day

Post by Michael »

Gotta love Canada part deux.

Canadian scientists have just announced a discovery creation of a paintable plastic solar cells that put out up to five times the amount of power of the most advanced photovoltaic cells today. It is said that by mid century solar farms consisting of photoconductive plastic rolled across unpolpulated expanse of desert could meet the energy needs of the entire world.

It is reported on Sunday in the nanotechnology jounal Nature Materials.


meChANical Man.
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re: Solar saves the day

Post by Trev »

Hi Michael, do you or anyone else have a link for an online version of that article? Sounds wonderfull - I just hope it's true this time.
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re: Solar saves the day

Post by Trev »

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re: Solar saves the day

Post by Michael »

Thanks Trev. I actually read it in today's Vancouver Sun. Looks like it is just in time too since our oil has been predicted to run out in about fifty years or so.


meChANical Man.
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re: Solar saves the day

Post by jim_mich »

My science teacher told the class that the world would run out of oil in twenty years. We thought how horrible that would be.

That was 7th grade. The year was 1958 and I was 11 years old. Forty seven years later and we still have fifty years of oil left?

You are willing to pay more for oil when you think it is running out. CHEAP oil is running out. There are still many hundreds of years of deeper oil.

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re: Solar saves the day

Post by Oxygon »

This doesn't threaten the potential worth of a pmm?
"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.

re: Solar saves the day

Post by coylo »

The year was 1958 and I was 11 years old.

1958 - 11 = 1947

2005 - 1947 = 58

You see Jonathan's not the only one who's good at the old equations.

Conclusion: Jim is getting on a bit. Get down to the Doctors and get that prostate checked out!
Vic Hays
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Re: re: Solar saves the day

Post by Vic Hays »

jim_mich wrote:You are willing to pay more for oil when you think it is running out. CHEAP oil is running out. There are still many hundreds of years of deeper oil.
Even if there are hundreds of years left of oil, the environmental damage we have already done by burning it may be too much. With oil becoming more expensive, coal is becoming more popular again. It is not only the CO2 , but the mercury and other pollutants that are bad with coal.

How do you suppose that this plastic film can collect energy? It must be + on one surface and - on the other surface. Perhaps when it is sprayed the little quantum dots arrange themselves in a polar position before hardening.
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re: Solar saves the day

Post by terry5732 »

I had no idea Jim was so OLD!

It was my sixth grade teacher that impressed upon me that we had only 10 - 15 years of petroleum , so I thought I was being smart to not bother with getting a drivers license when I came of age.

25 years ago
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