gravity wheel email issues...

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gravity wheel email issues...

Post by 4g63tmaniac »'s an interesting issue. I came up with two designs that I am almost positive would work should I build them. I drew up the schematics, and attempted to email them to myself so I would have a verified proof of design date, and a dated digital copy should anyone attempt to steal my work.

I emailed them to myself. They never arrived.

I tried drawing the two designs on "paint". The computer would not allow me to save them.

I hate to paint the conspiracy theory, but I send plenty of emails to myself for stuff like this, and this has never happened before.

I would like to disclose my designs to the public, but I would like to build a working prototype (or non-working) BEFORE I divulge my information. Unfortunately, capitol is hard to come by for projects such as this.
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by 4g63tmaniac »

Ok, the email did go through. It just took several more hours than usual. Sorry for the false thread.
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by raj »

The only way to stop someone stealing your idea is to apply for a patent before making it public.
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by AB Hammer »


If you need help. You need to get with someone you can trust and hopefully they are a builder and see if it is worth building. We all get convinced from time to time, just to learn another factor we didn't take into consideration. This is the learning curve that most builder have already come across or will come across eventually you need to learn to progress in your designing capability.

There are several people you can trust around here. It is up to you to from here.

Good luck
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by 4g63tmaniac »

I understand that. I'm also under the assumption that if one was to file for a U.S. patent on a "perpetual motion" machine, they also have to provide a working model with the patent application.

So here's my dilemma...I have the design, I have about 1/4 of the required materials to build the machine...and I have very little funding to build it.

If I share the idea, it will get stolen. If it works, then I will get no credit for the design. I'm not gonna lie, I have four children...and I could use some cash for coming up with the idea. I don't need to become a billionaire or anything, but this would be the greatest invention of the century. I would like to at least make enough off of my design to send my kids to college, pay my house off, and retire with a modest living.

The second part of my dilemma is that many people are VERY close to cracking this. I have seen several models that incorporate ideas similar to mine, but nothing close enough to my own to prove it would not work. If I wait until I gain enough capitol to build this myself, then someone else may beat me to the punch.

So, I have the solution (or think I do). I can't build it, and I can't protect it without building it. So I'm stuck with an idea potentially worth 10's of millions of dollars...and no way to cash it in or talk/discuss it with others.
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Post by Ealadha »

If someone gets a patant on Bessler's wheel , they can prevent anyone from using it , it could end up like other free energy inventions where no one is allowed to use them .
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by nneba »

Welcome 4g63,

In my opinion, the P.M. wheel is so simple that even if someone wanted to patent it, that would not stop every peasant in every country from building their own wheel. Harnessing the power generated would be another issue.

Patents are a subject that I know little about, so correct me if Im wrong. But if an inventor disclosed the secret to the world, and proclaimed that this is now common knowledge, it would be difficult for anyone to lay claim to it. People could sell their brand of wheel, but not lay claim to its patent.

For instance you cant patent a "car", a "computer", or a "barbeque" you may only market your brand, or version. Regardless, controlling and limiting the use of such a devise would be next to impossible.

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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by Ealadha »

I think we really need to solve bessler's wheel , that may prevent people like 4g63tmaniac and ABHammer from taking ownership of Johann Bessler's wheels , if something has already been invented , it cannot be patanted .
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Post by 4g63tmaniac »


You are correct, the "PM" gravity wheel I have come up with is EXTREMELY simple. However, does everyone build their own barbeque, car, or computer? I do not have the capitol to build a prototype, much less a sellable product. So I would basically be coming up with a design to hook up Wal-Mart with another high profit margin sale item.

Harnessing the energy of my design is not an issue if it works the way I anticipate. It should have power output equal to the size you build it. I am considering simply releasing the idea, but I have worked my whole life, and I feel as if I am throwing away the golden egg.
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Post by 4g63tmaniac »

@Ealadha Firstly, my design is in no way shape or form based on the bessler wheel. Sorry to upset you, but his wheel is far to complicated for me to reverse engineer. I prefer simplicity.
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by Bill_Mothershead »

In my opinion, the P.M. wheel is so simple that even if someone
wanted to patent it, that would not stop every peasant in every country
from building their own wheel.
Same story as Eli Whitney & the cotton gin:,_Jr.
Despite the social and economic impact of his invention, Whitney
lost his profits in legal battles over patent infringement, closed his business
and nearly filed for bankruptcy.
...the mechanical simplicity of the device and the primitive state of patent
law, made infringement inevitable. Whitney and Miller could not build
enough gins to meet demand, so gins from other makers found ready sale.
Ultimately, patent infringement lawsuits consumed the profits and their
cotton gin company went out of business in 1797.

BTW, the Wikipedia page states something I never knew:
The word 'gin' is short for engine.
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Post by Ealadha »

4g63tmaniac wrote:@Ealadha Firstly, my design is in no way shape or form based on the bessler wheel. Sorry to upset you, but his wheel is far to complicated for me to reverse engineer. I prefer simplicity.
Johann Bessler said that his wheel was so simple he was afraid he would not be able to sell it .
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by nneba »


Thanks for the link, I can see how there would be many of the same issues related to both inventions.

4g63, I dont see how your invention can be so simple, yet require an extensive capital to produce. This seems to be a large contradiction,

fuel cells?chemical reactions?.....
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re: gravity wheel email issues...

Post by Ealadha »

4g63tmaniac did you come up with this simple idea on your own or did you read something on this forum ?
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »


There are several of us here who believe we have the wheel. After they get built and only then will we know for sure. At this time I have several wheels to build, and 1 older wheel to rebuild for less friction on moving parts. When I ran it, it ran at about 50 to 60 RPM for a long time and it had a knock in it. I looked to try to find the knock and it found my thumb and nearly tore my thumb off and broke on the impact. I have no idea why I didn't get back on it, and I didn't know why. Sometimes we are afraid of success as well. Well it is getting rebuilt and fine tuned. And we will see if it is what I thought it was back then. And/or which ever wheel that runs for me of mine, it will be named The Gloria Jean. The name of my Mother who died yesterday. This will be my gift for her, so her name will live in history.

The wheel is bigger than all of us. But credit due has to be with the one that credit is due. Be it mine or anyone else. We must all stand by them.

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