Two sticks game...

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iacob alex
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Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex » as simply,as possible.You need no more than two fulcra(pivots) and two sticks(mettalic bars),with no additionally weights.The sticks themselves play,have the status of the weights.A stick in the horizontal position(set it with unequal arms),plays as a lever,a balance for the stick in the vertical position(set in on the small arm of the balance),that plays as a pendulum.Animate the pendulum stick and you have the entertainment.So,you can simplify,formalize and get the ideas ,in your personal manner,regarding Prof Milkovic mechanical double oscillatory system.If you want,you can vary the swinging times of this pendular lever,if you set up ,the vertical stick ,as a counter weighted pendulum,in a lot of positions.Nice play!Sometimes,the dreams of the future are better than that of the past.All the Bests!/Alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by LustInBlack »

What is your browser?! ..

I ask that, because maybe there is a reason why there are no line feeds in your messages..
iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

The minimum design of Prof Milkovic gravity pumping system ,can be definied/build with two lines/"metallic sticks" and two pinions,so that we can materialize the lever and pendulum system/machine.So begins any basic design in our mind and then on the paper.It's a simple mental design,easy to take form.If we add masses(as "hammer" and "pendulum") the dynamics becomes manifest.The problem is that,usually natural phenomena have not a self-eviden shape,so that as in picture art,if we have the first lines,we can understand and develop the full "painting".All the Bests!/Alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by LustInBlack »

Well you didn't pass the turing test with that one .
iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

No.Just a starting point,in mind.Now,I am a visiting person here in US,so it can be ,for this time ,just a proposal for the "garage people".All the Bests!/Alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex » elementary drawing(..and test) ,you can see at then click on "Some_Drafts/UNTITLED001.JPG

All that you need are:

-a long straight,unbent stick as a lever.

-a short curved,bent stick as an asymmetric pendulum (see Evert's proposal at ).

-a pivot on the short arm of the lever,for pendulum.

-a pivot on fulcrum for the lever.

In a way,this drawing paraphrases the Evert's presentation(three equal arms,with three alike asymmetrical pendulum),in a two arms configuration with a single pendulum.

If we add a heavy hub(the lever's pivot) on fulcrum, as a temporary storage(charge-discharge) have a simple toy,to play gravity and rotational inertia.

All the Bests! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »'s a concise image,as a kid's game:a see-saw with an one only apparent player(asymmetric pendulum),the other with a hiding place(the long arm of the lever).

If we try a rotational motion,rather then a swinging/see-saw motion,the visible partner is rotating and swinging in the same time,but the "unseen" partener is rotating,only.

Now:how about a self motion?

All the Bests! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex » a simple,standard puzzle game,you can play so easy.

In the same time,it's an introductory way into the fascinating real physical world:non-linear dynamics.

Take a look at so to understand that some notorious people ,attempted to figure out this simple "game" formally, on paper(Leibnitz) long time ago...

Today,a lot of people make an effort to size the same simple phenomenon,with simulation methods on "screen",but with then and now,limited achievement.

The best manner to master a new game,with a vague set of rules,is simply,to play it.

Think about shadouf,country fountain,Milkovic's pendulum with a lever and... why not?...your quick revelation.

All the Bests! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

...requires no more than two spare parts and some curiosity.

Take a short look at:

It's an elementary assembly of two sticks/spare parts/levers/poles :one big, uncurved and one small,curved.

The eventually unstable behaviour can be checked out more easy in reality...than on paper(lack of theory,physical knowledge and descriptive calculus).

References :

All the Bests ! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

....has an applicale design expression at: AB Hammer pointed on a short message,regarding a desk toy.

It's a very simple and interesting "two sticks game",that are swinging erratically,not regularly.

If we impose,establish a free,but limited spin (180 degrees...a kind of "knee joint") for the small stick only,we can determine a pulsatory,but regular continuous rotation.

The only problem is to imagine it,as big as necessary (see "H/h puzzle..." topic ),so to determine a strong free fall process (see "Torque avalanche " topic ) ...and more important to test it into reality.

All the best! /Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

Try to replace the swinging motion of the big stick with a continuous turning one,and if possible...make it "self".

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex » can watch up-here ,on youtube ,is a kinetic sculpture.

So easy,we can consider this one,as an accurate expression of Milkovic 's "lever with a pendulum".

If Milkovic plays swinging,my suggestion is to play one-way rotating,and if achievable ,a self-acting motion...

In my opinion,we can make at this point,a direct connection with some topics of this part of forum as : "Two arms..." ,"The simplest motor..." and others.

Maybe,the most favorable case of interest of this plain arrangement of minimum spare parts, is the facility to make simple experiments about a possible gravity motor.

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

Try to "add" a rotation limiter (0-180*) for the small unbalanced stick,and play "a new game"!

All the best! / Alex
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iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
iacob alex
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re: Two sticks game...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !
Try to play the continuous rotating sticks (not swinging!!!),as that from: ... re=related

...with a simple restriction,that you can see at: (...stick earrings,namely...)

I wish you successs!

All the best! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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