Gravity motor motto...

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iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Fletcher!

My opinion is that some simple tests (see Mikhail Dmitriyev's plain experiments on net) ,can help us more (maybe Path_Finder...he has handycraft abilities) than a lot of simulations.

An Atwood machine (including with a heavy pulley),is one thing...

A lever transposition of an Atwood machine is something different...

The problem of two masses (effort vs. load) or three masses (effort vs. load,with a heavy load),in a gravity and inertia "stage" can be evolved in so many ways.

When we increase more and more the arms (two equal masses,two unequal arms,but the same arm difference ) ,we discover a new "fact"...

At this point,in my opinion,the "old language" is deceiving...

So,the basis to understand a new state of things is the plain contact with reality...simple experiments.

All the best! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Fletcher »

iacob alex wrote:two equal masses, two unequal arms, but the same arm difference
Huh ???

iacob alex wrote:When we increase more and more the arms (two equal masses, two unequal arms, but the same arm difference), we discover a new "fact"...
What fact is that Alex ?

iacob alex wrote:At this point,in my opinion,the "old language" is deceiving...

So, the basis to understand a new state of things is the plain contact with reality...simple experiments.
You seem to be well in tune with pequaide, & advocating experiments.

If you think you can experimentally show a hole in how inertia is described & calculated then lay it out here with an opportunity for the builders to gather some empirical evidence, & if they think it worthwhile expending the time & energy.

That is assuming that you are correct & somehow by rearranging the mass distributions in a rotating environment will have the effect of changing a masses innate inertia quotient [in some circumstances] leading to an increase in usable Ke greater than Pe lost to set it in motion ?

Be specific - a drawing would help !
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !

Really,a simple drawing can be more explicative than a lot of descriptive words...,in a short time I will try to reactivate my old web-site (as you know,the generosity of was limited...).

For the moment,I hope that the "motto flow " of this topic will be continued:just say no more than 1,2,3 words about this "dream-project".

Remind that,we entered in the 8-th years of this forum...

All the best! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Fletcher »

My experiences & expectations are obviously different from yours Alex.

It is my observation that both words & pictures convey accurate meaning & facts.

It is also my thought that "understanding doesn't come after insight".

But rather, that "insight comes after understanding".
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Flechter!

It's a whole debate,if "the understanding comes before or after insight".

Understanding is a work,a produce of a thinking process.

Insight is a not sure mental arrival of a connection,meaning of a quasi-"blind" process.

I agree with you that "word & pictures must convey accurately " .

All that I made in a serial of topics,was to give short accounts of the drawins on my web-site,nothing more.

The poorly concern about them,can be a sign that I am "out of the line of this forum"...

Sorry,I will take the "actor's departure from this monologue stage ".

Anyway,I wish success to your public orations site...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Fletcher »

It quite simply means Alex that insight is like a house built on a solid foundation.

An architect doesn't design a house [he can be as whimsical, wishful & fancy as he pleases with his drawings] without knowing the ground beneath & without the engineers input & sign-off on what is structurally possible - the builder, the third member of the trinity, interprets the plans making it a practical reality.

This forum has both engineers & architects & some are capable at both, as well as builders.

If we are to find a solution to this enigma then insight towards an answer will come from a solid foundation & decent understanding of why things don't work.

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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by rocky »

Regarding the “Gravity Motor Motto�,

motto (n.) a phrase chosen as expressive of the goals of a group

This motto of mine is over my workbench:

“Overunity from Heavy Falling Short Slowly and Light Lifting Long Quickly�

I would love to explain my motto but as Bessler said:
“I do not yet wish to make my thoughts known.� MT22

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Re: re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Grimer »

Fletcher wrote:...
If we are to find a solution to this enigma then insight towards an answer will come from a solid foundation ...

One has to build on a rock - not on sand.
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Art »

Hi All,

-Everything we observe (or can observe) can only be observed by means of Photons .

- A Photon is the smallest portion of force that we can measure ( sub atomic particles are inferred by means of Photons ! ).

- Everything we 'know' about the Universe follows from these 'facts' .

- Therefore Force is the only Universal Constant that we can rely on . Everything else is 2nd Order rumination . No exceptions ! .

- My Motto is : - Besslers' Horse's name was Force : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by Grimer »

Whether or not Force was the name of Bessler's horse, Force, an alias for acceleration strain, is not a good word to associate with a Bessler motto.

To outflank gravitational acceleration, the second derivative of position with respect to time, you need to generate at least a third derivative with respect to time, i.e. you need to generate a jerk, also known as jolt, surge and lurch.

The product of mass times jerk is known as yank, which should amuse our US cousins. Image
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Art »

Respectively disagree with you Grimer ,

Quote " Force , an alias for Acceleration Strain " should be " Acceleration strain , an alias for Force " .

- Our concept of acceleration strain is derived from our observation of force . It is one of the "2nd Order ruminations " I refer to .

- Force is our only fundamental observation of the Universe.

- If the Photons that we observe the Universe by didn't react with the chemicals in our bodies ( or in our instruments ) , a strictly force reaction , we wouldnt receive any input to our brain which processes the signals .

- F =MA . Mass is something our brain infers is there to explain the pattern of force we ' observe" . Acceleration also belongs in that category . Our brain interprets the acceleration as being a quality of the mass we assume is there .

- Force is the only fundamental attribute of everything we observe ( or can observe ) about the Universe . IMO it is the primary word to associate with a Bessler wheel Motto .

- Besslers Horse has bitten me more than once , so I like to keep a close eye on him ! : ) .
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by Grimer »

We must agree to differ.
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be marked out,as an "inertia-gravity pulsator" ,or simply, as a self-rotating lever due to gravity fall ,with:

-two constant masses,playing alternatively effort-load

-a single variable arm

-a centered mass (hub),playing as an inertia pulsating storage

All the best! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by nicbordeaux »

FWIW, intuition is the word, and that means not a thing spoken to you by a heavenly voice, but the ability to unconsciously notice and retain in some part of the brain particular behavior patterns which occur in many situations, and be able to let the combined picture rise to conscious level when confronted with a situation in which the info or "understanding" is pertinent. Intuition is a form of data synthesis which some people have, other's don't. It is akin to understanding.

It is different from "knowledge" which is compartimented, and without intuition, limitative. That said, knowledge will save you loosing time on the wilder ideas ;)

Intuition, insight, knowledge, and you can't do w/o critical sense and curiosity, or a desire to learn, discover.

That was maybe correct, but it's nothing new. Just more hot air. The only thing you can be certain of is that you need to build, build, refine, modify, study interactions until such time as you succeed, or run out of seemingly interesting avenues to explore. And above all, don't get stuck in a rut with one particular type of device. If the OB wheel isn't doing it for you, try every avenue possible, but if after 3 years you haven't succeeded, do yourself a favor and try something else. At worst, you'll start learning again, and maybe notice something that could be used on the OB wheel.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !

A motto is a short expression about something.

Intuition can be a keen and quick insight about a question or challenge.

I think ,the one and the other can be practical or of beneficial use.

So,Nick,if you have a particular word or phrase ,regarding the topic of this can be your round.

We can thank you for advices,but the proposed aim of this topic is a motto,a short expression about a possible gravity motor...nothing more...

All the best! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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