Come on now, own up girls.

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Come on now, own up girls.

Post by nicbordeaux »

How many of you have tried esoteric stuff like trying to communicate with Bessler through Spirit mediums, turning tables, that sort of stuff ?

And what did he say ? Did the table start revolving at 28 rpm ?
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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by bluesgtr44 »

I can honestly say no.....not even. I have read the article from the folks who did the remote viewing of his wheel.

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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by Thomas »

There was a time, about 4 years ago, when I was extremely enthusiastic and full of ideas regarding Bessler’s wheel. I would then occasionally go to bed, putting myself in a relaxed frame of mind. I would fall asleep thinking about his wheel, in hopes that a clue or vision would come in my dreams, giving me the answer or something more to work with. This technique did work for me one time on a different design project. But with Bessler’s wheel, no such luck.
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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by AB Hammer »

Well I would talk to myself in the mirror as if I was talking to Bessler and made some good leaps this way ( a form of method acting ). But when I would sleep or half sleep effects come to play and I would be thinking of Bessler and the wheel and I would get visions and ideas of what to do in designs. But in truth it was a semi conscious approach to my sub conscious imagination.
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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by John Collins »

I think I mentioned this before but I was contacted by the project manager of a team of 'remote viewers' who were given the task of 'seeing' what was in Bessler's mind on or about 6th July 1713 (and they were able to take into account the possibility of the dates being either new style ot old style).

The project manager knew some of the history but he gave absolutely nothing to his 'viewers' - not the subject nor the name, just the date and the country. I think there were about haf a dozen of them involved and they followed a specific routine to avoid any 'contamination' by extraneous facts. I received two reports from each viewer, one generalised and the other specific.

I can imagine you're excited now ;-) Don't be, it was totally meaningless, at least to me anyway. There was nothing remotely (clever pun?) interesting that I could point to even as coincidence. Perhaps my scepticism spoiled reception. ;-)

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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by Ealadha »

Why not just ask Bessler himself how the wheel worked , he must be living somewhere , is he still over in germany or did he move !
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re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by RonS »

We had a wind storm in December that blew tree limbs onto the roof of our house. I was removing the limbs when I noticed a small piece of wet paper stuck to the peak of the roof. It was a chinese fortune cookie, fortune. "You will soon receive helpful information for your project". Where did it come from and how did it get up here? The next morning I was looking at my wheel, and the thought came to me, what if I turned the linkage to the levers over ,upside down. The levers with weights now move fast from the axle up to the rim. It would be easy to say "1 pound can lift , move 4 pounds. I keep going up on the roof looking for a chinese fortune with the LOTTO numbers on it.
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Re: re: Come on now, own up girls.

Post by jim_mich »

Ealadha wrote:Why not just ask Bessler himself how the wheel worked , he must be living somewhere , is he still over in germany or did he move !
Yes, he moved into an underground home ... about 299 years ago.
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Post by DrWhat »

I've often called on spirits to help me solve the Bessler puzzle.

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Post by broli »

I was able to dream being in Besslers house once. I remember being lucid and very excited to being so close to the "wheel". Needless to say I had intercourse with Bessler's wife and his neighbor's wife, when I woke up there was only an elongated warped beam. Could it be a clue?
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Post by justsomeone »

Small clue!
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Broli, sounds like there is a clear message there : the wheel was being pumped. Or maybe there was a hump in the axle.
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