Free Employees ?

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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

AB Hammer wrote:murilo

I commend you for your effort and belief of your design. For we have to believe in what we are doing. But a build is the only way your mind and hart will be satisfied with your work, or allow you to move on to new thoughts.

No computer will help you here, but only the build.

Good Luck
There are several computer programs that are able to simulate and calculate all conditions, beside they allow to small corrections and variations.
Once a specialized co. quoted 15,000 bucks! 8(
They use even special power computers and 3D dedicated programs.
My hard 120 kg model is stuck in skills problems and still is in job. 8(
Of sure and absolutely the metallic hard and heavy model is what will be the last argument.
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

to.late wrote:Murilo,
I think the actual problem with your design would be how to prevent the top weight on the left side from being pulled in the clock wise direction.
You'll most likely find that whatever mechanism you use will require it intract with the weight on the bottom left.
After all, that is how you would try to control the force, right ? This means as the weight at bottom left advances, it has to pull a weight into the top left position to maintain the over balance.
Yep... you are getting there!
You see, if the under wheel can really transfer the lighter expanded segment to the top, all the problems are over!
(all details, if they appear, will be solved, believe me! )
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re: Free Employees ?

Post by path_finder »

Dear Murillo,
I had no intend at all for discriminate you (you are one of the rare member for sharing).
But perhaps you did not explain fully some important details of your design?...
Per example, how do you expand/compress the volume of the bellows, like this:
with an asymetrical path, or with an helicoidal motion?
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by to.late »

PM me your e-mail.
I have a suggestion for you.

edited to add; there does seem to be a simple solution.
But think I will let somone esle let you know what it is.
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re: Free Employees ?

Post by Tarsier79 »

Ill do it.

the correct mech for the top and bottom is....

It doesn't matter, the principle is the same as MT110. There is more weight on the right.... why doesn't it turn?
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Post by AB Hammer »


Despite what we think there does seem to be an attraction to this ideal but there also seem to be wonder others have not jumped on it. One of the biggest problems I see is any time you have tracking you have shift of the center of gravity. The MT110 seems to be leaving something out.


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re: Free Employees ?

Post by Tarsier79 »

OK, Last one...


The Centre of mass is to the right of the axis, yet it balances without external input.
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

path_finder wrote:Dear Murillo,
I had no intend at all for discriminate you (you are one of the rare member for sharing).
But perhaps you did not explain fully some important details of your design?...
Per example, how do you expand/compress the volume of the bellows, like this:
with an asymetrical path, or with an helicoidal motion?
P_F, I was not angry, believe me!
I joke all the time but sometimes I fail with other jokers. (8(

The draw you sent has nothing to do with mine, that is absolutely simple!

-there are fixed structures and parts that are mobile composing the articulation of the chain
- with bearings, earth is supporting the axle of the 12 hooks wheel, that is kept free of external elements
- this wheel is the main part, since it is the support of all the mobile mass which belongs to the chain
- ATTENTION: everything is hold on by this wheel, that will manage the chain around the reversion, roughly and not very different of a 2 arms balance

The SUSPENDED chain starts to expand right reaching this wheel, fact that also is used to proportionally increase rising speed. (see again in bellow)

C'mon... path... you are so smart and skilled in mind vision!

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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

to.late wrote:Murilo,
PM me your e-mail.
I have a suggestion for you.

edited to add; there does seem to be a simple solution.
But think I will let somone esle let you know what it is.
Go for it
Thanx! M.
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

Tarsier79 wrote:OK, Last one...


The Centre of mass is to the right of the axis, yet it balances without external input.
Tarsier, MT 110 looks to be more as a 'can elevator' and has NOTHING to see with my design.

I like the clever animation you sent!
In my case the weight is not free to go and if it stays the unbalance will keep there.
Thanks for your patience.
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

FunWithGravity2 wrote:
Tarsier79 wrote:Perhaps FWG and I could argue over which way its supposed to turn. Still, it wouldn't give it any more chance of working.

Murillo, if you believe it works so much, perhaps you should build it and find out once and for all.
Arguments, who me, curiosly though i wonder if Jim would be so kind to let us know which way it did tend to rotate. I know he made the statement that it was exactly balanced. I would assume like all leveraged models it tended to rotate against its intended direction easier than with it. I don't think anyone would waste the time with a build so we'll have to base the answer on the SIM.

FWIW i am going to punch your red dot if that damn avalanche drive shows up in another thread. Everyone has been nice enough AFAIK.

Dear Fun, now I got you!
With my 'promotions' I messed a little with your thread!
REALLY SORRY! I deserve that red dot.
For the other side, I don't charge to force my greens!
I'm out of that MToCGDC - Madre Thereza of Calcutta Green Dots Campaign, since the maximum score of 3 dots is ok for a guy like me!
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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by to.late »

murilo wrote:
to.late wrote:Murilo,
PM me your e-mail.
I have a suggestion for you.

edited to add; there does seem to be a simple solution.
But think I will let somone esle let you know what it is.
Go for it
Thanx! M.
I think with such a reknowned person as an AB Hammer sending you information, it is probably more than what I could hope to do.
I think it is time for me to move on in life. Sometimes the grass is greener when it has been tread on less.
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re: Free Employees ?

Post by murilo »

I couldn't reach exactly to your thinking, but just in case you are not an ALAN's friend be advised that I'll be at his side!
ALAN is a fair and perfect member of this forum for long years... a clean guy!
Take care!
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Post by to.late »

As I said, I have better things to do. As for Alan, he is not my concern.

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Re: re: Free Employees ?

Post by to.late »

murilo wrote:Ralph,
thanks for your words and thanks for not ignoring me at this time.

Many told me that my device will not work so as many also told that it will obviously turn and speed.

Nobody was able to tell me WHY NOT but many also can see why it will turn.

Most important, anyway, are the self confidence I have about my weird and 100% logic design. My persistence has nothing to see with anything else.

I'm afraid that you still have some points to reach about my conceptions... don't you think so?

I don't agree with your notes about the top side and left returning point but they show that you may have no other objections about the rest of device, isn't it?

The top side of avalanchedrive is the one that causes LESS discussions, since even a curved ramp can do the job... it's completely passive and dependent of main previous functions. When rising, the chain is completely erected and self sustained before the transference to contracted pile.

Never to forget that we have here a kind of diagram and not more than a sketch, so we'll not let some mechanic details be the killers of all the conception, ok?

All I need is a true computer modeling help! Nothing else!

Thanks again!
>>Nobody was able to tell me WHY NOT<<

I did. There is nothing that will keep the top left weight from being pulled in a clockwise direction.
If you say chain tensioner, you are wrong. It would redirect the weights if they continue moving in the counter clockwise direction. This would cause the weights to bind and lock n place.
A novice or rookie mistake.

edited to add; @Murilo, in another forum, I told Alan I lost my job because I wanted to meet a woman in Europe. My father is from Europe also. Alan told me for some reason I have never understood that he is an American man married to an American woman. Could be why he did not lose his job ?
Myself, I think a decent man would have said, I am sorry to hear that happened.
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