Women members?

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Post by nicbordeaux »

It's hard to realize that this sort of personal thing can take up so much space, and even happen repeatedly. People disagree, hate each other. But we don't have to put up with it.

I suggest you challenge each other to a duel. I will pay for the 25 kgs each of well over-ripe bannanas you will both be allowed as weapons. Conditions are that it must be filmed and put on you tube. And the duel must be held in +35° celcius weather.
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

I have asked Alan before if he would like to do a build off.
As he claims to be more knowledgeable than myself, I think a demonstartion is
something that should be acceptable.
But as I said, we can do a build off. Jim_Mich can get in it as well as rlortie and anyone else.
After all, this is not about understanding how Bessler built his wheel, it's about people wanting to say what they know when actual builds suggest otherwise.
Otherwise all they do is talk and really have nothing to back it up with. Alan does know what I've done.
I think that is why he's bothered with me. I had something to talk about since I was discussing what I was building.

edited to add; Nic, I'll be taking my time building my next project.
One thing about Bessler's wheel is in reality it is more for people who like math. And as Alan will tell you, many times he has chided for talking nothing but math.
What can I say, people do get jealous.
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Re: re: Women members?

Post by AB Hammer »

justsomeone wrote:Mrs. ABhammer joining just as Alan put to-late ( Jim ) on his ignore list. Coincidence or a way for Alan to read all of to-late's posts while still ignoring him? HMMMMMM.... ;)

edited to add smile

No I'm not! Not to mention my wife does her own thing and I respect that.
As for to-late and now James.Lindgaard. Not to mention others names he uses will all be on my ignore list.

I respect those who deserve it. Like I don't call you by your real name here either.

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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Post by James.Lindgaard »

Remember when you used your step son's Michael account to post to me ?
I liked him but you made him quit the forum.
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re: Women members?

Post by Timothy »

To James.Lindgaard/to.late:

"Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die."

"Never does the human soul
appear so strong and noble
as when it forgoes revenge
and dares to forgive an injury" --E. H. Chapin

You are experiencing the first.

Move on to the second.
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

It is nice to have met you.
Thank you for your thoughts.
I believe I have much support, only not with those who speak English.
I do like your quote. But for myself, it is a movie I must quote,
ELLIOT nESS IN THE Untouchables, never give up the fight, !!

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re: Women members?

Post by aStillMoreGloriousDawn »

I've been curious as well to know if there are any other women who take an interest in this subject matter. When I joined, I assumed I was pretty much the only active female. I've read every post since 2010November22, as well as many threads from years past, although I lay low most of the time when it comes to posting.

It's hilarious(or not) that on a forum with all men a cat fight is so readily available. How the hell do you have so much time for this shit? I think the amount of effort you put into it is a reflection on your life. There are people with real problems, and I think you are letting them down with all this whining. If one of them had something important to share I don't think they would be encouraged to share it here... why the heck should they?

I've learned A LOT from many of you since I joined, but I feel lonely hanging around here. I believe I have discovered a mechanical/mathematical paradox. I would like some help as I have no one in my personal life that is knowledgeable in this subject, but to be honest, I don't trust any of you.

Ralph - I've checked out arrache.org several times. It says there is no charge to the submitter for a non-runner. I'm curious to know what the price would then be if a runner were to be discovered. Leaving this unanswered on your site is skeptical. By the way, and not to be rude, I think you should edit your website a little bit. To an outsider who isn't familiar with your reputation on this forum, incomplete sentences and typos don't look very professional. I think adding a photo gallery of some of your personal builds right onto the site would be encouraging to those considering your assistance.

Just my two cents...

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re: Women members?

Post by Fletcher »

Dawn .. you may or may not find an answer to what you seek here - it's entirely up to the individual to sift wheat from chaff & identify & use resources available as they will.

As you dip in & out of here you will however see first hand the weakest & worst of human nature & self indulgent behaviour, unfortunately all too frequently on display - rise above it - speed reading posts & ignore lists make the experience less irritating.

FYI, you are able to create an invite only Private Forum to which you invite whom you want to discuss ideas, if you wish - should they accept they will become a member of your forum where you are the moderator - for some this the way forward to discuss ideas of importance to them rather than the general melee of the General & Community Forums which can quickly go off topic & degenerate into a testosterone scrum.

If that's something you want to do I suggest you Private Mail invitations to members of your choice to join your discussion forum - be aware not everyone will want to participate this way for whatever their reasons & respect that - of course that does not help you trust anyone - that's a personal demon.
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re: Women members?

Post by ovyyus »

Unrealistic expectations usually lead to disappointment.
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Post by AB Hammer »


To set a story strait. James.Lindgaard, to.late, P-Motion, and several more names he goes by. Has been banned from many forums. He stalks me every where he can find me. When new readers come to a forum, they don't know the history. So people only see conflict claims against me with all his slander, lies, misdirection, to try to discredit me if at all possible. Now he is also sending PMs to my wife. I have put him on my Ignore list but he is so obsessed he will never stop. He is so bad IMO that if/when I build the running wheel, he may, like so may stalkers, will seek their targeted victim out to do physical harm. This is how serious this problem is, IMO. The private messages I received from him are so vile I won't post them.

Jim Lindgaard is IMO so lonely and no woman will have him. So he has to attack others blaming them for his miserable life, and won't look in the mirror to see the source of his real problem.

I am sorry you and others have to deal with this conflict. I have tried to make peace with him several times and he looks at this as a sign of weakness and he thinks he is winning and doesn't realize he is loosing so much more in reality.

Last edited by AB Hammer on Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

Alan, you ran off enough people at overunity.com. If someone were to look at it now, it is pretty much a dead forum.
Unfortunately alan, when i had cancer, I asked you to leave me alone. You said your young nephew died from cancer and that no reason to leave someone alone.
You do realize I can now sue you for slander. And then you can show those e-mails to a judge.
By the way, if I was on your ignore list, you would not know what I am doing. So how is it you could follow my posts ? You make no sense when you attack me to cover your lies.
What was it you wanted when you would not leave me alone ? It was the work I was doing. You wished to recieve credit for what I was working on. You were trying to tell me I was building your wheel.
Yet I was not trying to build my own wheel but work on the Bessler mystery. And if I built my own working wheel, then you could claim you were co-inventor and pursue that retirement you want at someone else's expense. But I did not want to be involved with you as I was not into private building as you are.
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Re: re: Women members?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

Hi aStillMoreGloriousDawn,
it seems there is a small group that likes to attack people when they post work. This helps their credibility.
Myself, I worked through cancer, this included radiation and chemotherapy as well ass multiple surgeries and complications from surgery.
When I started trying to understand Bessler's work, it was for different reason than now that I find it interesting. A small number of people have dislkied how I ppursue this because of the amount of math I will use.
With alan, he has been called the cable guy in another forum. He would get jealous when I would be discussing things with other people.
But thanks to those people I have been able to discuss things with, I was able to learn a lot.
Sometimes I think if people were to slow down and consider some things, they would have a different perspective. Since this is the internet, there tends to be a rush to judgement and ideas are not properly evaluated.
And my life outside of this forum is much different. Such as this afternoon I will see my surgeon to find out what I need operated on.
It seems I had a somewhat difficult complication from my last surgery where my intestines healed to my body. It has been quite painful and has made me uncomfortable about every day as tearing an organ away from another part of your body is something to be avoided if possible.
It has been over a year but Bessler gives me something to do as it has limited my social life.
Of course, if I end up building a working wheel, I would still have prefered to not have it nd the problems that would have given me time to work on it. It's called making the besst of a bad situation.
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Re: re: Women members?

Post by rlortie »

aStillMoreGloriousDawn wrote: Ralph - I've checked out arrache.org several times. It says there is no charge to the submitter for a non-runner. I'm curious to know what the price would then be if a runner were to be discovered. Leaving this unanswered on your site is skeptical. By the way, and not to be rude, I think you should edit your website a little bit. To an outsider who isn't familiar with your reputation on this forum, incomplete sentences and typos don't look very professional. I think adding a photo gallery of some of your personal builds right onto the site would be encouraging to those considering your assistance.

The price 'Arrache' would charge is dependent on a number of variables. How far the submitter wishes us to carry the ball. patenting, promotion, building, marketing and would you wish to sell the units or license for others to build. would you wish to retain all rights, build and sell the energy produced. Do you lean toward small individual home owner units or multiple large units feeding the grid?

Under proper management a working machine capable of producing an output cost effective for its build would be worth Billions! 'Arrache' states that with that kind of money at stake we will not quibble over a few hundred thousand.
‘Arrache’ Enterprise represents a leading collaboration in the research and development of utilizing gravity as an enhanced energy force.
There are currently nine associates, each having skills and aptitude to manage all scopes from building, patenting, marketing and publicity.
Our history is short, It is formed from the collaboration of three people joining forces, exchanging ideas, promoting innovation and incentive for research and development. Our research is accomplished by ‘hands on’ physical application where more is discovered by accident than any simulation software is capable of.
I have been seeking 'Over unity' since 1958 'Arrache' was first conceived and licensed in 1974, Its current board of officers has been effective since 2009.
We are a recognized company licensed by the cooperate commission in the state of Oregon USA.
This implies that we must deliver that which we charge for, a surety bond required by law. We are recognized by the Better Business Bureau.
Normally a web page builder would include customer testimonials, our ethics prohibit publication of any material received from past, present and future submitters. We are not soliciting for business. Our goal is ‘Awareness’.
'Arrache' has received good response and at times high traffic mostly by word of mouth from previous submitters.

I do not post any pictures of my personal builds as they do not reflect 'Arrache' as a whole or other members work, also as all others they do not work! Remember we are not soliciting for your business to make profit up front.
Services are offered in strict confidence. Our primary philosophy is that integrity and confidential trust is the assurance expected by those who seek our assistance.
This standard has served us well, to date there has never been a dissatisfied submitter regarding our honesty and integrity. We leave testimonials in the hands of past, present and future contacts to reflect upon our services by word of mouth.

Dawn, Please feel free to point out any typo's and make any suggestions that you feel would improve our website.

If you have a design that you need assistance on and wish farther input feel free to contact me; rlortie@Q.com

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Re: re: Women members?

Post by murilo »

aStillMoreGloriousDawn wrote:I've been curious as well to know if there are any other women who take an interest in this subject matter. When I joined, I assumed I was pretty much the only active female. I've read every post since 2010November22, as well as many threads from years past, although I lay low most of the time when it comes to posting.

It's hilarious(or not) that on a forum with all men a cat fight is so readily available. How the hell do you have so much time for this shit? I think the amount of effort you put into it is a reflection on your life. There are people with real problems, and I think you are letting them down with all this whining. If one of them had something important to share I don't think they would be encouraged to share it here... why the heck should they?

I've learned A LOT from many of you since I joined, but I feel lonely hanging around here. I believe I have discovered a mechanical/mathematical paradox. I would like some help as I have no one in my personal life that is knowledgeable in this subject, but to be honest, I don't trust any of you.

Ralph - I've checked out arrache.org several times. It says there is no charge to the submitter for a non-runner. I'm curious to know what the price would then be if a runner were to be discovered. Leaving this unanswered on your site is skeptical. By the way, and not to be rude, I think you should edit your website a little bit. To an outsider who isn't familiar with your reputation on this forum, incomplete sentences and typos don't look very professional. I think adding a photo gallery of some of your personal builds right onto the site would be encouraging to those considering your assistance.

Just my two cents...


I appreciate very much to have you here, your clear judgment and words!

In this forum you'll find a sample of what's going on everywhere! We have to pay the price for the diversity, even if a few aristocrat members will force to see and imagine uniformity!

We don't live here... not so serious... we're just passing once a day... 8)

BUT... depending upon the 'taste' of your ideas and conceptions this will be one of the bests places to ask opinions!

( if you remember our talk, you'll know that the experienced people here are not great scientists and/or theoreticians and they will scape of some discussions... BUT... BW is still good! )

Best regards!
Edtion PS: in some places, even if payed, one will find specialists that will get very upset and offended with some questions. They will ignore or get annoy!
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re: Women members?

Post by aStillMoreGloriousDawn »

Thank you very much for the considerate replies. I appreciate it. First allow me to state that I am in no way claiming to have a working model or that I believe my design will work. I stated it was a "paradox".. we all know the meaning of the word. One day when I was brainstorming I came up with a theoretical situation in which one unit has a much more considerable amount of potential energy.. let's say ten times more(it can vary).. than the second unit. Unit one is directly linked to the second, but if there is movement, it will be in violation of COE. It is strange to think that Unit One, which is applying ten times the force to Unit Two, would not cause movement. I've poured over this site and haven't found anything close to it discussed, although there have been numerous members who seem to drop hints along the way.. I just don't understand why it wouldn't have been brought up. I keep assuming the mechanism will just sit there because of COE, although many here believe otherwise. Please note I purposely made this description vague.

I'm worried that if it did produce a runner, whomever I share it with will lose it. I don't mean as in have a mental breakdown, but I think many people would be willing to sacrifice the moral behavior they valued up to this point. After all, many of you have dedicated most of your lives to this.

Ralph - I always figured I would have a “Hierarchy of Plans� in regards to commercializing the wheel. I personally wouldn’t pursue either of your options in the beginning. I would first use it in a side business that uses a large amount of energy. Once capital and stability are secured I would then branch out and go public. I of course would have several backup plans in descending order.

Anyways.. I’ve already assumed that I’m just idiotic and have missed something elementary. I think that is the most likely scenario in any case like this. The maths that I keep coming up with show an increase in PE that is higher than it started. Isn’t this what we should be looking for?
"Science replaces private prejudice... with publicly verifiable evidence."
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