2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... Ping - pong looper
Moderator: scott
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2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ..... P
just in from hector (whom i have collaberated with) from the EDVGRAY yahoo group.
A radio shack strobe light , and a disposable camera flash
circuit ...
Off shelve items ....
The Flash camera circuit generates 350 volts from 1.5 VDC
battery ...
This becomes our 1.5 Volt DC Inverter - Motivator.
REMOVE the original 380V 180mF capacitor from Camera circuit,
flash Coil and circuit can be removed also ,,,,
the Strobe light usualy is similar to the camera circuit Flash
STROBE CAPACITOR USUALY 350vdc 22uF ( capacitance can be
decreased to shorten strobe pulse time ) and increase rate ....
The Party Strobe light becomes our "Coil wacker" circuit, the
original variable controls the strove rate within the capacity your
Inverter - motivator haves to charge it .
This simple off the shelve Thingy can wack a transformer primary
with a good jolt, only place primary in series to xenon strove and
source Grownd .....
Disposable camera may go for $12, for free if you hunt photo shops
trash bins , the radio shack strobe from $19.95 to $79.95 depending
on model ( hunt for them in Pawn Shops and garage sales ( $1 to
$10 _) is common sale tag price ... or look in the trash as students
graduate at year end ... ( They Usualy throw away all their kinky
stuff incruding wild sex party strobe lights ... (new !) ...
So equipment Source may come free , as the energy it is able to
put in a coil , add a few recovery diodes a la konzen design and
built your own energy ping pong device .....
you "Ping" it ...it ponNnnNnNNnNngs! back !!!
first advantage is XENON bulb acts as a fast pulse thyratron tube ,
and is $200 dollars cheaper per watt, (Cheap EV gray tube
In flash cameras is a Coil that triggers the tube to fire as you
discharge a capacitor to its primary ....(igniter coil )
In strobe flasher a zener or switching diode senses the capacitor
voltage and fires capacitor across an SCR into Igniter coil
primary at a given variable resistor setting .... this fires the
xenon tube into action ..
this controls flash rate and intensity .... your coil in series to
it and ready to bang some joules into its core !!!
Solid state EV Gray motor alike !
B+ Source , coil , Xenon bulb Reverse IKV diode across bulb then
Grownd ..
as Xenon fires it saturates Coil and as coil current reaches max
Voltage turns off, coil BEMP feeds across diode to source
capacitor recharging it as is path of lowest resistance for reversed
pulse ... A neon may be used in series with diode as to create
cascade stochastic resonance gain exiting coil to tranfer more
energfy from its ambient temperature regions to the electrical ones
"coil temperature drops under ambient operating at that condition"
... scanner is down .. son took camera .... so no pics or
schematics yet , need to use other computer with paint shop pro.
Anyway is simple stuff you can all make with a bit of common
sense ..
Off the shelve Way to bang a 100KW transformer to OU life ....
using an Energizer 1.5 VDC AAA 0r D battery ....
Cascade a series of recovery EMP circuits and feed power back to
xenon capacitor ...
OPPS! if you remove battery and it keeps flashing you know you got
OU !
Just limit overload .... and remember capacitor retains residual
charges capable of nasty harm and pain ...
(Safety first ) Be discrete and pass it on ... dont get hysterical
looping it teach others to do it first, dont get killed ...
The only hard thing is tuning the LC properly , it can be a few
turns of wire looped in an OLD iron kitchen sink , if you tune it to
the Sweet "point" you remove the battery and it will keep flashing
non stop ...
To the spooks...
Dont Bother to enter my home to steal my prototype ( is spread all
over dissasembled within the 10 tons of junk I have.
Built one with the public info ... If you cant turn it off that is
your problem ...
schemetic is here, jonathan might post it if every one is interested
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/fi ... erterx.gif
you will have to join the group to view if jonathan cant post it.
A radio shack strobe light , and a disposable camera flash
circuit ...
Off shelve items ....
The Flash camera circuit generates 350 volts from 1.5 VDC
battery ...
This becomes our 1.5 Volt DC Inverter - Motivator.
REMOVE the original 380V 180mF capacitor from Camera circuit,
flash Coil and circuit can be removed also ,,,,
the Strobe light usualy is similar to the camera circuit Flash
STROBE CAPACITOR USUALY 350vdc 22uF ( capacitance can be
decreased to shorten strobe pulse time ) and increase rate ....
The Party Strobe light becomes our "Coil wacker" circuit, the
original variable controls the strove rate within the capacity your
Inverter - motivator haves to charge it .
This simple off the shelve Thingy can wack a transformer primary
with a good jolt, only place primary in series to xenon strove and
source Grownd .....
Disposable camera may go for $12, for free if you hunt photo shops
trash bins , the radio shack strobe from $19.95 to $79.95 depending
on model ( hunt for them in Pawn Shops and garage sales ( $1 to
$10 _) is common sale tag price ... or look in the trash as students
graduate at year end ... ( They Usualy throw away all their kinky
stuff incruding wild sex party strobe lights ... (new !) ...
So equipment Source may come free , as the energy it is able to
put in a coil , add a few recovery diodes a la konzen design and
built your own energy ping pong device .....
you "Ping" it ...it ponNnnNnNNnNngs! back !!!
first advantage is XENON bulb acts as a fast pulse thyratron tube ,
and is $200 dollars cheaper per watt, (Cheap EV gray tube
In flash cameras is a Coil that triggers the tube to fire as you
discharge a capacitor to its primary ....(igniter coil )
In strobe flasher a zener or switching diode senses the capacitor
voltage and fires capacitor across an SCR into Igniter coil
primary at a given variable resistor setting .... this fires the
xenon tube into action ..
this controls flash rate and intensity .... your coil in series to
it and ready to bang some joules into its core !!!
Solid state EV Gray motor alike !
B+ Source , coil , Xenon bulb Reverse IKV diode across bulb then
Grownd ..
as Xenon fires it saturates Coil and as coil current reaches max
Voltage turns off, coil BEMP feeds across diode to source
capacitor recharging it as is path of lowest resistance for reversed
pulse ... A neon may be used in series with diode as to create
cascade stochastic resonance gain exiting coil to tranfer more
energfy from its ambient temperature regions to the electrical ones
"coil temperature drops under ambient operating at that condition"
... scanner is down .. son took camera .... so no pics or
schematics yet , need to use other computer with paint shop pro.
Anyway is simple stuff you can all make with a bit of common
sense ..
Off the shelve Way to bang a 100KW transformer to OU life ....
using an Energizer 1.5 VDC AAA 0r D battery ....
Cascade a series of recovery EMP circuits and feed power back to
xenon capacitor ...
OPPS! if you remove battery and it keeps flashing you know you got
OU !
Just limit overload .... and remember capacitor retains residual
charges capable of nasty harm and pain ...
(Safety first ) Be discrete and pass it on ... dont get hysterical
looping it teach others to do it first, dont get killed ...
The only hard thing is tuning the LC properly , it can be a few
turns of wire looped in an OLD iron kitchen sink , if you tune it to
the Sweet "point" you remove the battery and it will keep flashing
non stop ...
To the spooks...
Dont Bother to enter my home to steal my prototype ( is spread all
over dissasembled within the 10 tons of junk I have.
Built one with the public info ... If you cant turn it off that is
your problem ...
schemetic is here, jonathan might post it if every one is interested
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/fi ... erterx.gif
you will have to join the group to view if jonathan cant post it.
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
Here it is.
- Attachments
- Inverterx.gif (4.43 KiB) Viewed 8584 times
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
Sounds like fun stuff.
And here I was all happy to have 4 watts over :(
And here I was all happy to have 4 watts over :(
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
Is the polarity supposed to be opposite on the output to the input on the battery?
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re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
thanx bro (jonathan)
ill ask hector re:Is the polarity supposed to be opposite on the output to the input on the battery?
ill ask hector re:Is the polarity supposed to be opposite on the output to the input on the battery?
- Aficionado
- Posts: 458
- Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:11 am
- Location: australia
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
answer is here!!
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@h...>
Date: Sun Feb 6, 2005 7:09 am
Subject: Is the polarity supposed to be opposite on the output to the input on the battery?
If you refer to the diode yes , as the Xenon bulb Cuts off...
COIL or core power will drive from the negative of diode Return
to the positive of capacitor B+ across coil ends + - .
Idea is Xenon drives coil with its plasma pulse to OU & reversed
diode recovers Back EMP and refeeds to capacitor , neon in series to
diode is optional ... can be used to step-reeboost power into Coil
as it feeds back to capacitor like Bedini motor alike aplication.
within coil CEMP recovery ...(OU) to permit gain transform
from "ambient" energy to occur .
But OFFSET at discharge across xenon tube to be compressed in time
as to saturate COIL core , this EXTRACTS the Magneto atomic thermic
electron spin energy and HEAT energy from core and coil transfering
it to CAPACITOR ( done right coil temperature drops down )
indicating OU transformation is occuring ... no magic,plain
science ,single shot, self reloading, pulsecharger.
HERE JM CHARGER INFORMATION becomes Criticaly Important as his
contribution in this have great value in COIL parameter selection
and INITIAL theoretics well adjustable to Xenon Low impedance Hi Q
coil pulsers . ( READ all his papers & compare schematics ) corelate
to Kones RECOVERY circuits , reread all post related to this ..
Advisable .. And then start getting FUN !!! ^_^ ...
Little simple devil .... ( bitchy to tune ) but easy to make ...
Once OU it will keep on flashing forever . Like kone self recharging
capacitor in his motor But here the capacitor charge defines trigger
firing so it can be self regulated, caring not to Pulse dephase it
firing off phase (As It dies off ) or in charging interval "gunning".
giving sharp noise ping in tube (can even explode it if Q is
extremely hi and dies OU killed "kaput" !.
The pulses are verry obnoxious even inside a faraday cage locked
inside a safe ... the fast TICnngggg .TICnnnggg... drives anyone
Unit signature is detectable from satellite as nuclear trigger
test, in intense Hi Q pulse, definitely atracts atention as it
differs verry much from a "normal" strobe signature .
This puts Megajoules E field as RF ELF waves out into the AIR
(Aether) ... Its a powerful device for its size .
Simple But " Intense " Just try to shield well from "eyes"
Yours and thoose in "space"... OLD microwave ovens make perfect
Faraday "cage" for it ... got it ringing ? just be wise what you do
with it ... the problem is not getting OU , but what you are goin to
do with it after you get it ...
An "adjustable core" like in OLD radios is advisable AM type or
lower frequency HI Q core , Diode 1KW 1AMP flyback diode from old
The flyback core may also be good for a separation adjustment
core design (core Gap tuned ) using your own custom coil ..
wired in SC10 5/8 ID PCV plastic tube or paper form assembled in
glued plastic adjustable frame .. .
As the coil OU concept is understood is time to give a poors man way
to BANG! it to life ! no Expensive IGTBs burning up ..
Will be hard to remove 300 billion xenon tubes flashers from market
and supress this ... :P
And this are only TOYS ...
Note: A big Soda cracker can can be used as a shield but AIR in it
will increasibly heat due to Xenon flash pulse, can be a fire
risk ...
and it does not atenuate the Tinging verry much , in fact it
amplifies the noise to an enchordial TANGGG TANGG TANGG ! ..
KEEP this posting ! VIN ( VERRY Important Notes ) copy plans and
keep ... Give to others, teach others to do it ....
MMM �«
another note , if battery is isolated from HV end ,.pulse can be
driven across battery in series , but in every time they overcharge
and transistor miny-inverter dies of heat delirium (Burned down).
Original Idea is to Initiate with Little inverter then turn off..
and let it "self motivate" with the Capacitor alone .
(Nasty SOB KISS Circuit )
Other circuits are posible , even charging and using 12VDC car
battery , but I reveal as group learns and people steal the stuff
already posted and spread it like a virus .
This FL 12 volt Emergency lights mechanics use in emergency become
the pulser SOURCE ... 700VDC + working as lights recharging the
battery at same time .. a HV HF diode bridge in series to FL and HV
secundary feeding HV to charge pulse cap ..
Isolated power can be fed to battery, by using the poor man
thyratron tube substitute and OU coil "REACTOR CORE" ..
You get Illumination and a self looped battery recharger ...
Call it a Battery life Externder Device ....
I gave Carlos Avila some FL non looped 1.5 emergency light ill
uminators ....
But the real fun is runing it in HF 3 PHASES ! from 1.5DCV source ..
and feed loop it back !
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/fi ... 3PHwye.jpg
Just look at file date.. Does it gives a sense of dejabu ... ?
Z.E.U.S Zero-point ,Energy ,User ,System
Thanks :)
From: "Elias Reminton" <arkresearch@h...>
Date: Sun Feb 6, 2005 7:09 am
Subject: Is the polarity supposed to be opposite on the output to the input on the battery?
If you refer to the diode yes , as the Xenon bulb Cuts off...
COIL or core power will drive from the negative of diode Return
to the positive of capacitor B+ across coil ends + - .
Idea is Xenon drives coil with its plasma pulse to OU & reversed
diode recovers Back EMP and refeeds to capacitor , neon in series to
diode is optional ... can be used to step-reeboost power into Coil
as it feeds back to capacitor like Bedini motor alike aplication.
within coil CEMP recovery ...(OU) to permit gain transform
from "ambient" energy to occur .
But OFFSET at discharge across xenon tube to be compressed in time
as to saturate COIL core , this EXTRACTS the Magneto atomic thermic
electron spin energy and HEAT energy from core and coil transfering
it to CAPACITOR ( done right coil temperature drops down )
indicating OU transformation is occuring ... no magic,plain
science ,single shot, self reloading, pulsecharger.
HERE JM CHARGER INFORMATION becomes Criticaly Important as his
contribution in this have great value in COIL parameter selection
and INITIAL theoretics well adjustable to Xenon Low impedance Hi Q
coil pulsers . ( READ all his papers & compare schematics ) corelate
to Kones RECOVERY circuits , reread all post related to this ..
Advisable .. And then start getting FUN !!! ^_^ ...
Little simple devil .... ( bitchy to tune ) but easy to make ...
Once OU it will keep on flashing forever . Like kone self recharging
capacitor in his motor But here the capacitor charge defines trigger
firing so it can be self regulated, caring not to Pulse dephase it
firing off phase (As It dies off ) or in charging interval "gunning".
giving sharp noise ping in tube (can even explode it if Q is
extremely hi and dies OU killed "kaput" !.
The pulses are verry obnoxious even inside a faraday cage locked
inside a safe ... the fast TICnngggg .TICnnnggg... drives anyone
Unit signature is detectable from satellite as nuclear trigger
test, in intense Hi Q pulse, definitely atracts atention as it
differs verry much from a "normal" strobe signature .
This puts Megajoules E field as RF ELF waves out into the AIR
(Aether) ... Its a powerful device for its size .
Simple But " Intense " Just try to shield well from "eyes"
Yours and thoose in "space"... OLD microwave ovens make perfect
Faraday "cage" for it ... got it ringing ? just be wise what you do
with it ... the problem is not getting OU , but what you are goin to
do with it after you get it ...
An "adjustable core" like in OLD radios is advisable AM type or
lower frequency HI Q core , Diode 1KW 1AMP flyback diode from old
The flyback core may also be good for a separation adjustment
core design (core Gap tuned ) using your own custom coil ..
wired in SC10 5/8 ID PCV plastic tube or paper form assembled in
glued plastic adjustable frame .. .
As the coil OU concept is understood is time to give a poors man way
to BANG! it to life ! no Expensive IGTBs burning up ..
Will be hard to remove 300 billion xenon tubes flashers from market
and supress this ... :P
And this are only TOYS ...
Note: A big Soda cracker can can be used as a shield but AIR in it
will increasibly heat due to Xenon flash pulse, can be a fire
risk ...
and it does not atenuate the Tinging verry much , in fact it
amplifies the noise to an enchordial TANGGG TANGG TANGG ! ..
KEEP this posting ! VIN ( VERRY Important Notes ) copy plans and
keep ... Give to others, teach others to do it ....
MMM �«
another note , if battery is isolated from HV end ,.pulse can be
driven across battery in series , but in every time they overcharge
and transistor miny-inverter dies of heat delirium (Burned down).
Original Idea is to Initiate with Little inverter then turn off..
and let it "self motivate" with the Capacitor alone .
(Nasty SOB KISS Circuit )
Other circuits are posible , even charging and using 12VDC car
battery , but I reveal as group learns and people steal the stuff
already posted and spread it like a virus .
This FL 12 volt Emergency lights mechanics use in emergency become
the pulser SOURCE ... 700VDC + working as lights recharging the
battery at same time .. a HV HF diode bridge in series to FL and HV
secundary feeding HV to charge pulse cap ..
Isolated power can be fed to battery, by using the poor man
thyratron tube substitute and OU coil "REACTOR CORE" ..
You get Illumination and a self looped battery recharger ...
Call it a Battery life Externder Device ....
I gave Carlos Avila some FL non looped 1.5 emergency light ill
uminators ....
But the real fun is runing it in HF 3 PHASES ! from 1.5DCV source ..
and feed loop it back !
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVGRAY/fi ... 3PHwye.jpg
Just look at file date.. Does it gives a sense of dejabu ... ?
Z.E.U.S Zero-point ,Energy ,User ,System
Thanks :)
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
Must be tuned VERY well for the magnetic field collapse to go into coil rather than going infinitely into space. Pulse duration and frequency are key.
The tinnitus is terrible.
The tinnitus is terrible.
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
I may of missed it, but what is the The inverter transformer ratio?
- Aficionado
- Posts: 458
- Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:11 am
- Location: australia
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
guys i am no longer active here
please goto the EVGRAY yahoo group and post your questions. thats where the inventor hector is and can address them spacifically.
please goto the EVGRAY yahoo group and post your questions. thats where the inventor hector is and can address them spacifically.
re: 2 standard Items "Cheap" to use as pulsers ...
I would do, but I am not active in there either.