Social Entropy

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Social Entropy

Post by Oxygon »

I am an observer mostly...

I have been observing the social fabric of my fellow humans and society as a whole and I have been alarmed by the downward trend for a long time now...

What I mean is... How people interact is degrading, imo... not just in content but with false intent and a aggresive nature...

I am a hermit, I wasn't ever much affected in school by the same environment... as I wasnt there much... I observed by friends become enemies to each other and I can only imagine how the world is today for those growing up now...

You read about in the paper and on the internet, you see it in public and with your own family... in the language and in action...

There are alot of reasons why this is happening, so many to obvious to mention... wether stress or corporate influence...

I guess I am just looking for someone to identify with me...

I always love watching those old black and white movies where everyone was kind and at least polite... I know even these were just shows...

I often wonder how a show on tv about a group of people helping each other and making things better with good plots and interesting twist of generosity would fair...??? Not just helping each other but going beyond theirselves to help and using all the availible creativity to do so... Humans are incredibly intelligent, they just have to try... I wonder if it would inspire others in the real world...

It certainly would be a white sheep among a flock of black sheep...

I think that all my interest and thought poured into perpetual motion has led me to this perspective...

Everywhere you see entropy...

Except for life... it strives against entropy...

More and more one seems just to be a small vessel in a sea of entropy...

living in a capitalist society doesnt help... everyone seems to be out to get everyone else.... it all comes down to the bottom line here... $$$

p.s. - I am not a communist... I just cant believe the greed I see...
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Re: Social Entropy

Post by winkle »

it is said we evolved from apes .........there is a saying....ape though dressed in silk he be is ape to all thought is we are not evolving from apes but evolving into apes
the uneducated

if your gona be dumb you gota be tough

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re: Social Entropy

Post by Jonathan »

Not to make you even more depressed, but life can only exist near a constant source of tremendous entropy, like the sun. In fact the entropy of the system is increasing.
Maybe you have been watching the news too much lately, you know you won't find much uplifting stuff there, that's like finding protestors who hold up signs saying "Everything's fine".
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: Social Entropy

Post by rlortie »

I believe it was back in the seventy's I read an article in a science magazine about the following test that relates to this thread.

Scientists placed a male and female rat in a large cage that held a number of boxes for birthing. The two rats were given all the food they desired.

Soon you had more rats, and then another generation of rats. The cage become crowded with them. After a large population began crowding the cage the following was noted.

The male rats begin showing strong homosexual behavior and the females begin eating their young, even though there was an abundant supply of food.

Last edited by rlortie on Sun Feb 20, 2005 2:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Social Entropy

Post by sleepy »

Good Lord!I'm locking my doors right now,the house next door seems crowded.Anyway,I remember "Highway to Heaven" was a popular series,as was "Touched by an Angel".But these seem to be the exception.I like to blame it on "materialism".Look at the amount of stuff that is considered necessary for life today.Half of these things were just luxuries 50 years ago.So,to get more stuff,folks work more hours at more jobs,and the kids are left alone.Then the parents feel guilty,and the children are given more stuff and less is expected of them.I'm not beating up on parents who have to leave their children and work,rather,I'm casting a negative shadow on consumerism as a way of life.Inventions used to exist to solve problems,but more often these days,they just line pockets and try to convince people that they're missing something they"just must have and can't live without".Never mind,I'm just old.
Trying to turn the spinning in my brain into something useful before moving on to the next life.
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re: Social Entropy

Post by Fletcher »

"Todays luxuries, tomorrows necessities" ! I'm a late adopter in an effort to slow this down :7)
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re: Social Entropy

Post by ken_behrendt »

I, too, have noticed a creeping social entropy over the last few decades. I think a lot of it has to do with the rising cost of energy which tends to push up the cost of living in general. Once, a family could be comfortably supported by the income of one "bread winner" who was usually the husband. Now both husband and wife must work and, preferably, earn professional salaries. I wonder what exactly will happen to the American family and society as countries like China and India become the industrial and information centers of the world. Perhaps everybody in the western hemisphere will be forced to become farmers or miners to help supply the burgeoning Oriental industrial complex. That will be a hard adjustment to make here because about 98% of western populations live in urban areas and wouldn't know how to grow a crop if their lives depended on it (which it may someday!).

That's why I think the development of free energy devices is now an IMPERATIVE. By making huge quantities of energy available for very little, if any, cost, they will help lower the prices of food and other items to the point where people will no longer have to struggle for every dollar to survive. Maybe this will help lower the stress levels of the human race and lead to a Golden Age where people come first and things come second...what a pleasant thought!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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