Thermal depolymerization

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Thermal depolymerization

Post by preoccupied »

I think the Native American Indians who used every part of the animal had the right idea. Changing trash into fuel is pretty cool.
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re: Thermal depolymerization

Post by preoccupied »

Some states sell trash to other states to dump it there. I think those dump states could be sitting on a lot of recyclable carbon! $!
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Post by nicbordeaux »

World oil production is approx 90 million barrels per day. The plant in the link you give outputs 500 barrels light crude equivalent from 200 tons of turkey waste. Assuming 10% of a turkey is waste that's one 2180 ton turkey per day. Now, a 2 180 000 kg turkey in a treadmill is going to put out more juice than we ever need. Consider that a turkey lives on average 10 years. Further consider that when the turkey passes away it could be frozen and attached to an OB grav wheel of necessity tall enough for there to be a thermal difference between tdc and bdc sufficient to make the "PM" wheel a reality.

Don't laugh, temp loss is 6.5 degrees Celsius per 1000 meters rise. A 2 km dia wheel would give 13° celcius diff. Let's let Jim work out the rpm necessary for the turkey to freeze and unfreeze given a ground temp of + 6.5 celcius. The cx I'd do, but can't find any data at all on the web about the volume of a turkey.
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re: Thermal depolymerization

Post by preoccupied »

The national MSW (municipal solid waste) generation rate is around 250 million tons for the years in this last decade. Thermal depolymerization should be able to transform the carbon in that into gasoline. 1 metric ton = 7.33 bbl crude oil. 90 million barrels per day x 365=32.85 billion barrels of oil per year. If all MSW were the same weight as crude oil 250 million tons of MSW x 7.33 = 1.8325 billion barrels of MSW/oil. That is 18 percent of world oil production. I don't know my numbers very good but it looks cool. All garbage should be able to be thermal depolymerized from what I saw in the video. Dangerous organisms like prions can be destroyed with thermal depolymerization.

I like your post nic. It is funny.
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Don' laugh, if anybody can source me a 2000 ton turkey I'll build a prototype.
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Post by broli »

Does that include the plutonium stuffing?
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Problems with critical mass preclude use of such material for making turkeys. The shape of the mass is an important factor for criticality. Wouldn't wan't a meltdown would we now ?
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