You think I need attention ? That is really a laugh because there are other places where I could seek attention . Why on earth would I choose a specific group of know it alls and armchair psychologists to try and get my much needed attention from . You turn everything around except WHEELS !
It's really sad . You all are just so sad ... with your heroes who can't produce anything . I am not happy with the reception I have had here . It does me harm to feel all of the hateful judgment and and just simply complacency . What you really say here is, "give your ideas to us or we have no use for you . We are the Gods of PM ( though we have yet to produce any PM ) and you must be below us ! " Really there is nothing good here . The saying goes that " anything is possible ." So it's possible that I'm right and ALL of you are wrong . I don't think Bessler would like this place . He wouldn't like your assessment of him . He'd be patting me on the back however for having the fortitude to actually figure it out in spite of all of you and whatever fantasy you can collectively muster . So while I'm having the movie of his life made to vindicate him you all will still be here throwing your green dots around ! You can go see the movie though . Seriously . A Dan is not a John and Alden took my Park ing space out...but there is something Brown there that stinketh ! Epic ! Goodbye . If any of you care to really look you will see yourselves in me .
Also upon reflection you will wonder why it is that someone just like yourselves would come on this board time after time just so you can show your ugliness again and again . What on earth could motivate such an unloving relationship ? Maybe the truth would cause just such an involvement . The truth that you have decided you are just not prepared to hear . Christo4_99 = Spacejam = Rood = The parasite with a dead host = the sock puppet who came to the party uninvited and put all you mental giant Bessler wannabes in your appropriate places .
I've decided to let you in on an idea of what could have been in Bessler's wheel : IMHO I think it could possibly rotate .