daxwc wrote:You suddenly had an afflatus that there is no energy gain in gravity?
Quite the contrary. Though I don't encourage the aflatus stuff, it leads to Jerusalem Syndrome and bad breath.
There is a force called gravity. This you can not alter with bicycle wheels or arrangements of spirograph gears. The amount of gravity is constant and I quantify it as One, as in 1 unit. 1 unit is insufficient to make a fixed axle OB wheel turn 360°. It is more than enough in a less than 180° device to increase the amount of potential energy. Gpe.
It's the term you used "theorists" which I objected to by LMAO. As I understood that you were accusing people who believe in gravity as a viable primary power source as being "armchair theorists".
A misunderstanding, then.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
rlortie wrote:My point is; either we base our assumption on the pump or the bucket, I prefer forgetting the bucket and throwing it out the window! The make up of the driving pump pulley is of a bigger radius than the axle diameter at point of bucket lift.
My point was that if the depicted water bucket and the water screw represent about the same wheel load (which appears to be the case), then that same wheel load would result in the same loaded wheel speed.
Maybe the bucket was indeed thrown out the window. I certainly don't see the need to build a massive wheel in order to lift a 10 Litre bucket of water 5 feet off the floor.
Well Bill, in those times it wouldn't have cut much ice to just lift a small bucket of water 5 feet. If you wanted to be taken seriously, if you didn't want people kicking sand in your face, you had to have a really big wheel. The PM search was for the Wheel. Then if you were both a showman and a salesman (I didn't say a megalomaniac conman), you had to use the most energy efficient way of performing what looked like impressive feats.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.