What do you think will happen?

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What do you think will happen?

Post by Chad »

What is your opinion with regards to a working wheel being built and the effect it will have on humanity ..if any?.

Will it possibly remove our shackles and free us from slavery, or will it just be another link in our chain to be hammered with controls and tax's from the worlds governments as a whole?.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

There is no slavery, there's just addiction. People keep voting by choice. I doubt a working wheel will change that.
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Post by nicbordeaux »

People keep voting because they are allowed to.
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Re: re: What do you think will happen?

Post by murilo »

ovyyus wrote:There is no slavery, there's just addiction. People keep voting by choice. I doubt a working wheel will change that.
But I dare imagine about the huge and crazy feast of changes!!! 8)))
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by daxwc »

ovyyus quote:
There is no slavery, there's just addiction.
Of course there is slavery and always has been throughout mankind’s history and it has nothing to do with race or color. It the essence of being human, wanting to do nothing and gain everything for nothing; survival genes. Slavery has just changed in our day and hides out in the open under the banner of freedom, but we are very much slaves to the few families and corporations with the money and power.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

Daxwc, unlike yourself a slave doesn't have the choice to stand up on his hind legs and excercise his freedom.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by daxwc »

Definition of SLAVE
: a person held in servitude as the chattel of another
: one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence
: a device (as the printer of a computer) that is directly responsive to another

Slavery predates written records and has existed in many cultures.[3] The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history,[4] remaining as high as 12 million[5] to 27 million,[6][7][8] though this is probably the smallest proportion of the world's population in history.[9] Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.

Debt bondage or bonded labor occurs when a person pledges themselves against a loan.[16] The services required to repay the debt, and their duration, may be undefined.[16] Debt bondage can be passed on from generation to generation, with children required to pay off their parents' debt.[16] It is the most widespread form of slavery today.[10]
How many people in North America are only paying interest on their mortgages, credit cards or lines-of-credit; how close is the world to being in debt bondage.

We are willful slaves to our greed.
Last edited by daxwc on Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jim_mich »

Bill wrote:There is no slavery, there's just addiction.
During the 40+ years that I worked, the US government stole/deducted a total of $139,701 from my paychecks in the form of social security and medicare taxes. (This does NOT include income taxes payed, which was more than SS.) They now pay me back $1497 per month SS retirement payments. It will take 94 months for them to pay me back the whole $139,701 that they stole/took from me. I had no choice. My employer had no choice but to deduct the payments and forward them to the US government.

If that money had been invested at an average 6.12% interest each year, I would have retired with a half million dollar nest egg. A half million dollars at 6.12% interest would give me the same $1497 per month income, plus an extra $12,636 per year for medical expenses or whatever. And it would leave my children the original half million dollar nest egg, plus any savings or minus any medical expenses when I pass.

So, in effect, I was and still am a slave to the US government. I had no choice, except to maybe run away. But even money earned in a foreign country is usually taxable if you are a US citizen. US citizens have been under this taxation yoke since before I started working.

The Federal Reserve started printing paper money in 1913. Paper money has been devalued every year until now a dollar is worth only about 3 cents compared to a 1913 dollar. Paper money caused the great depression, which gave the government the excuse to steal everyone's real gold money, leaving everyone with only paper money. Starting about 1964 real silver coins were replaced with base metal coins. It now cost about 2 cents to make a penny and about 10 cents to make a nickel. Most financial transactions are now digital with credit cards or debit cards. Each credit card transaction pays the bank a fee of 1% to 2%. Debit cards are charged against checking accounts, which usually have monthly fees and allow the bank to use your money while paying little or no interest.

In effect we are slaves. We have no choice. We have very little real freedom. We gave up freedom for convenience. Democracy is when the majority decide what everyone can and cannot do. A republic is when each individual is free do do as he/she wishes, as long as it does not harm or infringe upon the rights of others. Only in a republic are individuals free to decide exactly how to live their lives. In a democracy other people are constantly forcing their will upon you. President Kennedy was the last president to call the USA a 'republic', and he was shot shortly afterward.

I must pay the government a yearly fee to drive my vehicle. I must pay the government a fee if I want to build a house or remodel my home. I must pay the government a yearly real estate tax of about $2146 else they will take my home from me by force. Every time I buy most anything the state government collects an extra 6% sales tax. The list is endless. I am a slave to government.

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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

daxwc wrote:We are willful slaves to our greed.
Is that a double oxymoron? :D
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

Jim, trading stocks and shares and speculating in the global corporate market is an act of freedom, not slavery. You can't willingly play poker and then expect to never lose.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by daxwc »

Bill you are the worst kind of slave; one that doesn’t know he is one and exactly what they want to achieve out of all of their slaves. 8P
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by daxwc »

You were told you are free and unnoticed they put you in a huge room under the disguise of shelter then very slowly moved the walls in till you were in a box. Smiling the whole time, because you were told how much more terrible it could have been. What acts of real freedom do you have? Have you not provided labour your whole life for the man in exchange for life’s essentials? Yes, you are a slave even in the classical sense, fore you have been oppressed the entire time, but spared the beatings. The wheel will change nothing other than the tax system. That is life.

Never mistake entertainment for freedom.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

daxwc wrote:Bill you are the worst kind of slave; one that doesn’t know he is one and exactly what they want to achieve out of all of their slaves. 8P
They? Next you'll be telling me we're all alien bred cattle waiting in line to be harvested to feed 'them' lol

It's easy to find excuses and someone/something else to blame just because it's hard to stand up on your own piss-soaked hind legs and be accountable :P
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by daxwc »

“They�; loosely is the systems of those that hold the wealth and power.
It's easy to find excuses and someone/something else to blame just because it's hard to stand up on your own piss-soaked hind legs and be accountable :P
Be accountable for what? Change? It is too easy to believe all the propaganda and agendas that one is born into. I will just tell everybody I am free.
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re: What do you think will happen?

Post by ovyyus »

daxwc wrote:Be accountable for what? Change? It is too easy to believe all the propaganda and agendas that one is born into.
No, accountable for your choice. Yes, believe nothing.
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