Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual motion machine.

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Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual motion

Post by Aman »

Analogous Principle of working of my Non Perpectual gravity engine:

(analogous principle of working means a principle of working Similar to that of the original principle of working)
This is "Gravity-Piston Impulse Kinetic Power Technology". 
Let's assume that,you spent energy to take object up,and regain supplied energy when object comes down PLUS gravitational amplification occurs when that object (Lets take example of basket ball)hits a basket ball net with small hole at bottom.When the basket ball hits the net,the net sets in vibration due to IMPULSIVE energy(gravitational amplification) .Assume that the net is piezo electric elastic material which converts impulsive energy to electrical energy!The basket ball net  is analogous to 4 flywheels I used in my original engine design.(I use pusher rods to transmit energy to flywheels in my original design).
Instead of heavy ball,I use heavy pistons and special force distribution technique,not disclosed here.
I can't disclose the whole concept to general public because I am applying for patent:There are ready diagrams relating to my idea,but i fear some one could copy.Hence,I am explaining my invention through an analogous Example!
My engine design is inspired from nature,hence there are no chances of failure of my Non Perpectual gravity engine.

So what's according to me  is gravity amplification : Additional gravitational energy stored in a descending body when gravity acts on it!

This leads to Impulsive energy transfer!

To be more elaborate,
gravitational energy which has two components:
1) energy required to bring heavy object down 2) excessive potential energy
Applied by gravity which then is converted in to Impulsive energy.

Let's put it this way:take an other example not related to gravity
engine.Whenever you push door,the door moves further than you intend
to!Why?because of excess energy stored!Now,if u keep any ball in front of
door on the floor,due to opening/pushing of door,the ball will get impulsive
energy to move forward!

Yes,that means gravitational energy utilised to pull the ball towards earth
by the earth's magnetic field is much much more than energy required to lift

So gravitational amplification is basically the excess energy gravity stores in a falling body like heavy ball!This can be used as impulsive energy by special and simple technique!Well ifyou are not aware,Impulsive energy is very high integral of sudden energies in a short time! 
At first, I intend to produce products only for domestic use and as a camping accessory. I am doing more research for increasing power output so that it can be used in the future in cars. A single cylinder arrangement with 4 flywheels arrangement can produce enough power to power a tube light.

Just wanted to share this,Please share the below very very important article with as many people as possible:

A real gravity /magnetic engine is not a Perpectual motion machine!I am myself inventing a non -Perpectual gravity engine!People think falsely that gravity and magnetic engines are impossible but it is not true!They are mostly mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual machines or claiming to invent such engine that are Perpectual for us!These cheaters and non intelluctual conventional minded people have made our scientists life miserable.Very little people believe in us real scientists because of the psycological thinking that gravity / magnetic engines are Perpectual!It seems these people including most professors have stopped thinking the reality and are only bookish.Though complex,the most simplest principle/way to make use of gravity is impulsive energy when a heavy ball falls over a light weight object(Example : basket ball net) in between.I am inventing my own gravity engine based on this impulsive energy concept using proper force distribution and gravitaitional amplification,inspired from nature and flywheels 
Reminding once again:My engine is not Perpectual!   
Don't be dump:Spread awareness about real gravity engines which are not Perpectual!Ask people never get mislead by cheaters claiming to invent Perpectual motion machines!Let me tell you that there might be only 20 real gravity/magnetic engines inventors,all others are cheaters!   
I am not posting spam,those cheaters are posting spams!   
The internet community should explain the reality to other people!Dont simply tell people that fuel less engines exist:Unless you explain them that these engines are not Perpectual and you can use impulsive energy concept intelligently,no one will believe in us!And try to spread my message to atleast 20 famous websites each of you!Be aware of spams and cheaters like this:  
and tell people that they are been mislead by such spams!Encourage only real authentic inventors like me!And I wil like to know whether most of you really know what is meant by a"Perpectual motion machine".Please understand the concepts of physics!   
My Non Perpectual engine does not violate any laws of thermaodynamics!Since its not a Perpectual machine! 
If you all will do what I say,the day is not far when your children will see IC engines in museums,and will never go to any fuel filling station!But we only need your effort in right direction,not just some statements which don't explain the reality!A magnetic engine is also possible.Photons compress atomic particles to store compressed energy in them as nuclear energy,but it's not easy to make such engines.It requires a highly intellectual brain!
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Tarsier79 »

Gday Aman. Firstly welcom to BW. Is this your first time here? Your punctuation looks familiar...

Why would you try to educate others in something you havent got working yet? Isn't that a contradiction to the essence of what you are saying above?

"And try to spread my message to atleast 20 famous websites each of you!Be aware of spams and cheaters like this: "

Take a deep breath, design and perform a test to prove you have a "gain" in energy, or however you believe your device will operate, then decide what steps you will take from there.

Good Luck.
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Aman »

Yes,I am first time on this website,but I am spreading the truth on many websites about non-Perpectual gravity engines and my invention for public awareness to clear /remove misunderstanding with people who think gravity engines as impossible and Perpectual !
Let people understand the truth so that one day we may see pure green pollution free world!

The reason why I am spreading the truth is this:

My engine Is not Perpectual and based on the regular laws of physics you read in books,use or see everyday.
If it does not work,it will prove the regular laws of physics absolutely wrong!
All the laws of physics used in my engine are already validated to be true!and all those theories are used in other devices

There are three types of theories which can be proposed by a scientist:
1)theories based on assumptions(assumptions made with doubtable reasons):May be wrong or right:need to be experimentally verified
2) theories based on well known and well established laws:Always right
3)Hybrid of 1st and 2nd type

My engine is based on 2nd type!
To prove my engine works I have to prove that my engine works on regular laws of physics!

Since my engine is based on regular concepts of physics,there is no doubt that it works!
To check the validity of my engine,you may check the basic analogous principle of operation of my engine!

Now I am going to start making a prototype!I am talking to my college professors for starting this project!And the response is positive!

Thanks a lot!

I mean cheaters like those who claim to invent Perpectual motion machines like that of the website by Bob Schadewald(
A Perpectual motion machine is impossible!If you see my concept,it is not violating physics!Where as ,there are many explanations/diagrams on Internet describing gravity engines which you find against the laws of physics(in other words which you find the ones that cannot work:Perpectual)

In other words,you should know who is posting spams and who is not?Which one is real and which one is not real.
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by axel »

Aman, please do not spend too much time worrying with your captivating idea, as it too will not work. Job well done though.
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Post by Aman »

If you go through my concept principle of operation,you will find that it definately works out!
The secret is Impulsive force!
If my idea do no work,it will prove the known physcics laws totally wrong!And They can't be wrong:we use these laws daily!
I have discussed the analogous principle of operation of my engine!what is the reason it can't work?
Do you mean to say that potential energy can't be stored and released ,do you want to say,impulsive energy don't exist?
No,we can't go against the reality of existence of Potenntial energy and impulsive energy!

In this 21st century,even the most poor persion has television,radio at home.
500 years back,all this was considered impossible!A flying machine was considered impossible!But now,we even don't realise what a breakthrough these inventions were!We just use it !

Here are some Riduculous statements posted long back in history:

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons." - Popular
Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949.

"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." - Lord Kelvin,
president, Royal Society, 1895.

"There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains
is more and more precise measurement" - Lord Kelvin.

"Flight by machines heavier than air is unpractical and insignificant,
if not utterly impossible." - Simon Newcomb, 1902.

There is a world market for about five computers - Thomas Watson IBM 1943

There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom - Robert Milliken, Nobel Prize in Physics 1923
I have turned this analogy into a proper mechanisms consisting of flywheels,gears ,pusher rods,......etc!
May be some other uses same analogy to produce much powerful and more usable gravity engine!That's why I am discussing this-for the betterment of mankind!

Go through the analogous principle I discussed very well before concluding whether it can work or not!

If we don't think,we will never make our planet green,we should think in right direction!And I am thinking in right direction!
Your statement suggests scientists to quiet their job:as if one should continue to use the same devices forever even if global warming kills all!

Instead,I want some one to appreciate how" Impulse"turns static gravitational energy into dynamic energy!
Gravity in nature is stationary!But we can convert that into dynamic by either weight shifting or by using impulsive energy concept with proper weight distribution!
This was most challenging task and consumed few sleepless nights to think of!

Any way,thanks!
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by AB Hammer »


here is a video of mine in 2008. I believe it is close to what you are talking about. And no it is not perpetual. ... UgIUW2A%3D
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

Old and future wheel videos

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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Unbalanced »


PE + KE = 0

You write:
So what's according to me is gravity amplification : Additional gravitational energy stored in a descending body when gravity acts on it!

This leads to Impulsive energy transfer!

To be more elaborate,
gravitational energy which has two components:
1) energy required to bring heavy object down 2) excessive potential energy
Applied by gravity which then is converted in to Impulsive energy.
There is no excessive Potential Energy. The term "Impulsive Energy" is new to me outside of perhaps its use in describing the engines of the Star Ship Enterprise.

Were we able to amplify gravity or for that matter, lessen the effect of gravity, within the confines of a closed system of practical dimensions our pursuit of a gravity powered devise would be at an end.

I recommend a thorough study of the Law of the Conservation of Energy and the Law of The Conservation of Momentum.

To infer a thing is valid because someone made a bad prediction about a totally unrelated event is simply compounding ignorance. No offense meant.

In other words, for someone to have said that "man will never fly," has no bearing on the statement, "energy can be neither created nor destroyed."

There will always be dissipative forces such as heat, sound and friction and your mass will never return to its original height by an impulse derived from the conversion of its PE to its KE.

With the possible exception of Axle's devise which only time may tell.
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Aman »

aficionado ,
I am really surprised that the term impulse is new to you!Check out:

It's not something related to star trek or star wars!

I know those laws!I am an engineering student!What surprises me is that you are not aware of what is Impulse!The concept of Impulse is thought in first year of any technical or physics Bachleor course may be except for software eng.

And let me tell you that my engine is not Perpectual !It just converts gravitational energy in to electrical energy!You can only convert energy into different forms,you cannot generate energy!Energy can never be destroyed or created But can be converted from one form to other,and I am doing the same!

If at all bessler wheel really works,then it is Not a Perpectual motion machine!
Some idiot people told to some people that gravity engines are Perpectual and cannot be made.This is false!

The correct sentence is that real gravity engine is Not Perpectual and can be made only by intelligent people.
Last edited by Aman on Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:46 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Aman »

I have a news from Merrut,Pilani,Rajasthan,India.
Students at BITS pilani have also invented a non Perpectual engine using concept of buoyancy of water!I don't know how.I am also from India ,Bangalore!
Last edited by Aman on Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Unbalanced »

Welcome to BW Aman,

It is not my intention to mirror the response you received over on

The term "impulse" is anything but new to me. The term "impulsive energy" is new to me.

Alan, thanks for refreshing my memory of that video and the devise you created in it. I envy you those fine bearings and your ability to produce well balanced and symmetrical wheels.

It brings to mind Bessler's quote: "He can rack his brains and work his fingers to the bones with all sorts of ingenious ideas about adding extra weights here and there. The only result would be that his wheel will get heavier and heavier - it would run longer if it were empty!" - pg 295

I am not trying to be the official nay-sayer here. I actually believe that there is a solution, just not one that involves flailing weights on levers or hither-to unknown sources of energy such as "impulsive energy."
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Post by Aman »

Thanks afficondo!

One persion asked me most idiot nonsense question on peak oil,
Does my engine runs on earth or moon,because gravity is weak?

I replied but then after I was not able to see my earlier comment/reply.It seems that there was some error in the peak oil website Programing!

I would also like to know how Bessler wheel works?I had never heard of it before seeing this website.
Last edited by Aman on Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:06 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual

Post by Aman »

AB Hammer wrote:Amen

here is a video of mine in 2008. I believe it is close to what you are talking about. And no it is not perpetual. ... UgIUW2A%3D
Thanks, hammer,
I am surprised that you have demo video running!I am trying to figure out how it works?Very interesting!I appreciate this!

Is that your own invention?Have you applied for patent?I am very excited to look at your concept details,I mean how it works?
Do you have any plans for commercialising it?

I will like to know the basic idea of your concept!YouTube video is interesting but the parts are not clearly visible.

Also,thanks for this wonderful Signature:

"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

With out a dream, there is no vision.


I really appreciate this!
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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Tarsier79 »

With the possible exception of Axle's devise which only time may tell.

Axel never said his device was powered by gravity or impulse, or manipulation of momentum, or any other weight derived theory.
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AB Hammer
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Post by AB Hammer »


It was a kinetic test. I have done many test, learning all I can. No need for a patent for it only ran for about 6 minutes for it was small. Only 12 inches. I do wonder how long a 4 ft version would run?

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re: Real gravity engine can be made:But Not a Perpectual mot

Post by Aman »

Ok Hammer(Alan),but good effort!
But my engine can run allmost continuously with milliseconds interval in between,and is controlled by Electronic control unit with Programing something analogous/Similar to modern engine valve timing.

Since your engine runs for some time,it is not a Perpectual motion machine!
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