Pendulum-lever again...

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iacob alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be have a transition:from lever with a pendulum (see shadouf.....Milkovic) to a (big)lever with a (small) lever (see "Swinging sticks" on youtube movies).

Sometimes,the whole is simpler than the sum of its parts...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by preoccupied »

Not all of the drawings in the gif animation are in proportion because of errors in the drawing part of it but (umm) I think it gets the point across. The big lever on the outside is supposed to be like Bessler's pendulum. The T shape allows it to pull on the seesaw some. I don't know how if this extra tug on the seesaw would help but I like how it looks more like Bessler's wheel now. The pendulums are reset by the yellow fly wheel somehow with pegs or something like in the previous animation.
pendulum lever2.gif
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by preoccupied »

I was thinking about what Bessler might have meant when he says the weights gain force from their own swinging. If a pendulum swings out and causes a fly wheel to turn then because the weight swings out it would gain more leverage as the flywheel pulls it further out. What if Bessler's devices did something similar?
pendulum lever3.gif
iacob alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

.....can be considered something that puzzles our thinking.

We know from school the lever and the pendulum.

A lever is a lever:Archimedes stated some assumptions about it.

A pendulum is a pendulum:Huygens introduced it,to a mechanical clock.

A pendulum -lever seems to be something new (see Milkovic...

...but not quite so really new,because the shadouf (formally a lever+pendulum) is so old in the history of human tools.

However,Milkovic's arrangement seems to be a first step to evolve the basic thinking in mechanics about a simple machines:the lever.

Here we can discern,not only by the sight,but with our mind the next (big)possible step to imagine and think about the first "civilized tool" of humans...I call it pulsatory /vibrating/"throbbing" lever.

Even more:we can enlarge our undestanding about a leverage process.

If the "Earth-Moon leverage" assumption (see the topic) ,can be tested as a natural model...the interdiction of "establishment" moves into ridicule...

These two elementary images gives us a riddle whose answer involves not a pun,only...

All the best! /Alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

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Re: re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by Gravitronic »

It seems as though you are the first that I have seen in a number of years on this and other forums that has mentioned anything similar to what I've been building now for the past three years.

Two pendulums that are not so much opposite but more accurately for me to say that one is supplementary to the other.

My trigger is an inverted pendulum. It acts like the metronome that musicians use for timing. The pivot at the base slides in a vertical track. As it rises the pendulum falls and triggers a reaction then bounces up and as it does the the pivot falls in the track. and causes the pendulum to settle in the "vee" where it for the next sequence does the same thing but in the other direction.

murilo wrote:
murilo wrote:BTW,
JB was a master in pendulum applications!

For example, I mean 2 strategically opposite and auxiliary pendulum JUST enough to 'trigger' and 'un trigger' individually the main active hammers... almost as an active chronometer.

Not necessary to say which and where hammers, I hope!


don't be upset... mistakes in names are not intentional! OK?

iacob alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Gravitronic !

If your model "...acts like the metronome...",take a short look at "You have it..." topic of this forum.

The starting site ( ) of our topic,states that " the gravity machine has only two main parts:a massive lever and a pendulum".

The same simplicity,you can find for a "natural machine",at ;

Here,pay attention to (0:31-0:38)

The common idea is the pulsatory/oscillatory can find easy around us (including the childish see-saw...).

So,why not a ("self") rotating (if modified...) metronome,due to gravity fall and inertia?! Here can appear a problem:the size...

I wish you succcess!

All the best ! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
iacob alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

.....this "old" topic ,but with some "fresh" proposals ,at :

Sometimes,the real physical world is "permissive",with respect with our imagination...but not so frequently !

All the best ! / Alex
Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
iacob alex
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re: Pendulum-lever again...

Post by iacob alex »

..... at :

Usually , the people (starting with Milkovic...) play a swinging pendulum.

This time , the game plays / pumps a full 360 * can be a "small / big" difference !

Simplicity is the first step to knowledge.
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