Which things should be considered while making/designing a real working Gravity wheel which do not violate law of energy conservation,a scientific guide
Moderator: scott
Which things should be considered while making/designing a r
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95 percent working Gravity engines work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking .
I have discovered two ways to do this.
I have described in my two threads.
The most problematic thing with many people is they do not think how more amount of gravity can be inputted to gravity powered engine ,than that needed to take ball up.
If you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
And I am surprised to know that most people at bessler wheels forum who are trying to make Gravity wheel do not consider this.If you do not consider this,you will never be able to make a gravity wheel.
A real Gravity engine/Gravity wheel is not a perpetual Motion machine.
People falsely stupidly relate Perpetual motion machines with "Gravity engines" without understanding about PMM.
Defination of perpetual Motion Machine from Wikipedia:
Perpetual motion describes hypothetical machines that produce more work or energy than they consume, whether they might operate indefinitely or not.
Idiot People who do not believe in Gravity engines Say that since you get more energy than supplied it violates physics and hence Gravity engines are impossible.
But the most worst thing is they do not consider the freely available hidden energy source in nature :The amplified larger quantity of gravitational energy used in innovative way than that of energy needed to lift heavy object up.
How to design a Gravity Wheel?
The idea of increasing downward weight Torque from right and decreasing downward weight torque on left is great.It uses principle of increasing the distance of application for a force F at right of the wheel from a distance D from pivot of wheel.
The biggest flaw I have seen in many such Gravity wheel designs is more no. of heavy balls on left side than on right side considering that wheel should rotate Clockwise.
Let say I have a higher torque on a heavy ball right of the wheel(Force * displacement) and lower torque on left on wheel on a heavy ball but of no. of balls on left is very large compared to that on right side,the amount of opposite torque from left to right will be same as /equal to torque applied from right of wheel to the left of the wheel.In order that wheel should rotate the net effective torque on all balls on right should be much much greater than net effective torque on left side and for this,you need to ensure two things:
1) a)Higher torque on right side downwards due to weight of a ball and it's position in wheel
b)comparatively much much lower torque downwards due to weight of a ball in wheel.
2) Much much more no. of these Heavy balls on right than on left.
If any body makes such a Bessler wheel inspired design,I gaurantee you,that the wheel will work.This is challenging but it can be done if thought about it.
In most gravity wheel designs I have seen,heavy balls are used and manupulating torque technique is used,whether they run or not.
Remember that the COP of a system will never exceed 1.
Losses are always present,you cannot eliminate it but only reduce it.
Now that net Gravitational energy is converted into electrical energy followoing the law of conservation of energy,check for balanced Energy equation for your device.
"Output energy Should be Equal to Input Plus losses"
95 percent working Gravity engines work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking .
I have discovered two ways to do this.
I have described in my two threads.
The most problematic thing with many people is they do not think how more amount of gravity can be inputted to gravity powered engine ,than that needed to take ball up.
If you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
And I am surprised to know that most people at bessler wheels forum who are trying to make Gravity wheel do not consider this.If you do not consider this,you will never be able to make a gravity wheel.
A real Gravity engine/Gravity wheel is not a perpetual Motion machine.
People falsely stupidly relate Perpetual motion machines with "Gravity engines" without understanding about PMM.
Defination of perpetual Motion Machine from Wikipedia:
Perpetual motion describes hypothetical machines that produce more work or energy than they consume, whether they might operate indefinitely or not.
Idiot People who do not believe in Gravity engines Say that since you get more energy than supplied it violates physics and hence Gravity engines are impossible.
But the most worst thing is they do not consider the freely available hidden energy source in nature :The amplified larger quantity of gravitational energy used in innovative way than that of energy needed to lift heavy object up.
How to design a Gravity Wheel?
The idea of increasing downward weight Torque from right and decreasing downward weight torque on left is great.It uses principle of increasing the distance of application for a force F at right of the wheel from a distance D from pivot of wheel.
The biggest flaw I have seen in many such Gravity wheel designs is more no. of heavy balls on left side than on right side considering that wheel should rotate Clockwise.
Let say I have a higher torque on a heavy ball right of the wheel(Force * displacement) and lower torque on left on wheel on a heavy ball but of no. of balls on left is very large compared to that on right side,the amount of opposite torque from left to right will be same as /equal to torque applied from right of wheel to the left of the wheel.In order that wheel should rotate the net effective torque on all balls on right should be much much greater than net effective torque on left side and for this,you need to ensure two things:
1) a)Higher torque on right side downwards due to weight of a ball and it's position in wheel
b)comparatively much much lower torque downwards due to weight of a ball in wheel.
2) Much much more no. of these Heavy balls on right than on left.
If any body makes such a Bessler wheel inspired design,I gaurantee you,that the wheel will work.This is challenging but it can be done if thought about it.
In most gravity wheel designs I have seen,heavy balls are used and manupulating torque technique is used,whether they run or not.
Remember that the COP of a system will never exceed 1.
Losses are always present,you cannot eliminate it but only reduce it.
Now that net Gravitational energy is converted into electrical energy followoing the law of conservation of energy,check for balanced Energy equation for your device.
"Output energy Should be Equal to Input Plus losses"
Last edited by Aman on Sun May 13, 2012 8:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Science is the king,commerce and MBA are servants of mankind.True Gravity-magnetic powered engines are possible but they cannot be against 3 basic laws of thermodynamics and newton's laws of motion.
For more information/examples of designing:
For more information/examples of Good Practical designing of a gravity engine(not gravity wheel):
You may also see my other two threads:
As well as
You may also see my other two threads:
As well as
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
The only objective discovery you have found is the option for text size and coloring which you appear to have found euphorically.
Please, get over it or expect your reputation level to see more red.
The only objective discovery you have found is the option for text size and coloring which you appear to have found euphorically.
Please, get over it or expect your reputation level to see more red.
- Enthusiast
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:18 pm
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
I agree with rlortie, you gain nothing with all the colors and font sizes. I can tell your emotions are high,
Please, bring them down.
I have learnt much from the wise old men on this board, but the most important is humility.
They have failed more than I have and have learnt where to go and not to go.
Every once in a while I use a saying from the Vulcans in Startrek. " Emotions clouds your judgement ".
" Remember that the COP of a system will never exceed 1."
This statement is Absolutely wrong, I used to get very angry when it was used , but not anymore.
I will tell you why it is wrong.
All science examines phenomena and records it using math. Math is very beautiful and explains things wonderfully and correctly.
But for some reason, the science community forgets what MATH is.
From grade one or standard one ( where ever you might be) it is thought that math has exceptions.
All math have exceptions.
examples you say.?
positive number, negative number, then there is Zero.
odd numbers, even numbers, prime numbers, then there is the number one.
addition, subtraction, Multiplication ( which is an easier form of addition), then there is the odd guy named division.
If the foundation of the language we use to describe the universe has exceptions, doesn't that tell you there are exceptions in the phenomena of study.
Newton describes gravity, Bessler found the exception. it is that simple.
All of us here are looking for the exception to the rules. it is that simple.
But we must do this with a clear head and a coherent, logical line on thought.
I hope to be reading more of your thoughts.
bye for now.
I agree with rlortie, you gain nothing with all the colors and font sizes. I can tell your emotions are high,
Please, bring them down.
I have learnt much from the wise old men on this board, but the most important is humility.
They have failed more than I have and have learnt where to go and not to go.
Every once in a while I use a saying from the Vulcans in Startrek. " Emotions clouds your judgement ".
" Remember that the COP of a system will never exceed 1."
This statement is Absolutely wrong, I used to get very angry when it was used , but not anymore.
I will tell you why it is wrong.
All science examines phenomena and records it using math. Math is very beautiful and explains things wonderfully and correctly.
But for some reason, the science community forgets what MATH is.
From grade one or standard one ( where ever you might be) it is thought that math has exceptions.
All math have exceptions.
examples you say.?
positive number, negative number, then there is Zero.
odd numbers, even numbers, prime numbers, then there is the number one.
addition, subtraction, Multiplication ( which is an easier form of addition), then there is the odd guy named division.
If the foundation of the language we use to describe the universe has exceptions, doesn't that tell you there are exceptions in the phenomena of study.
Newton describes gravity, Bessler found the exception. it is that simple.
All of us here are looking for the exception to the rules. it is that simple.
But we must do this with a clear head and a coherent, logical line on thought.
I hope to be reading more of your thoughts.
bye for now.
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
There is only one most easy way to have a working Gravity engine:
"95 percent working Gravity engines work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
And you Can find more details for examples based on this technique on
Instead of understanding the principle I mentioned as well as instead of seeing the two threads I mentioned you are distracted with font size and colors.
Further you are breaking law of thermodynamics by saying that COP>1.
Laws can be broken but Some basic laws can never be broken.
Infact breaking some of the old laws and giving new more logical laws is what is some research is about.See this for an example:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za72ZFwjkjU where a new research in optics has scientifically proved a particular law as wrong.
One of my these two above mentioned threads discusses about semicircular heavy ball path of weights under gravity and vertical Path of Ball lifting.
And these threads use the basic principle that,
gravitational energy input is ARTIFICIALLY made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking.
Even Raj's engine also is being designed on same thing in mind.
The idea that Gravity engines are perpetual and break laws of thermodynamics is just a virus in most People's brain.
A gravity engine only converts Gravitational energy into electrical energy and do not produce any new energy and hence do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
If at all Bessler had succeded in Making a Real Gravity wheel,his wheel also had used the same principle.
Just because great people like Bessler could not explain to public that "
gravitational energy input is ARTIFICIALLY made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking.",hence people began to say that his machine is perpetual and cannot work and has hidden man running the motor.
Similar thing could have happened with Tesla when he told about COSMIC Ether powering his cosmic ether powered car engine.Ordinary man was not able to understand what is Ether.
Nikola got so frustrated with people's absard useless comments that he never disclosed his invention to public.He destroyed his device.His secret died with him,so sad.
This article is about an automobile power source said to have been developed by Nikola Tesla.
From wikipedia:
The Tesla electric car anecdote refers to a supposed Tesla invention described by a Peter Savo (who claimed to be a nephew of Tesla), to one Derek Ahers on September 16, 1967. Savo said that Tesla took him to Buffalo, New York in 1931 and showed him a modified Pierce-Arrow automobile.
Tesla, according to the story, had the stock gasoline engine removed and replaced with a brushless AC electric motor. The motor was said to have been run by a 'cosmic energy power receiver' consisting of a box measuring about 25 inches long by 10 inches wide by 6 inches high, containing 12 radio vacuum tubes and connected to a 6-foot-long (1.8 m) antenna. The car was said to have been driven for about 50 miles at speeds of up to 90 mph during an 8-day period.[1][2]
This story has received some debate for the fact that the car's propulsion system is said to have been invented by Tesla. No physical evidence has ever been produced confirming that the car actually existed. In light of the fact that Tesla did not have a nephew by the name of Peter Savo, the Tesla electric car story is considered to be a fabrication.
A number of web pages exist that serve to perpetuate the tale. Every account of this purported demonstration automobile is based upon the 1967 story plus literary embellishment.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
You may also like to see more info:
There here are two types of problematic people.
Type 1)General science says that COP can never exceed 1.
True,my gravity engine design concept(anology) does not violate this.
But Probelmatic People at Many science forums say that Gravity engines are Impossible because it makes more output than given input.
Even after giving a valid proof how my gravity engines are Energy converters (not against law of conservation of energy)and not energy generators,their mind does not accept the proof.I understand that it should be a mental torture and frustrating when people do not accept or respect valid proofs.I have gone through this on some science forums like Hypography science forums with idiot moderator CraigD who banned me unnecessary without valid reasion as well as experiencing this on Discovery channel Forums.
See what guys at discovery channel forums say:
http://community.discovery.com/eve/foru ... 48301/p/19
By trying to proove me wrong they are actually going against laws of physics.
These people do not have common sense because the examples which I have given can also be understand by 9th standard Student easily.
Before claiming that gravity engines are impossible ,they are not able to understand such a simple thing that
"Gravity engines should work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
These idiots treat Gravity engines as Un-Workable engines which claim to produce output without Nothing(Perpetual).
It is the jokable failure of people who do not understand the simple logic about how Gravity can be used as input energy in a engine.
Type 2)
These people are keeping on attempting to make a engine that is perpetual(COP>1) without understanding that
"Gravity engines should work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
COP is ratio of output to input.What is the proof that you can break Laws of thermodynamics and generate more Output than input?
There is no such proof,Infact it is common sense that no car moves by itself without having fuel/energy.
Energy is always conserved.
It is the jokable failure of people who do not understand the simple logic about how Gravity can be used as fuel.
Based on the principle that Input gravitational energy is utilised more than energy needed to lift a heavy ball or object up,if you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
And I am surprised to know that most people at bessler wheels forum who are trying to make Gravity wheel do not consider this.If you do not consider this,you will never be able to make a gravity wheel.
I am telling all these because we all need to make our dream a reality to have a working Gravity wheel.And dream will not become reality with False Ideas in mind which are just fantasy.A dream needs right approach.
My approach discussed on these following threads is based on the Principle I was talking of:
There is a big mind drain/Intelluctual Drain happening in our society.
Yes,if you say that gravity is not a conservative force with valid proofs,I will agree if there is a valid proof because there are many faults in some modern scientific beliefs........And there is a Non-Sense meaningless statement from people at science Forums[Type1)]:they say that Gravity engines are impossible because Gravity is a conservative force.
But you cannot challenge few laws such as Laws of Thermodyanamics.
"95 percent working Gravity engines work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
And you Can find more details for examples based on this technique on
Instead of understanding the principle I mentioned as well as instead of seeing the two threads I mentioned you are distracted with font size and colors.
Further you are breaking law of thermodynamics by saying that COP>1.
Laws can be broken but Some basic laws can never be broken.
Infact breaking some of the old laws and giving new more logical laws is what is some research is about.See this for an example:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za72ZFwjkjU where a new research in optics has scientifically proved a particular law as wrong.
One of my these two above mentioned threads discusses about semicircular heavy ball path of weights under gravity and vertical Path of Ball lifting.
And these threads use the basic principle that,
gravitational energy input is ARTIFICIALLY made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking.
Even Raj's engine also is being designed on same thing in mind.
The idea that Gravity engines are perpetual and break laws of thermodynamics is just a virus in most People's brain.
A gravity engine only converts Gravitational energy into electrical energy and do not produce any new energy and hence do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
If at all Bessler had succeded in Making a Real Gravity wheel,his wheel also had used the same principle.
Just because great people like Bessler could not explain to public that "
gravitational energy input is ARTIFICIALLY made more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking.",hence people began to say that his machine is perpetual and cannot work and has hidden man running the motor.
Similar thing could have happened with Tesla when he told about COSMIC Ether powering his cosmic ether powered car engine.Ordinary man was not able to understand what is Ether.
Nikola got so frustrated with people's absard useless comments that he never disclosed his invention to public.He destroyed his device.His secret died with him,so sad.
This article is about an automobile power source said to have been developed by Nikola Tesla.
From wikipedia:
The Tesla electric car anecdote refers to a supposed Tesla invention described by a Peter Savo (who claimed to be a nephew of Tesla), to one Derek Ahers on September 16, 1967. Savo said that Tesla took him to Buffalo, New York in 1931 and showed him a modified Pierce-Arrow automobile.
Tesla, according to the story, had the stock gasoline engine removed and replaced with a brushless AC electric motor. The motor was said to have been run by a 'cosmic energy power receiver' consisting of a box measuring about 25 inches long by 10 inches wide by 6 inches high, containing 12 radio vacuum tubes and connected to a 6-foot-long (1.8 m) antenna. The car was said to have been driven for about 50 miles at speeds of up to 90 mph during an 8-day period.[1][2]
This story has received some debate for the fact that the car's propulsion system is said to have been invented by Tesla. No physical evidence has ever been produced confirming that the car actually existed. In light of the fact that Tesla did not have a nephew by the name of Peter Savo, the Tesla electric car story is considered to be a fabrication.
A number of web pages exist that serve to perpetuate the tale. Every account of this purported demonstration automobile is based upon the 1967 story plus literary embellishment.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]
You may also like to see more info:
There here are two types of problematic people.
Type 1)General science says that COP can never exceed 1.
True,my gravity engine design concept(anology) does not violate this.
But Probelmatic People at Many science forums say that Gravity engines are Impossible because it makes more output than given input.
Even after giving a valid proof how my gravity engines are Energy converters (not against law of conservation of energy)and not energy generators,their mind does not accept the proof.I understand that it should be a mental torture and frustrating when people do not accept or respect valid proofs.I have gone through this on some science forums like Hypography science forums with idiot moderator CraigD who banned me unnecessary without valid reasion as well as experiencing this on Discovery channel Forums.
See what guys at discovery channel forums say:
http://community.discovery.com/eve/foru ... 48301/p/19
By trying to proove me wrong they are actually going against laws of physics.
These people do not have common sense because the examples which I have given can also be understand by 9th standard Student easily.
Before claiming that gravity engines are impossible ,they are not able to understand such a simple thing that
"Gravity engines should work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
These idiots treat Gravity engines as Un-Workable engines which claim to produce output without Nothing(Perpetual).
It is the jokable failure of people who do not understand the simple logic about how Gravity can be used as input energy in a engine.
Type 2)
These people are keeping on attempting to make a engine that is perpetual(COP>1) without understanding that
"Gravity engines should work on the principle that the gravitational energy input is made ARTIFICIALLY more than what energy needed to lift ball upward ,by innovative thinking . "
COP is ratio of output to input.What is the proof that you can break Laws of thermodynamics and generate more Output than input?
There is no such proof,Infact it is common sense that no car moves by itself without having fuel/energy.
Energy is always conserved.
It is the jokable failure of people who do not understand the simple logic about how Gravity can be used as fuel.
Based on the principle that Input gravitational energy is utilised more than energy needed to lift a heavy ball or object up,if you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation.
And I am surprised to know that most people at bessler wheels forum who are trying to make Gravity wheel do not consider this.If you do not consider this,you will never be able to make a gravity wheel.
I am telling all these because we all need to make our dream a reality to have a working Gravity wheel.And dream will not become reality with False Ideas in mind which are just fantasy.A dream needs right approach.
My approach discussed on these following threads is based on the Principle I was talking of:
There is a big mind drain/Intelluctual Drain happening in our society.
Yes,if you say that gravity is not a conservative force with valid proofs,I will agree if there is a valid proof because there are many faults in some modern scientific beliefs........And there is a Non-Sense meaningless statement from people at science Forums[Type1)]:they say that Gravity engines are impossible because Gravity is a conservative force.
But you cannot challenge few laws such as Laws of Thermodyanamics.
Last edited by Aman on Mon May 14, 2012 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Science is the king,commerce and MBA are servants of mankind.True Gravity-magnetic powered engines are possible but they cannot be against 3 basic laws of thermodynamics and newton's laws of motion.
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
Aman: The question is not whether we understand or not, but why you purposely and continuously want to distract us..?Instead of understanding the principle I mentioned as well as instead of seeing the two threads I mentioned you are distracted with font size and colors.
Contradictions do not exist.
Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises.
You will find that one of them is wrong. - Ayn Rand -
Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises.
You will find that one of them is wrong. - Ayn Rand -
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
ruggerodk wrote:Instead of understanding the principle I mentioned as well as instead of seeing the two threads I mentioned you are distracted with font size and colors.
Aman: The question is not whether we understand or not, but why you purposely and continuously want to distract us..?
No,I am not trying to distract you,different font size /color does not distract ,I believe.
It is for highlighting important points.People have a bad habit.Some read descriptions incompletely/partially and then start commenting with a big confusion messing the thread.To make sure it do not happen or to minismise such confusion with commenters/readers ,highlightening important points with different colors and increasing font size for some important things is the best technique to avoid such confusion which I have experienced on few threads outside this website.
The letters on iPad appear too small to see,so it is good if I highlight imortant points.
Such an illogical idea,you disregard any body simply because he/she highlights important points by using Bold letters,or colors,etc.It is nonsense if you haven't considered the content of my thread before giving red reputation.
The highlighting is for your convenience so that you do not miss out important points.
Last edited by Aman on Mon May 14, 2012 2:21 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Science is the king,commerce and MBA are servants of mankind.True Gravity-magnetic powered engines are possible but they cannot be against 3 basic laws of thermodynamics and newton's laws of motion.
Re: re: Which things should be considered while making/desig
Apart from me,you also are welcome to post any additional important parameters you think should be considered by designing a gravity.Feel free to do so,but please do not post anything that considers COP >1 and which considers violation of law of conservation of energy.
Science is the king,commerce and MBA are servants of mankind.True Gravity-magnetic powered engines are possible but they cannot be against 3 basic laws of thermodynamics and newton's laws of motion.
- John Collins
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re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
Forgive my stupidity but what the heck is COP > 1 ?
Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/
This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google
See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google
See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
Coefficient of performance?
But that is a term applied to heat pumps.
Maybe Aman means COE (Coefficient of Energy)?

But that is a term applied to heat pumps.
Maybe Aman means COE (Coefficient of Energy)?

re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
Yes COP is applied to Heat pumps,not for gravity engines.
I wanted to actually say that Efficiency (Output energy by Input Energy) cannot be greater than 1.
I found that people here have a big misunderstanding that Efficiency of system can be greater than one,not only in my threads but also in other's thread including that of Raj's thread.
Actually I was really surprised when people in many threads were talking about Violating law of conservation of energy.
Some members like Ken and few others were making mess of threads with continuous discussion on COP.Especially Raj's thread has been horribly infected by talk of Ken on COP greater than 1.
Comment of Ken on Raj's thread:
Try to build it.
Anyone can draw as many overbalanced wheels as they like.
Drawing and building are 2 different things.
It will not behave in the manner the animation shows even if you could figure out a way to build it.
This design has a COP<1
Ken commented similarly for my invention analogy.
I wanted to actually say that Efficiency (Output energy by Input Energy) cannot be greater than 1.
I found that people here have a big misunderstanding that Efficiency of system can be greater than one,not only in my threads but also in other's thread including that of Raj's thread.
Actually I was really surprised when people in many threads were talking about Violating law of conservation of energy.
Some members like Ken and few others were making mess of threads with continuous discussion on COP.Especially Raj's thread has been horribly infected by talk of Ken on COP greater than 1.
Comment of Ken on Raj's thread:
Try to build it.
Anyone can draw as many overbalanced wheels as they like.
Drawing and building are 2 different things.
It will not behave in the manner the animation shows even if you could figure out a way to build it.
This design has a COP<1
Ken commented similarly for my invention analogy.
Last edited by Aman on Mon May 14, 2012 6:31 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Science is the king,commerce and MBA are servants of mankind.True Gravity-magnetic powered engines are possible but they cannot be against 3 basic laws of thermodynamics and newton's laws of motion.
- John Collins
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re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
Thanks Jim.
Read my blog at http://johncollinsnews.blogspot.com/
This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google
See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
This is the link to Amy’s TikTok page - over 20 million views for one video! Look up amyepohl on google
See my blog at http://www.gravitywheel.com
- preoccupied
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re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
I can't believe I'm reading this. How do you change the color of the text when you post? Where do you get your expertise Aman?
re: Which things should be considered while making/designing
Use the full version "post reply" and select the "Font Color" then type the text between the 'color=xxx' and the '/color', much like making text bold.preoccupied wrote:How do you change the color of the text when you post?
Actually you can make the text any color by using hex numbers such as Color=#B0B647 and underline and italics.
