Unfortunately Jim no,after much planning the age thing,i forgot the bloody camera...wrong coat..,the organ was converted in the 1960's to electric motor doing the driving the original mech.just being disconnected but still in place the only wear i could see was down to wood worm over the years to the mech.and nothing else...i'm including a link which shows some photos of St.Michen's and a bit of the history..Good Luck.
This is a rough sketch to show what i believe will turn a wheel......what you see is a simple see-saw.....bearing at the fulcrum pivot,with slot tracks for the weight balls to slide(run up and down)with a guard to ensure they don't escape (the weights undecided).....this mech. would be projected inside the wheel on its own platform above/below the axle of the wheel(undecided) it will be horizontal(the length determined by the wheel diameter as it can occupy practically the whole inside width of the wheel).....the see-saw angle alike the other agenda would be suck it and see during the build............i would prefer a very small movement of the see-saw to ensure the "tip"required to reset the run of the weight balls in the opposite direction just 1-3 degrees off square would suffice ...the type of spring undecided(could be a light compression spring on the rods that would give reset as well although i don't see this a problem,i truly think this is the answer .....next problem....what to attach the up/down rods to what mech.to turn this wheel.......i think two balls will work better than one travelling the whole length of the see-saw ....Any ideas on the rod attachment mech.are welcome......
As an aside,if the two running weight balls were say 1-2lb. and the see-saw was sturdy enough and the angle was 1-3 degees off square would the crash as they hit the stops be enough to send both balls in the other direction and vice-versa and thus eliminate the tip required by a spring or other method.....just a thought.
....or would a calibrated compression spring at each stop at the end of the see-saw(pinball fashion)be enough to give continuous travel to enable perpetual motion of the see-saw and cuchion the crash effect ?
....or would air/hydraulic compression acting against the up/down small movement from the rods at see-saw ends provide the "tip"required,the drive then taken from a fixed shaft at the fulcrum/pivot with a simple reverser gear to give a constant drive to a mech.to turn the wheel..
I got this very simple idea from an organ i examined in a local church(18th century) a few months ago,anyway the simple pump lever(up/down),attached as an extension to a see-saw with swivelled rods at each end which pumped bellows to supply a reservoir chamber....the non return valves which were very basic allowed a certain blow back effect and gave a servo assistance to return the lever making it very easy to keep the pressure up for the person actuating the lever.
Silence...so this is either a lot of balls(pun intended)or the merits of this simple design are being contemplated ...either way i share NOW whether flawed or not as i have said before ,only by colloboration will we achieve our common aim,however i would appreciate imput to improve this idea...Good Luck.
No , no , keep it coming , we are not all so lucky to snoop around 18th cent. organs , we are still trying to absorb all good input . As you might have seen in previous post's , I am a air/vacuum man . I would like to know more of the assisted lever you talk about helping to pump the bellows . Also , think about the curved plane I posted a while ago , for your ball bearings to run on , that way you do not need to lift the weights up , you just need to push them from side to side with very little input .
Shawn,it was a rough sketch,not to scale,the see-saw would be perfectly balanced,the tracks exact duplicates of each other,starting as close to the fulcrum/pivot as possible and finishing close to the ends for max.leverage at each movement obviously the length would be dictated by the diameter of the wheel.....it is easy to make an example of the see-saw on its own,have a go,keep it low to "ground "and see how little reset is required for continuous motion ...Good Luck.
Daan,as i said i'm interested in pre or early Industrial Revolution mechanical artifacts preferably working, over here there is'nt much that can be viewed up close to examine,museums etc.,the only common item in the u.k. are church organs the music of which i don't rank top of my likes but the mechanical applications of drop levers(some weighted)the craftmanship,simplicity of their use ,materials ,give me an insight,the clever use of the sheer mass of levers,valves,rods,i can sit for an hour like a child in a toyshop in appreciation trying to figure out the differing ways the long since gone craftsmen with archaic tools made such items which i could not even contemplate to build or design....Pneumatic's/Hydraulic's are subjects i have only a basic understanding of but if there is a flaw in their use in organs it would be down to their use of leather as non return valves,bellows etc. i suppose the applications were what was available,the self raising of the pump handle to my understanding be due to ,like pumping a bicycle pump ,blocking the exit with a finger and the pump hanle slowly raising up .......Viewing these church organs is nothing special a letter containing interest ,a self addressed env elope,stamp,and promise of a donation usually gets the right response ,most churches are cash hungry (never state how much of a donation or give a phone no.)......Daan. your a man who co-operates helping others i would never have thought of boiling the water in your advice to JimMich 's project....Good Luck..