WORK THAT IS not being done

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Wheeler »

This is what I have learned from a few words from James Kelly when he sent me the first e-mail on the forum.
A dragster uses opposing forces.
When the light turns green and power is used as torque, the frame length and weight are controlled.
This puts force to its highest use.
I hope he is well and his wish to give his gift to the world comes true.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by rlortie »

ovyyus wrote:Belief in a god is not necessary in order to wish someone well. Sad to hear the bad news Ralph. If you're able, please pass on my best wishes. From what I've gathered of James, I'm sure he won't go down without a bloody good fight!
You are absolutely right, one does not have to believe in God to wish someone well. and thank you for your best wishes. The reason for emphasizing a prayer from the believers is that James and his wife are both avid christians with a long standing belief in prayer chains.

Here is my story, it is fact and not fiction, the conlusion I leave to you.

In October of 2002 after a severe heart attack, I was given a 5% chance of lasting 6 months . In December of that year I was then offered the selective choice of volunteering for a new cardiac reconstruction procedure at a University research and teaching Hospital.

I was warned that I may never make it off the operating table. The offer was excepted and the challenge was met, and I am still here. I then concluded that God must have something for me to do before calling me home.

Shortly there after was when I got the insatiable urge to intensify my research into magnetic motors and gravity wheels. Something that I have knowledge of and have been chasing since 1957.

Therefore, being a believer, I do not feel that James Kelly and I crossing paths and bumping into one another is by sheer coincidence.

James like myself has experienced severe heart problems and packs a pacemaker. He has also experienced prostate cancer and previous aneurism bouts. As I, he often has flare ups of pulmonary edema and congestive heart problems. To finish the list he has swelling of the thyroid gland.

I would say he has been involved in a bloody good fight for some time now. That is why he came forward and joined this forum when he did.

I admit that his approach was somewhat different than one would expect. Speaking for myself I feel that he wanted to share or pass on what he has but wanted to make sure that the receiver was one who would appreciate, respect and follow up on the information.

Is this all just fate as the supposed force of power that determines events, or is their a higher being controlling the final outcome? I leave it to your own conclusion.

In the meantime I shall endeavor with expedience to prove or disprove his claim no matter the outcome.

An agreement between James and I has already been reached regarding his heir-apparent. If I should have a turn for the worse with my health a follow-up has been selected.

In his present condition and being winter, I do not expect him to finish his wheel anytime soon even if his health returns.

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »


Thanks for the quote from John L., but I'm afraid that I do not understand what he is saying. I think a sketch would help.

It sounds like you had an uncomfortably close encounter with the "grim reaper". Just as a matter of curiosity, were you a smoker? I think you mentioned your prior employment which sounded somewhat physical. One would imagine that, as a result, you would have excellent cardiovascular health.

Practically, everybody I know who now has heart problems is either overweight or was a chronic smoker at one time or another in their lives. Personally, I think the sale of all tobacco products in this country should be banned tomorrow! Yes, I know it would cause a lot of people to have a severe nicotine withdrawl reaction, but, after a few uncomfortable days, it would subside and they could look forward to adding a decade or so of quality time to their lifespans. It would also help reduce the tremedous cost of health insurance, a major portion of which goes to care for all the smokers who come down with heart disease or cancer.

I also recommend that everybody take a good, high potency multi-vitamin / mineral tablet everyday. These contain powerful antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals before they can damage the lining of blood vessels. There is mounting evidence that free radical damage within the body's vascular system is a major causative factor in heart disease (and many other "age related" health problems as well). I think one of the reasons that I am still chasing OU/PM despite the enormous amount of methyl mercury I had ingested is because, while doing it, I was also taking in a lot of antioxidants that helped minimize (but, unfortunately, not 100%) the damage that the mercury was doing to my cells. I am convinced that this "habit" of mine made the difference between life and death...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Jetrix »

careful with the pills :) ... 03vit.html

...or google the latest on vitamins and their effects. In extreme case they can do more harm than good.

"It would also help reduce the tremedous cost of health insurance, a major portion of which goes to care for all the smokers who come down with heart disease or cancer."

there is a study that proofs that it is not like ken wrote, but instead of getting cancer (and dieing relatively fast) smokers would get deseases that are cureable (heart and bloodvessel). The point is that we all going to die one day, the faster you go, the cheaper it is to society.

sorry for my bad english...
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by rlortie »


What John L. is saying, is the same as I have stated in different words. The ramp configuration and percentage of inclination is directly proportional to the weight and velocity. Not unlike Ohms law of Volts , Amps and resistance, all three must be presented in an equalizing ratio or equation. to show a sketch would give the whole thing away and only James has that privilege.

Yes my working career was a physical active one. And yes I was a smoker.

Growing up in the 1950's smoking was the in thing. All the movie stars smoked in the movies, even the TV newscasters had a cigarette in their hands or in an ashtray. Perry Mason and Paul Drake always had at least two scenes per one hour show with cigarette in hand. Rod Serling aways started his "Twilight Zone and "Art Gallery" series with cigarette in hand. Humphrey Bogart and Loran Becall were no different!

To set an example of how times beliefs and morals change. did you know that the first public broadcast showing a man and woman in bed together was Fred and Wilma on the Hanna-Barbara Flintstone series. But neither smoked.

Smoking was the in thing and did not carrying the surgeon Generals warnings. I followed the flock and started smoking at the age of 16. Back then if you were tall enough to put the price of a pack ($0.25) on the counter you could purchase them. I smoked for 56 years of my life and even now I steal an occasional puff.

When I was offered the experimental surgery. for the new cardiovascular reconstruction I had to agree to quit smoking to be accepted for research statistics. I did not smoke for the next three years.

By the way! The surgery procedure I volunteered for has now been cancelled as the mortality rate did not meet expectations, Seems that more patients died than was saved. Which brings us back to the question of fate and God as to "What am I doing here?"

James agrees that we did not meet by just coincidence. I just got off the phone with him and he expresses thanks to all those that are wishing him well and/or praying for him. At present it is a flip of the coin as to attempt surgery or not. For now he is restricted from any physical activity.

Yes I take vitamins. I am on prescription pills not sold over the counter. I also eat lots of Bananas and pills for calcium and potassium as my dieretic medication has a tendency to deplete me of these important elements.

THe temperature here is dropping, 22 degrees F. Last night. This makes it difficult to spend much time in my un-heated shop due to my own circulation problems. I have ordered a 75,000 BTU electric heater and have already pulled the circuit wiring for it. Until it gets here and is installed I can only bear working about 15 minute shifts before my fingers start stinging and I can not pickup a 3/8" nut.

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by rlortie »


My Doctor agrees with your above post, That is why I am on prescription vitamins and do not help myself to "over the counter" pills pushed on TV.

Over counter vitamins can be fad items not unlike cigarettes. What ever company can afford the most advertising makes there product a popular item that the flock will swear is essential.

Othe than what my doctor has prescribed, he has his nurse call me after every blood test (I have one every 28 days) and tells me to Eat More Dark Greens

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

Ralph.. As long as those "dark greens" are not overcooked or superheated! You lose all the nutrients if they are!
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by AgingYoung »

More people die accidently at the hands of surgeons (in America) than die accidently by gun owners. Guns don't kill people; surgeons do. I propose a surgeon lock (like a gun lock) or maybe surgeon's anonymous. If they get the urge to cut on someone they could call someone up and they'd talk them out of it.

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by SeaWasp »

Gene's evil twin...
That's because Surgeons cut people up for a living! What if Gun owners "shot" people "accidentally" for a living! Those numbers would be the other way around!
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »

Just for the record, I also steer clear of the various "natural" products offered on tv. The multi-vitamin / mineral supplement I currently use is the Walgreen's pharmacy brand know as "Walgreen's UltraChoice". Several years ago, I decided to compare prices, formulations, and potencies of various OTC vitamin/mineral supplements and was very impressed by the Walgreen's brand. It has several times the RDA's of the vitamins that help the body produce energy...but, it does not provide "megadoses" of anything which, I agree, might not be a good thing to do. I've recommended it to many friends who wanted to start taking a good daily supplement and practically all of them called me back to tell me that, within a few days of taking it regularly, they noticed a definite and welcomed increase in their strength and stamina. I still recommend this supplement.

I agree that it's a real scandal that about 100,000 or more people die each year in the USA due to medical "mistakes". Well, that is why we have personal injury lawyers who can help the survivors receive financial compensation for the loss of their loved ones. Of course, one must always remember that a doctor or hospital can do everything "right" and a patient can still die...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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Re: re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by rlortie »

I bring forward this thread to get it back on track and offer you another chance to ponder John Lindsay's quote that he wrote on the "Third Law Theory" thread, it explains it better than I can put into words.
Another exception is where you get a"complimentary" reaction from the ineraction of two forces in a cyclical fashion. You can do this with centrifugal force but a gravity workable arrangement will be a bear... do to the different dynamics of one directional force versus all-directional force. Of course the force to gearing ratios (and the mechanical arrangement;) have to be "correct" for a centrifugal type of arrangement or it won't work. Those are the two basic concepts that will induce self rotation in weight/mass related mechanisms that I have found.
Exact replication is the key words, I still claim that what is said here is the answer to violating the common hight to width scenario. Which is the basis for the James Kelly design.

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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by Wheeler »

James and Ralph
I do think you are on the right track now.
From your posts in the last 24 hrs, it is apparent you are working on a --- -- wheel that will continue to spin.
Basically you have supplied the information on the forum now.
I say this as I have just worked my way to this design.
After more than 200 designs, it shows that a system has the potential to self run.
This is truly a congratulation to you James and Ralph as I believe you will succeed to have a build before anyone else, including myself.
I do think you could profit by asking for help from Jonathan and Jim_Mich, but you may already have enough to finish.
This design that you are working on seems like it will have enough power to be useful. As the study continues it should rapidly expand into more net gain, because it can continuously be built with more precision.
JB Wheeler
it exists I think I found it.
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by james kelly »

Well guys , it seems that I have a lot to learn about magnets. I am trying to develope a magnetic motor for myself and a friend. I get close ,but no cigar. Sometimes I feel like I want to take an axe to it. LOL jim kelly
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by ken_behrendt »


I have had several failed prototypes in the past that I took exquisite delight into smashing into hundreds of pieces. It's a great way to vent one's utter frustration and break the prototype down into pieces small enough to fit in a scrapbox or garbage can...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: WORK THAT IS not being done

Post by John Lindsay »

Ralph, thanks for mentioning my theoretical concept and design. I say theoretical because I haven't constructed it. This will take some sophisticated parts. Another way of explaining this centrifugal force idea is if you have a weight or mass that is greater or has more "force" than another mass or weight,-in a cyclical event it will always "win" over the other one. In the process of "winning" over the other one, instead of equal and opposite reaction or whatever, it creates complimentary reaction from the process of "lifting" a mass out of resolve. Of course, with almost all attempts along this line of reasoning, the math speaks with sobering exactitude and everything cancels out. All I can say is that "something" has to gear in and out of doing two things at once. By the way Ovyyus, this isn't the "balanced" two equal weight "alterable wheel" on a larger wheel that shifts back and forth from a "balanced" object, to the centrifugal action of two weights on the same pivot where one starts to "weigh" more than the other at the midweigh ;) point, and you keep shifting it back and forth. My guess is that others have thought of this idea but realized how this messes with the torque. Another thing I have noticed is that whenever my girlfriend has trouble sleeping, I just get out my lastest "drawings" and she starts getting sleepy pretty quick! John
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