I would say the probability of any of these conspiracy theories having any validity is next to zero!What really happened that day? If these things are true, the implications clearly point to some kind of “inside job” involving the government of the United States of America. (The Department of Defense, the FBI, and the CIA all had offices in the mysteriously collapsed WTC-7. Is it reasonable that outside terrorists could have infiltrated that building and filled it with explosives? ) If the WTC was brought down by pre-positioned explosive devices, somehow facilitated and covered up by the government, it would be the most audacious conspiracy in human history. When before have so many people been so spectacularly bamboozled, with so much death and destruction, and such massive implications for geo-politics? Never, that’s when.
There was an extensive failure analysis done of the 9/11 WTC tower collapses that discovered that the major structural failure that triggered both tower collapses involved a previously unused method for attaching the floor trusses between the central core and the outer steel walls of the towers. Those trusses were held in place by a single pin that, when heated, would sheer and allow the outer steel frame to bulge away from the floors on which these pin failures were occurring. Studying the videos of the towers just minutes before they collapsed show the walls slowly buckling out as the pins failed one after another. Once that side wall buckling reached a certain point, the outer frame of the tower would no longer be able to support the stories above the floors where buckling was occurring. When that happened, there would be a sudden and complete of the remaining pins and the upper stories would then collapse is a direct vertical descent to the ground. That descent was stablilized and directed by the remaining intact sections of the building's core as it collapsed along with the floors toward ground level.
Before you know it, if people start believing this "unbridled speculation" they might start thinking that the real enemy is the US Government and not Al-Qaeda!