Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by justsomeone »

I just had to chuckle. Our closet door was open putting the kids board games in plane view. I had to laugh when reading the names and thinking how they apply to this thread and our Bessler quest. The games are ....Imaginiff, taboo, fact or crap, trivial pursuit and of course Battleship. :)
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Post by jim_mich »

Ectropy is a word that implies usable energy. Maxwell's Demon was a thought experiment whereby the usable heat energy of a system is increased, while the total heat energy of the system was unchanged.

Note that Maxwell's Demon does not cause any energy to leave the system until the difference of temperature is harnessed to do work as a secondary step.

For a perpetual motion machine to work, it needs to increase its usable motion energy. The the total motion energy of the system can remain unchanged. Thus it needs a mechanical equivalent of a Maxwell's Demon.

My device simply uses CF in a manner that increases the usable (not the total) motion energy of the device. That is the first step.

The second step then uses the increased usable motion energy to do the work of rotating the wheel.

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cloud camper
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by cloud camper »

When you describe this fantasy concept of "useable energy" you are then describing a phenomena that NO ONE IN PHYSICS has ever observed before.

You can change the distribution of energy in a rotating system by modifying the radius of gyration of course but this just moves the available energy around.

You may then extract energy "quickly" or "slowly", but there is no possible way to replenish the now depleted total energy without adding additional external energy to the rotating system (if you believe in the first law which you claim you do).

I'm sure your ideas make sense for someone who believes CF "causes" tornadoes and hurricanes. But you have it exactly backwards.

CF in a tornado is only a byproduct of two external energy sources (lower and higher pressure systems) coming together which then interact due to the Coriolis force causing rotation then FINALLY CF. CF/CP is only the effect of a rotating system, NEVER THE CAUSE.
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Post by jim_mich »

I was simply answering Trevor's question:
Trevor wrote:Could you please be clear and precise as to what is driving your device as it is a bit confusing to the reader
For cloud camper: (I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.) (You just don't get it, do you?) (Wisdom)

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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by cloud camper »

OK Jim - I'm just trying to help you understand what a typical patent examiner will be looking for.

Examiners at the USPTO evaluating any "new physics" principles will be typically previously tenured physicists, otherwise unemployed PhD of physics or possibly grad students.

If this is how you intend to respond to potential examiners questions by showing them Top Gun video clips and telling them how CF causes tornadoes with "useable energy" you will be labelled as just another PM crackpot.

Good luck!
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by rlortie »

Trevor wrote:

"Getting back to Murilo, he is like you in this respect, if his name is mentioned he will reply! and as you well Know we all have our own faults, I think he provides a good test for the newbies, that they can learn from, but what they do not need from the start is a load of squabbling that follows, I tracked back and it was Cloud camper, remarking on Jim's abuse on Murilo.
With respect Trevor"

My point proven! In defense of Jim_Mich and Ovyyus, the claims that they stir that pot by purposelessly antagonizing Murilo is unfounded and not true.

All it takes is a posting by any member mentioning Murilo or his machine to trigger him, responding with how stupid Jim and Bill are.

I hope this clears up this matter and we will have no farther contaminated threads. But then I dream a lot!

Last edited by rlortie on Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Trevor Lyn Whatford
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Jim_Mich,

I have to ask this question, as I am sure you would ask me!

Do you have a physical working model with a closed Loop?

I am more than happy to take your word as a guarantee if your answer is yes!

With Respect, Trevor
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by rlortie »


Jim has dug himself into a hole by saying more in the past than he should have. Maybe it was brought on by a bit of euphoria, believing he has the answer to a runner,

I would not expect a direct answer to your above question. Jim like me, has a plan that must be adhered to. My plan is as follows.

1. First I must build a runner and do my own verification tests that it will hold up to sustain running. It will be equipped with an alternator, timer, revolution counter and tachometer. Once this is done to my satisfaction, I go to step two.

2. I contact the Dean of my local Community College, I supply him with a synopsis of Bessler, time line, and historical links including the mention of assumptions or possible flaws in Newtons Principia.

3. I request that he share the information with a teacher of Physics, Mathematician, and an automotive instructor. We set a date and time for an exhibition on the campus parking lot, where I will set up my machine. The local newspapers and TV will be notified of the proposed display.

4. After the College faculty and interested students have admitted that they can find no source of outside energy other than gravity, I ask them to sign a notorized testimonial statement to that effect.

5. I then contact possible investors that I have a verified runner.

6. Contact and retain a patent agent (not an attorney) that is familiar with related patents and who is retained by companies in related fields.

7. Once notification of "patent Pending" is received, I come here to this forum and tell all. I will post pictures of machine construction taken during fabrication. With explanation and specifications showing how and why it runs.

Right now all that is known of my machine is that I am working on a fluid driven design, which I have already been told will not work.

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Re: re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by murilo »

Trevor Lyn Whatford wrote:Hi Ralph,
I agree, but you have to track back to find all the inputs, you cannot just call it a CF device, or you will not get a patent, induced CF device is ok, but Jim is selling it as a CF device, and that is where people are having a problem with it, and it does not help when Jim implies they are ignorant for having a problem with it!
Getting back to Murilo, he is like you in this respect, if his name is mentioned he will reply! and as you well Know we all have our own faults, I think he provides a good test for the newbies, that they can learn from, but what they do not need from the start is a load of squabbling that follows, I tracked back and it was Cloud camper, remarking on Jims abuse on Murilo.
With respect Trevor
Great Trevor,
thanx for your efforts, really! I'll owe this to you!
I got no time to follow all this thread up to now and so as my patience level is now near zero!

None said new stuffs in all these words I could read fast.

Do you know what means 'saco cheio'? Hm?

So, I have a pragmatic proposition:
let's ALL suppose that I'm really an ignorant, fool, plenty of mistakes, illusions and so on!

Let's suppose this up to a point in the future, OK?

Well, up to this point above, this is the phrase that will be in my mind for all the time:

''I'm astonished on how may I be so more intelligent and smarter than all this gang of ignorant guys that consider themselves as best of the best!''

Thanx and regards, bro!
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Re: re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by murilo »

ovyyus wrote:Darling Murilo, if you really want to be heard then try making your font bold and extra large. Maybe also colour it red. If that doesn't work then try capitalizing everything and double space your lines. Surely then people must understand :D
don't be worry... attention!
I'll pick few words off this msg.
There's a rule... as said in my text:... ''if you have them:...'' ºº
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by Furcurequs »

First of all, sorry I haven't responded sooner. (My head was aching all day yesterday.)
jim_mich wrote:
Furcurequs wrote:Maybe you should consider apologizing. ..
Who should I apologize to?
I was actually thinking more along the lines of you apologizing to everyone in this forum - and especially the newbies.

(...and sorry, Murillo, for mentioning your name. I didn't mean to bring you into this. You're a separate issue.

...and, Jim, maybe you should even seek out and apologize to those people who have been red dotted and banned from this forum in the past, too - for, from the way I see it, you've recently behaved just like some of them did.

You, of course, understand all of Bessler's clues now, and so those who may have a different understanding of them - or even maybe see different ones - have to be wrong.

You now know how bessler's wheel worked - with your own pet CF theory, of course - and so you now know that other's ideas won't work, especially the ideas of those who believe the force or acceleration due to gravity may play a significant role.

...but do you actually have a working wheel? Well, we should have just known to all of a sudden think that you finally might, right?!

You say that others don't know what they are talking about with CF when theirs may be the conventional understanding of things and yours is the currently unsubstantiated claim.

You suggest that those who don't have your understanding are behaving like idiots, too, and that now people are just trying to get you to divulge your secrets.

If you've ever red dotted anyone for this sort of behavior, do you really not think you might deserve to lose a few of your greenies yourself now? The way I see it is that now that you have built up that nice big buffer, you can actually afford to take a few hits before having to worry about being banned, at least, unlike some others.

Maybe I should give you that red dot and also give anyone else here who has defended your recent behavior a red dot, too, especially since I've seen them pile onto newbies for the same sort of behavior in the past. ...and then I'll give greenies to those who have reds beside their names now to help level the playing field.

Okay, to be honest, I don't particularly care about the dots. I think people should be free to say pretty much whatever they see fit. ...and then just have to deal with whatever comments theirs elicit. ...unless, of course, it's just totally inappropriate off topic stuff which Scott (or whoever) would know how to handle.

I lurked here a bit before I ever started posting and certainly understand that you got your greenies for being generally honest, helpful, polite and respectful to people, and I certainly have no problem with that, so I'm just talking about your recent change in behavior.

Is this how someone with a working device actually behaves, though?! Would you really be that concerned about what anyone here in this forum thought about you or your ideas, if you could actually see your working design turning in front of you?!

Oh, or are you like some of those who were previously banned, just trying to help us all by telling us how wrong we all are and how right you are?

Doesn't seem to make much sense to me. It seems that instead of trying to convince others that you know what you are talking about, that maybe you are actually just trying to now convince yourself.

If we were to see your ideas and could analyze them ourselves, maybe we would find that you and Murilo are now two peas in the same pod (with maybe quite a few other peas too), huh? You talk of Murilo spamming other people's threads - and, yes, that could be a very real issue - but then what of your recent "insertions" of your own pro CF and anti gravity stuff? I guess you haven't noticed that you've now done a bit of that, too, huh?

I really don't want to know what your idea is - unless, of course, it truly does work and the time has come that you are actually prepared to share it.

Neither do I believe, though, that Cloud Camper was trying to get you to divulge your ideas, as you've suggested. He quite obviously has ideas of his own that he's pursuing and surely felt that you were to some degree attacking his.

I, too, of course have ideas of my own and I'm certainly not looking for anyone else's. I also definitely know that only good builds and reality itself will decide if my current designs will work - not some argument in a forum.

So, I personally don't feel the need to convince you or anyone here that my ideas have merit. Nothing that any of you - or anyone in mainstream science, even - would have to say would determine whether my designs actually worked or not. You've not seen them. They've not seen them. ...and if you or they were to see them, pretty much everyone would probably see and have to admit that they hadn't seen them before, either, and so might not really know what else to say other than that maybe they do need to be tested.

So, if my own "wheels" were turning of their own accord in front of me, do you think I would automatically THEN START CARING what any of you thought about me or my ideas? I really don't think so.

Know what I mean?

So, why would you suddenly care so much what others here think of you, if you know so well what you are doing?

Okay, so I'm not going to mess with the dots just yet, but if I continue to see some newer members getting red dots for behavior that long term members are truly getting away with, I guess I'll finally have to start doing a little dot slinging myself. Capiche?

So, maybe it's not really what you are saying that disturbs me so much (perhaps I've gone a little too far before myself) but rather just the hypocrisy of it all. You act like you can sling insults and accusations (and even red dots? ...which I haven't done) with impunity. ...but why? Because you're one of the long time members of "the club"? Oh, or since you've now achieved the ultimate level of enlightenment or something?

If your recent behavior indicates a working wheel, surely we're all out of luck, for that would apparently mean some banned former members (including newbies) must have truly had some working wheels years ago.

After now having posted here for a while, I myself would feel a bit of an obligation to share the news with the rest of the forum if I were to actually get one of my own designs running - rather than letting everyone else have to wait until they hear about it on the news.

I can't imagine, though, that your method - if this is it - is the way I'd go about things. Like I said before, I'd probably invite a couple of trusted members to come and view my device with their own eyes so they could honestly report back to the forum about what they saw (though perhaps minus any specific technical details, of course, depending upon the time frame).

Anyway, I suspect that many of us understand what it's like to have to see the constant hints and unsubstantiated claims of others who must have surely found what we weren't able to, right? ...or who maybe have even stumbled upon what we ourselves have been working on for years? ...or whatever. ....but I believe we should all be careful about not taking out our frustrations on the undeserving - with the red dotting or the insulting (or near insulting) of others - and especially with the newbies who perhaps just start out genuinely excited about what they may think they themselves have found - but who then quickly find they have to run some sort of gauntlet when entering this forum.

So, do you currently have a working wheel or just a working theory?

...and if you can't honestly answer that, then who is really being serious here and who is doing the hiding?

If yours is as of now still but a working theory, you're still in the same boat as a lot of us - and no matter how self-confident or (as I would judge from your behavior) "self-doubtful" you currently are.

I guess I've said my piece.

Take care.

I don't believe in conspiracies!
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by justsomeone »

And during Ralph's parking lot test, the FBI swarm in, saying they received an anonymous tip that there was a bomb planted inside the wheel. They confiscate the wheel, slap Ralph with a gag order and we never hear from him again. Sorry Ralph, foolish plan. Stick to Jim's plan. Show the world how it works the day the patent is submitted.
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re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by rlortie »

Yes I agree, going my route could be risky.

Problem is, I have made it perfectly clear that before notifying promissory, investors, entrepreneur investors and federal/state incentives, I would have a runner that was documented by the learned and notorized.

In no way am I going to fall short or get over euphoric screaming "The Wheel is turning!", without proper credentialed verification.

Last edited by rlortie on Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by murilo »

Trevor Lyn Whatford wrote:Hi Ralph,
I agree, but you have to track back to find all the inputs, you cannot just call it a CF device, or you will not get a patent, induced CF device is ok, but Jim is selling it as a CF device, and that is where people are having a problem with it, and it does not help when Jim implies they are ignorant for having a problem with it!
Getting back to Murilo, he is like you in this respect, if his name is mentioned he will reply! and as you well Know we all have our own faults, I think he provides a good test for the newbies, that they can learn from, but what they do not need from the start is a load of squabbling that follows, I tracked back and it was Cloud camper, remarking on Jims abuse on Murilo.
With respect Trevor
Trevor, my dear respected friend,
pls put this in your mind:
nobody IS abusing me, or even KAN abuse me, or hurt me!

I'm afraid of nothing!

Nobody here have enough guts for this abuse!

My complain is about the nonsense and not consistent explanations about avalanchedrive while, at same time the guy shows him self as great specialists and deep 5. technicians.

Every single person is free to do disagree with me, or just to don't like me, or even get free bored or whatever mean possible stuff in a human 'mind'!

BUT, easy to see, these unfair 'fake professors' scripts make me MAD, because they are a FREE and bad disturbance if there are around an invited newcomer searching about my device! Without winning a single cent, this guy will make me to lose that possible serious partner I'm looking for!

Best wishes bro!
'I'm astonished on how may I be so more intelligent and smarter than all this gang of ignorant guys that consider themselves as best of the best!''
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Re: re: Ectropy and Maxwell's Demon.

Post by murilo »

rlortie wrote:Trevor wrote:

"Getting back to Murilo, he is like you in this respect, if his name is mentioned he will reply! and as you well Know we all have our own faults, I think he provides a good test for the newbies, that they can learn from, but what they do not need from the start is a load of squabbling that follows, I tracked back and it was Cloud camper, remarking on Jim's abuse on Murilo.
With respect Trevor"

My point proven! In defense of Jim_Mich and Ovyyus, the claims that they stir that pot by purposelessly antagonizing Murilo is unfounded and not true.

All it takes is a posting by any member mentioning Murilo or his machine to trigger him, responding with how stupid Jim and Bill are.

I hope this clears up this matter and we will have no farther contaminated threads. But then I dream a lot!

people say 'wises change their mind'... is this happening? 8)
Hope so... when you wish. 8)
My msg above, to Trevor, is a tentative to explain what trigger me!
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